can't eat normally and feeling hopeless

I don't know why but I can't seem to be able to eat a normal amount ever. I either under eat or binge, and lately the binging is taking over. I am bulimic (but trying to recover) and last night I kept down a binge and I feel horrible. I have gained at least 10 pounds since last month going from 120 to 130 (i'm 5'7) and I feel so bloated and awful. I know I should focus on recovering before focusing on weight loss but it's really hard when I feel so huge. My self esteem is way down. I don't know what I'm asking exactly but I think I need some advice on how I can start eating normally and still lose the binging weight.


  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Anyone who's 5'7'' and 130 pounds isn't huge. I don't care how you feel, I'm telling you you aren't huge. You're not in any position to worry about losing weight. So now time it's to go to a therapist to deal with your body image and eating disorder before trying any more weight solutions on your own.
  • novarugger10
    novarugger10 Posts: 62 Member
    Anyone who's 5'7'' and 130 pounds isn't huge. I don't care how you feel, I'm telling you you aren't huge. You're not in any position to worry about losing weight. So now time it's to go to a therapist to deal with your body image and eating disorder before trying any more weight solutions on your own.

    ^^^ THIS.

    If you're recovering from an ED, first, props to you for taking control. But gaining 10lbs from eating normally isn't something to feel horrible about. Chances are its your body trying to stabilize and normalize itself after the trauma it sustained from ED. So in other words, its a healthy 10lbs you put on and you shouldn't worry about it.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Anyone who's 5'7'' and 130 pounds isn't huge. I don't care how you feel, I'm telling you you aren't huge. You're not in any position to worry about losing weight. So now time it's to go to a therapist to deal with your body image and eating disorder before trying any more weight solutions on your own.

    Ditto this. You problem isn't your physical body, it's in your head. Find a good therapist to work through your issues.
  • Please talk to someone who might be able to help you see yourself more rationally. I'd stop counting calories, stay away from weight loss websites, and just work on being okay with being at a HEALTHY weight. You are not even close to being huge and maybe your body doesn't WANT to be thinner than 130 which is why you seem to binge when you try to diet.