novarugger10 Member


  • Here's my current favorite: 1-1.5 cups spinach 1 mini cucumber Some cilantro 1 banana 1 scoop vanilla protein powder Coconut milk
  • if you add 2+ cups of veggies to breakfast/dinner, you could easily get up to 6+ cups of veggies a day. For example, I really like having Brussels sprouts roasted with onion and bacon with my eggs in the mornings. It's basically the traditional eggs and bacon breakfast with a bunch of additional (high sulfur) veggies that…
  • lesbian, on again/off again MFP user. feel free to add me :)
  • I few days late since I've been sick and/or lazy. Going for speed endurance mostly so I'm planning to work the mileage as the weeks go by. 9/4 - 2.5 (2x .5mi, 6x .25mi) 9/5 - Rest/Sick 9/6 - Sick 9/7 - Managed to squeak out 2.5 (.5 mile warm up, 1 mile repeats. sub 8 minutes) 9/8 - Sick again 9/9 - 3 miles (.5 mile…
  • Im also working on a sugar detox if thats what you're looking for..
  • In! Name: Cat Age: 25 Height: 5'4 Start Weight (1st December): 132.4 Goal Weight (1st January): 128.0 1st December: 132.4 8th December: 15th December: 22nd December: 29th December: 1st January: Weight lost/gained this week: Weight lost/gained this month: Successes/struggles this week: Workout Plan: - Lift 2-3x - HIIT 2x -…
  • Just finished my first trail HM, too, and had a blast! I loosely followed the Intermediate 1/2 Marathon plan on RunKeeper but added some extra speed workouts since I was in the middle of rugby season. If you're looking for an easy to follow plan, I would definitely look into the RunKeeper ones. There are a few available to…
  • I run for milkshakes and beer. Play rugby and am training for my first 1/2 marathon and Spartan race, both in June. Feel free to add me. Beer floats anyone?
  • My new favorite is paleo ants on a log. Celery or carrot stick with almond butter and raisins. For stuff without nuts/fruits, a veggie bake that can be served hot or cold.
  • What I remember most about The Paleo Diet for Athletes is that Cordain focuses mostly on endurance athletes like marathoners, cyclists, and triathletes. While it definitely teaches you how to manage your carbs, among other things, for serious muscle building you could probably find something better. Sorry but I don't have…
  • I do 50/30/20 as well
  • One of the reasons you might be craving chicken for dinner is that you have absolutely no protein at lunch. Throw in some fish or red meat or something at lunch to bring that up, especially if you are working out so often. Also, 1250-1300 cals is VERY low. TOO low. I am 5'4, 128lbs and in maintenance phase and I eat 1640…
  • I'm in! This will be my first Whole30 so super excited! Not looking to lose weight but just wanting to kick off the year by eating 100% healthy so that it can become a pattern for the rest of 2014.
  • The recipes group looks awesome! Thanks for making it!!
  • I just ran my first 5K after a major injury a few weeks ago, so was a bit out of shape. Ran in 30:13. Have another one coming up on Dec 8, so I have a couple of weeks to get in a bit better shape!
  • ^^^ THIS. If you're recovering from an ED, first, props to you for taking control. But gaining 10lbs from eating normally isn't something to feel horrible about. Chances are its your body trying to stabilize and normalize itself after the trauma it sustained from ED. So in other words, its a healthy 10lbs you put on and…
  • strawberries have quite a bit of potassium. Not sure if they have more or less sugar than bananas but I suppose its easier to control portion size considering they are smaller. If there is an issue with sodium, just add a bit more salt seasoning to your meals. I wouldn't worry about the lack of white potatoes though as…
  • A lot of Subways carry spinach now, so you can substitute that for lettuce. Agreed with the double meat ^^
  • It might be that you aren't getting enough carbs through fruits/veggies....that being said, as an athlete and workout nut, I've found that adding starches like sweet potatoes and white rice to great benefit, especially the day or two before a game or heavy workout.
  • I'm in! Been falling off the paleo bus the last couple of weeks and need kick start myself back on it. My goal is to clean up my eating with most carbs coming from veggies/fruit (especially throw out the beer...pumpkin beer yummmm....) and get back to my usual gym routine of lifting 3 days, HIIT 1-2 days, and long/slow…
  • Maybe for you, 5% carbs is too low? Try upping to 10% with that being from veggies and the carbs found in protein sources like chicken for instance. My go-to is sauteeing veggies (carbs) with fatty oils like olive or coconut. Its a double whammy that can fill me up even without a separate protein source.
  • I can't speak from experience of being 220+lbs BUT I can tell you how my dad started running/jogging again from being 300+lbs at 6'3". He started with running for about 5 mins, give or take depending on how bad his knees hurt from it. He then would walk until his total distance was 1 mile. After every week, he would try to…
  • PORK (bacon!) Pretty much any poultry (chicken, turkey, cornish game hen, etc) Seafood, especially salmon, tilapia, crab, shrimp (watch out for fish with high mercury content) lamb eggs almond butter Greek yogurt (add some honey or berries to reduce the sour taste) protein shakes (Giant Sports cookies and creme)
  • This is a Primal diet website but it offers a lot of good information on how to balance your diet overall, and is a good place to get started IMO.
  • Thanks for the tips!! I liked the way you guys tailored insanity so that you weren't doing it the whole 6 days a week like they have it set up. Don't think I'd be up for that either lol. I'm thinking of doing M/W/F Insanity and T/Th/Sat Running with T/Th switching speed/endurance workouts and Sat being a very light jog and…
  • Do push ups against the wall to build up strength. Once you get that down, move to the stairs or on your knees. When you get good at that, move to your toes! Do dumbbell presses to build up chest strength, and dips to work your triceps, once or twice a week on days you don't do push ups. To follow on a previous post, do…
  • If I have a lifting session, I usually log it as a "cardio" circuit training session. It may not be very accurate but it does help estimate the number of calories burned. I usually log just the approximate amount of time spent lifting and leave out the rest times. Hope that helps.
  • I know a lot of girls who wear two bras when they work out to keep them in check. Also, be careful what kind you get. Any sports bra with an under wire can cause chaffing pretty bad or press into your skin too much.
  • eggs and bacon with some fruit/berries egg white omelettes coconut pancakes with dark chocolate chips (my fave!) I'm going to try baking an egg in avocado. It sounds amazing and should be really filling!