animemoon5 Member


  • The package said to take them 20-30 minutes before each meal.... On the ingredients it mentioned "Decaffeinated green coffee extract" .... It seems they are made by "Garden of Life LLC" in palm beach florida.... On a side note, I stopped taking them, and it took awhile but the insomnia seems to have finally worn off....…
  • Thanks for sharing.... I'll take your advice and toss these out I think...
  • Actually..... it is technically possible..... If you have a diet very high in sodium, that causes water retention, which can add a pound or two..... And as silly as it sounds, the best way to lose water weight, is to actually increase your water intake..... (and decrease the sodium) So if you suddenly were cut back on your…
  • I have mine set to "Sedentary" Because I consider myself mostly comatose on the couch lol! I have some health issues, where I get dizzy and have balance and vision issues, and pain that can keep me in bed a lot..... Sometimes on my bad days I'll need help just moving around the house, needless to say I'm hardly moving at…
  • Thank you everyone for your replies! ^_^ It's good to know that the popping/cracking sounds are okay as long as there is no pain, I feel a lot better now, It's good to clear up those worries, thank you! Thank you for this!!!! It might sound weird, but I never really know how to bend my knees properly, and it seems like…
  • I was really concerned with "Net calories burned" awhile ago, realizing that almost half of the calories burned don't really count, as they would have been burned anyways if I were doing nothing but sitting at the computer or watching TV.... So I did a little experiment with this... Using the calculators,…
  • Though I really hate to admit it, I have to say, Richard Simmons "Sweatin' to the Oldies" actually really is low-impact , works most of your muscles, and if you don't mind the ,music so much, in my opinion is more fun than your traditional workout video... It's not my ideal dance workout, but I do like it still because it…
  • Yes!!! It's about the only way I can myself to really move and exercise.... From Dance Dance Revolution, to Turbo Jam, and even Sweatin' to the Oldies... I love it all! =) The Zumba DVD's I got, well, I can't seem to get my body to move to it well enough lol =p when you're 250-300lbs it's a bit difficult =p So I am holding…
  • I just recently made a large batch of this Creamed chicken, potato and cauliflower mix..... 155 calories per 1 cup serving! Though I could have had it by itself, I added a 4oz ground turkey patty on the side... comfort food with plenty of protein, and my dinner totals at 325 cals... =)
  • Right now I do calorie cycling, so I have a "Weekly" rather than "Daily" calorie goal... My week consists of low days, and then a couple of very high days, and in the end I still meet my goal.... So I guess you could say my high days, where I'm able to eat 2500-3000 calories would be my "Cheat" days, =x I won't change the…
  • Although I still have issues with salt, i must say that I certainly noticed this with things like butter and cheese! Take potatoes for example... I would eat baked potatoes "Loaded" with everything, bacon, cheese, butter etc.... Or whenever I would buy instant mashed potatoes, they would be the hydrogenated "Buttery" or…
  • I did a low-carb diet for awhile, several years ago... =x This was before I heard of Atkins, and I was actually reading some dated 1970's diet book... It basically said to eat "all you want" and until you are "Thoroughly stuffed" of meats, cheeses, eggs, olives etc, so long as you didn't have any fruit, certain veggies,…
  • Also thought I'd mention, if he is a meat eater, I just recently learned Jennie-O has these 1/3 lb turkey burger patties, that are only 160 calories each! They are huge! I'll sometimes have one of those with a plate of corn and potatoes and I can become quite full, if you can hold off the butter on the potatoes, and stick…
  • Yes!!! I have a very large appetite.... and I know most serving sizes are typically 1-2 cups in size, honestly, I prefer eating twice that amount... 2-4 cup servings... So I have been giving myself this little "Challenge" to see just how little calories I can cram into a 1 cup serving, so if I want seconds, I can have at…
  • This makes absolutely perfect sense to me! lol I was worried about being gross as well, so I kept quiet, but what you described does indeed seem to be happening... and I thank you for mentioning it! I would definitely say my skin has gotten a bit "Pliable" and there are certain areas on my thighs that seem smaller, despite…
  • Lol , I get the same thing sometimes, It's simply amazing how quickly listening to one's husband on occassion can instantly be perceived as total oppression and sound the alarms... =p My hubby and I are on opposite ends of the spectrum, I'm all fun&games full of emotions, he's down to earth, sensible and rational, most the…
  • The worst part about diet soda, are the sweeteners such as Aspartame.... "Zevia" is a little bit better for you, it's more expensive but the ingredients are more natural, and they sweeten it with stevia instead... I love the stuff, but can't always afford it...
  • lol I wish I read the comments first.... I've seen this recipe before just the 1 cup peanut butter, sugar, and 1 egg.... without the chips or baking soda and was meaning to try it, when I read 35 calories I'm like "Oh my gosh!!! I'm making them right now!" ~.~ I made the cookies a little bit too big, it made 6 cookies…
  • White flour is stripped of it's nutrients, and is heavily refined... When you eat bread or desserts made with white flour, it's much more quickly digested, and very quickly raises your blood sugar levels, not to mention, your body has to do something with it when it digests so easily, it has to very quickly burn them off,…
  • Thanks everyone =) It was something I've been taking for granted... Slightly embarrassed now since it's sounding like it should have been obvious, but ah well, I'm learning! Thank you again =)
  • My two cents..... There's always been an ongoing battle between carbs and fat... some people advocate low carb high fat diets, others advocate high carb low fat diets....... Some people speak of "Good fats" and "Complex Carbs" that blur the lines a bit, and it's not as simple....... However, the one thing anyone from any…
  • Has to be an issue of cause and correlation.... When you think of the most unhealthiest and fattening foods, you think of super greasy double cheeseburgers, fried donuts and double fudge cakes.... None of these are "Vegan" even the donuts, cookies and cakes are made from eggs..... Vegan food is pretty limited, and there…
  • Ah thank you everyone! It was a bad entry.... I chose an entry for "Bell Peppers - Bell or Sweet" and that showed it at 120 calories, I changed it again, to "Bell Peppers - Raw Chopped, All Colors, 1 cup" and that showed 20 calories! I guess whoever made that entry must have accidentally added a "1" .... I guess I need to…
  • Oh geez I have too many to name! I'm terrified of moths and flies, sharp pointy objects and having my back to the open... I have some PTSD issues, and have some really really unusual fears regarding sights sounds and smells.... I'm very texture sensitive, and I cannot touch wet surfaces of any kind.... Even if it was a…
  • I just thought I'd share, after re-calculating things, and adjusting for *Net* calories burned, using the calculator.... There is a 700 calorie difference in calories burned for the week, just switching from Gross to Net calories burned! When my weight loss goal is a slow and steady 1lb/week 3500 calorie…
  • Fantastic! Thank you! ^_^ That answers my questions perfectly! Also as another random thought.. I've been wondering about... HRM's have been said to be accurate... I'm wondering where those come in between Gross/Net calories.... I'm wondering, since HRM's go by "Elevated" heart rates... and therefore being above and beyond…
  • Well if we can post external links.... I have this one Calories burned whether it be shopping, showering reading or writing =x just enter in weight and time I rely on this and add my own exercises like dance... (I have my calorie goal set at sedentary so I include things like…
  • Right now, at 5'7 and 273lbs, I maintain at 2400... I'm pretty sedentary
  • my biggest food addiction was actually a soda addiction =p I used to drink two 64 oz diet cokes per day, granted they didn't contribute to calories, but with things like aspartame, and the fact it totally replaced water, well it was soon realized I needed to cut back, and it's been a challenge! Other than that.....…
  • Zevia!!! I used to be addicted to diet coke, (two 64 oz fountain drinks per day) and I soon realized I needed to stop.... mostly because of things like aspartame and other things.... I was trying to get off the artificial garbage, and avoid extra chemicals that could be messing with my system, I have a ton of health…