Tone Down Focus on Lifting For Now to Lose Fat First?

Hi All:

I did do a forum search on this subject, and am still reading some of the old responses, but some of my inquiry below is rather specific, so I thought I would post anyway to get some fresh opinions:

I am 49, 5'7 and currently weigh 236. I have about 75 lbs. I want to lose. I have lost a total of 40+ lbs. over the past 3 years and have just been on MFP for about a month now.

I've been doing an upper body workout routine since the beginning of August. The routine is from Bill Phillips' book Fit For Life (I love him). And I have been increasing weight as it gets easier. It takes me about 40 minutes to get through his upper body routine. Because I have also been doing about 6 - 8 miles of outside biking 3-4 times a week, I thought that was good enough to cover my bottom for now (I figured I was getting a great bottom workout along with combining cardio with my biking for now). Also, believe it or not, even for being overweight by 70 lbs., my legs and *kitten* are in pretty good shape anyway. My stomach is the problem.

This week, I am changing things up and I am going to start incorporating my lower body routine from Bill's book. I'm going to be doing a 6 day a week routine like this:

Day 1: upper body and 30 minutes of cardio (bike with a trainer)
Day 2: lower body and 30 minutes of cardio
Day 3: upper body and 30 minutes of cardio
Day 4: lower body and 30 minutes of cardio
Day 5: upper and 30 minutes of cardio
Day 6: lower and 30 minutes of cardio
Day 7: Rest

Next week:
Day 1: lower body and 30 minutes of cardio, etc....etc....continue on remainder of week alternating as such

My question is do you think I should lay off the weight lifting and focus more on the cardio until most of my 70 lbs. is gone? And then take up the above routine at that time? Or just continue on with the above routine for now?. The reason I'm asking is I know you cannot build muscle without feeding it - eating more protein, but at the same time I want to get rid of some (most) of this fat. and to me it just seems kind of contrary to one another.

Thoughts, please. Thank you.


  • envy09
    envy09 Posts: 353 Member
    I would do both. As an overweight individual, you have the unique ability to gain muscle AND lose fat at the same time, something that is much harder for leaner people. Also, because you are just starting to lift, you will have the advantage of "noob gains" in the weight room. Another plus is the fact that the more lean muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn at rest.
  • chilly1979
    chilly1979 Posts: 24 Member
    As an avid biker I can say biking is not equal to a lower body workout. Lower body weights will help your riding.
    For me I lift heavy and do no cardio that is not on my bike. That in itself is a lot of cardio with the hours I put in. Generally I ride an hour and a half or more 3 days a week.
    The lifting is making me faster on the climbs.

    Cardio burns fat while you are doing it but lifting will increase your amount of muscle which makes you burn more when doing nothing. Lifting is a better investment of your time.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Lifting weights doesn't inhibit fat loss
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member

    The benefits of higher lean body mass will pay off even on days you don't work out. Also, you'll like the shape you find under the fat once you've gotten rid of it.