Anyone here a Tae Bo junkie???

I started August of 2010 and have lost over 30 i believe. I love it, my body has changed alot! I need a TaeBo buddie


  • MissWait
    MissWait Posts: 160
    I was thinking about starting Tae Bo, but no one could tell me what it was like. Anyone in particular you would recommend?
  • dzdame
    dzdame Posts: 89
    I have been doing Tae Bo for years and love it! I have several of Billy Blank's dvds and just got a new one-Bootcamp Cardio Inferno (it claims that you can burn "up to 800 calories"). It is a great workout! Tae Bo is a combination of kickboxing and cardio drills..I find Billy very motivating and his workouts are fun..I get bored easily with my workouts, so I try to do something different everyday (Chalene Johnson is my primary workouts most days). I try to do a Tae Bo workout 1 or 2 days/week. Which dvds do you have?
  • ShannonWinger
    ShannonWinger Posts: 309 Member
    I love Taebo! My husband bought the 6 VHS series back in the day. Never used them so I dug them out and started using it. Boy, what a workout! I use the old VHS Advanced version along with some newer DVDs I recently bought, Taebo Cardio, Taebo Extreme and Taebo Abs. I love them all and just mix them up with my other workouts (Jillian Michaels and Tamilee Webb).
  • GorgeousMa
    GorgeousMa Posts: 34 Member
    Wow this post was sooo long ago! I miss Tae Bo hopefully soon I can get back on track (Got to lose some weight my body is in no condition for Billy) It really does feel good tho and he takes his time with you and seems like he is right there with yoU!
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    I love Billy, and always found him to be very motivating. I have a lot of his TAE BO DVD's from years of doing them. The only one I was doing up until my surgery was TAE BO Live. It's about an hour long and gave me a break from my weekly lifting and HIIT workouts. I have about 2 more weeks before I'll be able to do TAE BO again.
  • GorgeousMa
    GorgeousMa Posts: 34 Member
    FitPhillygirl, Im having my basement finished. I have a workout room just for me, I will be back in Billy's good graces as soon as its finished (im sure I will be at a comfortable weight by then) I just love how he talks to me like its all about me! And I have almost all starting at his beginner ones too. Those are my fave!
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    ^ that's great. Sounds like you will have all the room you need for all those kicks and punches. :)
  • GorgeousMa
    GorgeousMa Posts: 34 Member
    Exactly! I cant wait!