when i started doing strength training i used to get muscular pain and it used to subside before, but now its not subsiding .......... is it normal for muscles to pain for a long duration even after giving it 24 hrs gap ?
I do strength training on alternate days 3 times a week........ among those 3 days two days i lift light weight and increase the number of repetition to 25-30 for 2 sets using 5lbs weight dumbell........ on the day which i lift heavy (i.e. one day in a week) I use machines and lift heavy doing 12-15 reps for two sets.....

really confused as to how to reduce this muscular pain ........ am i doing the weight training in the right direction or should i take a long rest lke for a week or so and then again start strength training with light weights only.......

i do strength training to reduce weight as wel as to tone the body...... plz do advice


  • jwstew007
    Usually the 48 Hr rule is pretty good in regards to rest time between working on a particular muscle set. You may want to consider adding a post workout shake, and maybe even a pre workout supplement, to your routine to help aid in recovery times.
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    Usually the 48 Hr rule is pretty good in regards to rest time between working on a particular muscle set. You may want to consider adding a post workout shake, and maybe even a pre workout supplement, to your routine to help aid in recovery times.
    tht means according to u i should do strength training only 2 times in a week........ will tht help me tone my body?
  • jwstew007
    I get 3 times of strength training in the gym as the 48 hour includes the day of. My workout usually includes all the muscle sets, full body, where if you really wanted to you can split you muscle groups up on separate days and have shorter/more frequent workouts.

    A lot of this is your preference and how hard you want to train, but keeping to a routine will certainly help in any regard.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    I suppose going to a doctor would be the best advice.

    Is the pain in the meat of the muscle or closer to the joints and bone?
    Do you stretch, have you used a foam roller and/or lacrosse/tennis balls
    to manipulate the tissue and loosen it up (it will be painful at first)?
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    as the football coach would tell us "if it ain't burning you ain't doing it right"

    your reps could be the reason why you are having so much burn... you may want to consider increasing the weight and lowering the reps...

    I know after doing bodypump class i being to feel an intense burn during some of those songs
  • Arleigh7
    Arleigh7 Posts: 150 Member
    A couple of suggestions that you could try and perhaps a piece of advice..

    #1 - Don't train the entire body each time. Do upper body one day and then lower body at your next lifiting session. This will give you more time to recover

    #2 - Over time reduce your reps but increase the weight. Muscles adapt but increasing weight will keep them challenged and give you more muscle building resutls

    Advice - Be sure to ingest protein within 30 mins after the end of your lifting workout. Lifting actually tears down muscle tissue but stimulates the muscle to rebuild even larger to handle the stress. It can only rebuild if you rest it AND feed it. Both Nutritionists and Trainers have said for the best results get both protein and some carbs into the body within 30 minutes after the end of the workout. I bring a container of a high quality protein powder and also add some fiber and greens and then fill it with water at the end of the workout.

    Good Luck!
  • chilly1979
    chilly1979 Posts: 24 Member
    The pain you have sounds normal. If you really wear out your muscle in the workout you generally feel it more after 24 hours. It takes a few weeks of workout out for the muscle pain to die down. It will never really go away though if you push yourself hard enough.

    25 to 30 rep sets are really going to wear your muscles down. Especially if you are doing this all the time. Your 12 to 15 rep sets are considered light weight sets, meaning if you can do them that many times that is light weight for you. You need to do 3 to 8 for heavy weight training. That will build your strength.
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    I suppose going to a doctor would be the best advice.

    Is the pain in the meat of the muscle or closer to the joints and bone?
    Do you stretch, have you used a foam roller and/or lacrosse/tennis balls
    to manipulate the tissue and loosen it up (it will be painful at first)?
    my pain is in the meat of the muscles and not in the joint........i do stretches before and after workout......... i do not feel my tissues to tighten up but i feel the muscles paining when ever i try to lift even a light weight after a days rest........
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I was going to say, I'm not an expert on strength training, but I thought 48 hours was recommended.
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    when i increase my weight and do 8-12 sets, my biceps start to bulge out and they seem more fat ....... i have loose skin in my arm area (entire , tricep area )........ just want to toighten tht .......... wht to do for tht?
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    During the actual lifting your muscles will enlarge in that rep range, it is called "pump". For a period after training they will retain fluid as they are trying to repair themselves, etc etc.

    Anyways. Since it does sound just like DOMS.

    1. Don't stray too far from your norm. Muscle soreness is more severe if you push yourself to hard too fast.
    2. Recovery time is based on many factors, not just hours on a clock. If they still feel sore after a day or two, do the foam rolling/tissue massage and see if that helps. Also do a lighter day.
    3. When you are doing high rep ranges you are using your endurance muscles rather than your strength muscles. As they aren't being used for their primary purpose will likely go through more changes and cause more pain.

    random advice from a stranger on the internet.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    You may be experiencing repetitive stress from so many reps and so many sets. Why that approach? Why not higher weight and fewer reps? What you are doing is essentially muscle endurance training. It has some benefit but is more prone to repetitive stress injuries than fewer reps and fewer sets. And you do not get the neuromuscular adaptations you would get from a program with say, 6 reps and 3 sets that result in strength gains. To say nothing about being more time efficient.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    when i increase my weight and do 8-12 sets, my biceps start to bulge out and they seem more fat ....... i have loose skin in my arm area (entire , tricep area )........ just want to toighten tht .......... wht to do for tht?

    This is the hypertrophy range for muscle growth. That is why you get that kind of pump. Drop down to 6 to 8 and you'll till get a little of that but not as much.
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    what is muscle endurance?
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    How long have you been working out for? Sometimes for the first few weeks you can get sore. Or if you recently changed your routine, you might get sore.. Soreness just means your muscles are doing something they aren't used to. I do full body work outs every day and I'm never sore because my body is used to it now. The only thing I change is adding more weight.
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    Not sure if this helps ... I lift 5 days a week and muscles hurt 7 days a week ;-) I do different muscles on different days, but If I do biceps on Monday I can feel the bun until Wens.so a good 48 hours for me. Sometimes the second day after lifting Is even more of a burn than the first day after. But I see results and do not think I over work any muscle right now
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    sounds like DOMS. rest between days you lift. eat protein and get enough sleep as hose will help repair muscles. if you still have DOMS on the day you're supposed to lift again, then suck it up, cupcake and get to lifting. :laugh:

    and yeah i agree with the others who who say more sets, few reps and higher weights
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    How long have you been working out for? Sometimes for the first few weeks you can get sore. Or if you recently changed your routine, you might get sore.. Soreness just means your muscles are doing something they aren't used to. I do full body work outs every day and I'm never sore because my body is used to it now. The only thing I change is adding more weight.
    can i have a list of what strength training exercises do u do for entire body workout?
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    is doing more sets , higher weights , will help in toning of my arms?