

  • i finished my round 3 weeks ago and am now doing the asylum. i saw most of my results in the last two to three weeks in terms ob lbs and inches lost. For me test #5 was also much better than test # 4. @mangoman: did you follow the diet or at least watched your calories? nutrition is the most important part of any fitness…
  • like has been said before, the vast majority of results come in month 2 and especially in the last 2 weeks. and the scale really is a horrible way to track your progress in month 1. chances are you built some muscle and retained water which might lead to you even gaining weight. this will all come off in month 2 and more,…
  • yes same for me. the biggest changes have been in month 2 and in the last 2 weeks of month two in particular.
  • i've been there and am now almost finished with my second round. i would also suggest doing the whole thing again. you will be able to do the month 1 exercises quicker and with better form but after all it will still kick your butt. after my first round i thought month 1 would be easy going now but that was definitely not…
  • it's a tough one, i would say take off a few days and then restart week 4 if it goes away. the recovery week and especially month 2 are quite heavy on the knees with lots of squats and jumping. ruining your knee is definitely not an option, after all its still 5 more (and tough) weeks to go on the programme. in the…
  • good job thats some great progress! as has been said before don't look too much at the scale. as long as you keep an eye on how much and what you eat your body will change, even if the scale says otherwise. thats why i think it is crucial to take measurements and before/after pics.
  • i'm in my last week and will do the asylum 1 and then 2 after. from what i gather it's still a lot of cardio but also some decent weight training and generally more fun.
  • i don't see what insanity would have to do with it? since you did sports before i guess you can rule out sweat rash. but why would insanity have different effects on your skin than lets say running for 1h?
  • you can definitely see a difference, great job!
  • i would do the insane abs in month2 if you have no prior experience with insanity. i found insane abs much more difficult than cardio abs. plus it is double as long. i am currently in my recovery week and welcome the change of pace. the last week of month one was tough as the exercises do get quite repetitive and the body…
  • i am almost finished with month 1 of my second insanity round and thought i'd chime in. In theory the exercises shouldn't get easier, because the fitter and stronger you get, the harder you can push. I still finish each and every insanity workout face down on the floor in a puddle of my own sweat, even though my fit test…
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