Subway Problem (Help Needed)

My wife loves Subway, so we eat it once overy week or 2, if not more.

I have to issues. All the carbs. I'm not on Atkins! But I am on a lower carb eating plan to shed some weight. My 2nd issue, due to a stomach issue, I can not process lettuce. So salads are out.

So you can see my dillema. The sandwichs are SO CARBY.

Any idea on how to curtail? Thanks!

PS.....I usually get a foot long to avoid the pull of chips, etc. Plus I'm a big guy, I need my food!


  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    Although I haven't checked their web site, I am assuming that their flat bread is lower carb then their standard rolls.
  • Loulady
    Loulady Posts: 511 Member
    Get a salad, double meat. Subway every week would make me sad, though.
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    I think Subway offers flatbreads instead of the regular sub breads. Those might have slightly less carbs than the regular breads, though I doubt its much. Not sure there is much you can do, Subway is basically subs with bread or flatbread, salads (which you cant do) or pizzas (which are even more carbs).

    What kind of targets are you trying to hit? Maybe you could still have the Subway stuff but just cut out carbs elsewhere in your day? Cut out the toast for breakfast, things like that.

    Once or twice a week eating Subway is not that bad. If anything they are kind of high on sodium, but if that isn't an issue I would just cut carbs elsewhere if you guys enjoy it that much. I've always been able to lose weight without worrying about carbs, just eating healthier and watching my total calories each day.
  • novarugger10
    novarugger10 Posts: 62 Member
    A lot of Subways carry spinach now, so you can substitute that for lettuce. Agreed with the double meat ^^
  • mheebner
    mheebner Posts: 285 Member
    While not ideal, I would get your sub and bring it home. Buy some of the low carb tortilla wraps from the store and just swap out the bread for the low carb tortilla. That way you get your Subway fix but reduce the carb intake.

    I usually do this for cold cut sammies anyway.
  • ummommyme
    ummommyme Posts: 362 Member
    Ask them to hollow out the bread. It removes most of the inside and just leaves a shell basically.
  • Patzycakes
    Patzycakes Posts: 175 Member
    They have soup.

    Soup and chips (*edit, they have baked lays which are pretty low calorie compared to regular chips but much lower carb than a entire subroll). It's subway, you're not missing much by not having their subs :)
  • AJL_Daddy
    AJL_Daddy Posts: 525 Member
    Get a salad, double meat. Subway every week would make me sad, though.

    As I said in OP. Due to a stomach issue, I can not eat salad. Processing lettuce is something my body does not due. Are you suggesting an all meat salad?
  • Loulady
    Loulady Posts: 511 Member
    Yeah, sorry - skimmed over that part.

    If I had to eat Subway under your restrictions, I'd just load up the sandwich with what I could eat and toss the bread when I got home.
  • My go to at Subway is the Turkey Breast wrap. Done up with lettuce, tomato, onion and green pepper with sweet onion sauce. Very low in calories and carbs.
  • LavaDoll
    LavaDoll Posts: 595 Member
    Get it in a bowl.

    Meats, cheeses, veggies you can digest.
  • AnsiStar
    AnsiStar Posts: 165 Member
    Get a salad, double meat. Subway every week would make me sad, though.

    As I said in OP. Due to a stomach issue, I can not eat salad. Processing lettuce is something my body does not due. Are you suggesting an all meat salad?

    There's more to a salad than the lettuce, just omit the lettuce and have more of the other veg and lots of meat?
  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member
    my husband gets the foot long, cuts off half the bread and folds over the meat.
  • When I go to subway and get half of a sub (6") and bring it home and eat it with some light chips or crackers.
  • Get a wrap.

    Or ask them to dig out some of the "meat" of the sub roll, if you must.

    Or fit it in to your isn't so incredibly carb loaded that it can't be worked in.
  • Patzycakes
    Patzycakes Posts: 175 Member
    Is it just lettuce or is spinach also out? If not, then just omit lettuce and pack it full of other tasty stuff. They will probably mean-mug you over the counter for this :smile:

    What? You want 10 OLIVES?! :noway:
  • ScottGut
    ScottGut Posts: 10 Member
    6-inch double meat would give you the filling protein and half the carbs.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Pick up something else after you swing by Subway.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    The last sub I can see on your diary had 88g of carbs, you should be able to quite easily fit this into your daily requirements, build your day around it, if I know I am having a certain food that is high in a certain macro I will pre-log my diary so that everything fits
  • swanny320
    swanny320 Posts: 169 Member
    Don't eat Subway. That's the bottom line. IT's FULL of carbs (and omg, I love Subway. I'd eat it every day if I could) but if you're concerned about the carbs and can't eat the salad, then perhaps the best bet for you is to eat something else on the days when your wife wants Subway. Is there anyway that you two could compromise and instead of TWO times a week she cuts down to ONCE a week? IF so, one night of Subway wouldn't be the end of the world. Just have them "scoop" the bread.