chilly1979 Member


  • LOL due your 23. Younger people recover faster and not everyone recovers the same speed.
  • The program is Stronglifts 5x5. Which is broke down between 5x5, 3x5 then 1x5. You would need to read the report though. On 5x5 you really do more like 8 sets with your warm up sets. 5x5, 3x5 and 1x5 is all the sets with your “work weight” not the total sets you do. After that you do this the next level is his Madcow 5x5…
  • I would just follow the program. Once you fail you drop the weight a little then go back up. If you keep failing start doing 3 sets of 5 instead and then 1 set of 5, all this with warm up sets. Warm up sets are important. But once you get to 1 set of 5 you are really just ramping the weight. Until you are actually failing…
  • How will we ever survive the zombie apocalypse now?
  • I like how he says cardio is pointless then mentions his hobbies are cardio based. I’m the same way. I do zero cardio in the gym because I mountain bike. So to me cardio is a waste of time because my hobby is a cardio workout. If I did not bike though I would do some cardio.
  • Does the other end say 130? It could mean 59 kg and 130 lb. Just a guess though
  • Yeah it sounds like the PT wants to be there for all he is doing right now. Some are like that. Your friend might need that right now. Mine said I could do stuff on my own with light weight. Sounds like he is getting exercise for his knee so maybe he just skips that for now.
  • So is the doc telling him not to do them at all? Not sure where he is in the recovery. I would think still do them he just needs to drop to a weight where he can do them and go from there. Deadlift will strengthen his knee. Coming back from my knee injury the PT had me squatting the bar at first. You just do what you can…
  • You get this way the first time you do a new thing. It will get less and less each time. Unless you wait forever to do it again. You will be fine.
  • As an avid biker I can say biking is not equal to a lower body workout. Lower body weights will help your riding. For me I lift heavy and do no cardio that is not on my bike. That in itself is a lot of cardio with the hours I put in. Generally I ride an hour and a half or more 3 days a week. The lifting is making me faster…
  • In school I was a little over weight. Then Athletics happened and I was strong as hell and went with it. I worked out all the time from 7th grade to senior year. I was a contender for state in power lifting senior year and had the bench press state record in the bag. Then in Football someone hit me in the knee while the…
  • You could be wiping your face when you are sweating which will irritate it and make it burn. When I wipe the sweat from my face I will pat with a towel instead of wipe. It helps. That mixed with winter could make your face burn.
  • One motivation you should think about for exercise is it will curve your appetite. I find I don’t crave food so much on the days I work out. On days I am off I sometimes crave food even when I know I am not hungry. Well as long as I am eating enough in the first place. If you exercise for about a month or so regularly you…
  • Modified squats are not good for your knee unless you are barely squatting at all. I don’t know what this plan you are doing is but if you are going all out in a hard workout before you’re ready it could hurt you. You strengthen your knee more going all the way down. Maybe you can’t do as many reps but it is better for…
  • Wow my doc told me something else. Squat is good, one of the best things for a knee, when done right. In rehab I did leg press until the weight was enough I could start doing air squats. I did air squats until it was safe to use the bar. Then went up from there. He said not going all the way down on squats is worse for…
  • I use the free version and it works great. The update didn’t really change much and there could be bugs but it will be fixed soon. I haven’t seen any though. Usually the issues people have are user error anyways. The GPS has a lot to do with where you are and the quality of GPS they put in your phone. Also might be worth…
  • You can go high carb or low carb but be sure to make the protein high. About 1g for the amount of lean body mass you have. I can give you advise for that knee though. I tore my ACL in half and some cartilage tear as well. So I have some experience with knee pain. Stay off the machines seriously NO machines, and spend some…
  • You either messed up on the first weight or you had a lot of water weight to lose. At that age I could lose some crazy numbers too. This the first time you seriously dieted and exercised? That number is going to slow down by a lot now. But when you are young it can come off really fast.
  • I know a lot of people that go through this. We ride mountain bikes in Texas heat and you really got to drink a lot to be able to ride here when it is 105 at 80% humidity. At some point your body seems to get addicted and you feel like you need it even when you don’t. When I am out riding I don’t feel the need so much but…
  • The pain you have sounds normal. If you really wear out your muscle in the workout you generally feel it more after 24 hours. It takes a few weeks of workout out for the muscle pain to die down. It will never really go away though if you push yourself hard enough. 25 to 30 rep sets are really going to wear your muscles…
  • Just enter it as a cardio workout, or get a heart rate monitor. It will just be an estimate anyways. It would be way too much trouble to enter all that stuff in every day. Heart rate monitor is really a great idea. As for logging you should print out the sheets and log everything you do. “How do you know what to do if you…
  • When I started I did not work out until the second week and it was in the third week my energy picked up.
  • How much fat do you eat? If you go low fat and try to excise it will kill you on Palio. Also if you cardio is too intense you will have trouble unless you eat more good carbs. I can do a 3 hour Mountain bike ride and if I am not killing myself the whole time I am fine. Even if I do push myself I slow down and I am fine.…