GorgeousMa Member


  • [link removed by MFP moderator]
  • Pork Rinds or Baked Cheese are my crunchy go to's
  • What I noticed is as you become fat adapted your body doesn't crave as much food, It is good not to go too low on calories but until your adapted I would say eat until your satisfied. Some people can eat 1800 calories a day and lose quickly and then ppl like me stick within 13-1400 calories for a steady pace.
  • I am in the same boat, unfortunately sugar is the DEVIL and it seems once he sucks you in it is so very difficult to break. I lost 30 lbs last year and mostly because I decided to do what I saw everyone else doing (widening my low carb pallet with stuff that stalled me. dark chocolate ect) it derailed me and has been a…
  • Jeesh I missed this and my app does not have all of the great links that going online does. Hopefully I can join the December Challenge but in the meantime I will be moving along pretty much doing the same as everyone else just not on the Challenge.
  • I drink it once in awhile if I dont get enough fat in (I usually just use butter) but most people use it as a meal and I need food to feel full so it does not benefit me.......Some people love it so I don't knock it I just wanna eat my fat
  • Hi there!!! Atkins, Low Carb, Keto has been alot easier for me. And I have done every diet under the sun, I get to eat until im full and satisfied and the food is delicious too! I can have what I want just a different variation of it. Cream Cheese Pancakes are delicious , no tears I cant have the real ones! And instead of…
  • I started in May of 2016 and have lost 30 lbs so far, im sure if I was more consistent with my exercise and stopped messing up with wine every once in awhile I would probably have met my goal. But it's okay I feel alot better and im sure when it gets a little warm outside I will be more motivated to exercise more. I work…
  • I always hear that, NO!! You can't possibly weigh that much......yeah I can and I do What a great feeling when people say that hahaha Like noooooo Your not THAT FAT as the scale says, im looking right at you! It's all good tho
  • @tpiper55 my sister is why I started and she has never shared as much info as I just got from you (Yay thank you!) I'm sure I am not doing something 100% correct to be so tired, I will get the book on my Kindle because one thing I can do is read on my down time at work. One thing is I read you can actually stay in the…
  • Exactly! I cant wait!
  • Looking at my daily goat it says 1500 calories. Thanks for the heads up I guess I need to be sure to fulfill the carb and calorie goal? Thanks for the heads up I will try to stay within both and see how much my energy improves. Im sure sitting for so long doesnt help but your so right the protein and carbs has improved my…
  • FitPhillygirl, Im having my basement finished. I have a workout room just for me, I will be back in Billy's good graces as soon as its finished (im sure I will be at a comfortable weight by then) I just love how he talks to me like its all about me! And I have almost all starting at his beginner ones too. Those are my fave!
  • Friendly and outgoing
  • Young and beautiful
  • Welcome! There are so many nice people here, no matter what kind of lifestyle change you adapt there is a someone for everyone who can give you advice and tips :0)
    in Newby Comment by GorgeousMa June 2016
  • @Tweaking_Time im with you. Its taking it off that I need help with and after I will decide if I can handle if forever or adapt a more healthy eating lifestyle. Im in a bad place and need to do something to jolt my body away from sugar. I believe I have a sugar addiction (yes its bad like drugs) and during stressful times…
  • There doesnt seem to be a set calorie goal with Atkins. Seems like it is more based on how many carbs you take in and for me in the 'Induction' phase im limited to 20 a day (or between 18-22) I have an app that helps me to add up everything. I love that I can eat alot of veggies that have very low or 0 carbs so thats a…
  • Hi RunRutheeRun, Yes your most likely right im sure it is the lack of carbs making me tired but I am not a good eater. Although I do love veggies/fruits I was not eating them like I should and my love is sugar and junk food. Im afraid of diabetes (my husband son mom and dad all have it) and the rate I was going it was…
  • Wow this post was sooo long ago! I miss Tae Bo hopefully soon I can get back on track (Got to lose some weight my body is in no condition for Billy) It really does feel good tho and he takes his time with you and seems like he is right there with yoU!
  • Hi friend so you should be on day 3 or 4 today? Sorry for the late reply the App is not really good I have to look on the desktop to see replies :0) My clothes is fitting so much better and im not bloated at all, im feeling great. Only downfall is im so tired lately!
  • Thanks I found it and they are soo much nicer than the one on Facebook. They ate me up and spit me out when I asked a question about the Atkins Snacks!!!
  • My parents, husband and son are all diabetic and im right with you I dont want it either and will do this for the rest of my life to stay this way. I love my family and someone has to be healthy to love and protect them and cheer them on letting them know if I can do it so can they!
  • If you go out to dinner maybe you can check out the menu before hand and that way you will already know what your getting and have your carbs mapped out?
  • I'm on day 3 and its actually been pretty hard to get the 20 carbs in!!!! I have been happily eating bacon, eggs, avocado, coffee with heavy whipping cream and im actually full most of the time! This is my first time too and im pretty exited for what the future holds for me im tired of starving to lose a few lbs only to…
  • I'm on my first day and it's going to be a lifestyle change for me. I'm exited and miserable in my current state and looking for peeps who are on it or starting like me as well as food ideas
  • Good Morning, Are incorperating Exersize in your diet? Also if you go out for lunch, eat half and save the other for dinner or lunch tomorrow. If you are worried about overeating have an apple or something small to eat before you go so you dont over indulge. Also look up the place you are going to eat at before hand and…
  • You can do it, ive been doing Tae Bo since August and lost almost 40 lbs. My body is waaaay different than what it was before. Stop telling yourself you cant do it cause you can!
  • Ive taken it before too. No problems with me just don't become dependent on them because once u get to ur goal ur not gonna wanna keep taking them to maintain