Jeannieclark84 Member


  • Wednesday Wish: More a prayer. That all who need strength find it. That we find survivors of the mud slide and that those needing healing are healed. I wish that everyone has a great rest of the week and are healthy and safe where ever we are. There are so many horrible things happening around us. We should enjoy life to…
  • Hi All!! @AvalonsUnicor - Are you getting plenty of rest? Rest is just as important as us moving around. Last week when I was tired and feeling hungry I found high protein foods to put in my daily routine and I am feeling much more alive this week! Today has been a good day. I have drank my water and have stayed within my…
  • Hey guys! This weekend was a tough one but some how I made it out without packing on the pounds. Lots of going away parties for me and packing. Today has been much better. I am back on track for the week!! I hope everyone has a great Day!! Tuesday Goals: 1. add strength training tonight 2. Log EVERYTHING 3. Be happy 4.…
  • I have lost about 70 Lbs since Last April. I have about another 70 to go and I hope to be down to and hope to be there by next April. I have lost most of it by logging my food and walking. Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Good Friday!! I had a pretty decent week. There were some ups and downs but overall a successful week. I hope everyone's week was great and that even with tough days overall we pushed forward. Friday - To get fit I am logging everything I eat and drink and walking as much as I can. I park farther from the store or if the…
  • Truth Thursday: I almost did not make it to church last night because I was hungry and lazy. I made it a mile past the church when I made a U-turn and went back and it turned out to be a great decision. I need that time with my Lord. He set me back on track and I feel renewed for my weight loss challenges. I will not let…
  • Welcome to the challenge AlexzKT. I just wanted to let you know that I am a 4th year vet student in California. It is difficult to find the time but somehow I have managed to do it most of the time. If you need anything just let me know. I also started a group for vets and staff. I will send you an invite and if you want…
  • That is so TRUE! We should shout from the top of mountain because when we do things like these they are usually actual mountains we have had to overcome. I ran my first 5K in Milwaukee, Wi last year and when I finished (which was like 7th to last) I cried. I did not cry because I was close to last, I cried because 1 year…
  • Good morning! I can see it has been a struggle for most of us and that is why I like this group. We are open about our struggles and supportive! I love it !! @AllisInWndrln: Good job on getting back on track. It is amazing how fast the carbs and things add up. I forgot my scale and I just know I have been eating too much…
  • Wednesday wish: I wish that I had better advice for my friend that is going through a difficult time in his life. It is difficult to care about somebody that much and not be able to help them. I know that just talking helps but it doesn't solve the problem. I also wish that these dang hunger pains would go away and stop…
  • Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Current Weight - 200.2 Goal weight in 100 days - 170.00 End goal weight - 130 Current Dress Size: 16 End dress size: 6-8 Goal for Today! 1) Stand and walk around more 2) To stay UNDER my calories 3) Walk my dog for 30 minutes today March Challenge: 1. 1/4 weeks--Share a new recipe 2. 19/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.…
  • Good Afternoon all!! I hope everyone's week is going well! Yesterday was a bit of a struggle. Once I got home I did not have the energy to go for a run. I didn't even do my yoga :frown: I did hit my water goal and moved around work more so that was a win. Some how I just have to make myself do it no matter what. Today has…
  • @mlerand62: YEAH!! for logging everyday! I have been logging everyday. That is one thing that keeps me in check is logging. @AvalonsUnicor: Way to get moving and finding your motivation. It is all about little steps. Keep up the good work! I hit my water intake yesterday but did not get around to my workout last night and…
  • Thanks yvonnejobin1! I use to be horrible at it but I have figured out adding certain frozen fruits helps me.
  • Happy Tuesday ALL!! Yesterday was a good day with many mountains but I was able to overcome them!!! One day at a time, right? I recently joined a group - 100 days till summer! I have found a new fire and I am ready to go. My goal for the end of the challenge is to be a 170 lbs ish. That will put me around that weight…
  • Girlizzard: How did the evening go? I get how difficult it can be with treats around! I have sweet things around for when my niece comes over. I am also out of town, staying with a friend and her husband for the next two weeks and they are both skinny minies and eat horrible. It has been a struggle but I finally sat down…
  • I am a daughter that needed to lose weight. My mom never nag but I knew she was not happy with my weight. It took me a while to hit the bottom where I said enough is enough. I tried WW and I did the same as your daughter. I lost 20 Lbs and just stopped. A lot boiled down to me being a poor college student and that was an…
  • Happy Monday and Happy St. Patty's Day! Nothing really to report. I did well over the weekend, not great but I am happy. Saturday I weighed in at 200 lbs!!! That made for a rewarding morning and I am wearing a size 16 comfortably!! I hope everyone that needs support finds it and that we all keep our motivation. Goal for…
  • HAPPY MONDAY!!! AND ST. PATTY"S DAY!!!! @ifaber: I am doing well. This weekend was a little rough with eating but I tried to exercise and just enjoy my time with family. But on the up side: I weighed-in Saturday morning at 200 lbs. I need to post my other measurements but don't have time right now. I have made a few goals…
  • Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Hey all. Thanks for being so welcoming and encouraging. Saturday: focus on the positive: I did 45 minutes of my balance ball core workout this morning for the first time in about three weeks. YEAH! March Challenge: 1. 1/4 weeks--Share a new recipe Here is a great recipe. It came from Chicken, scallions with…
  • Recipe is amazing and not too time consuming. Cilantro Chicken Salad Chicken Breast - Fresh Boneless Skinless, Mayonnaise Light Kraft - Mayonnaise Light Mayo Reduced Fat, 2 tablespoon Generic - Onion, Spring or Scallion, Bulb and Top, 1 medium 4 1/8" (15 gm) Fresh - Lime Juice, 0.25 tbsp General - Fresh Cilantro, Chopped,…
  • Hi all, My name is Jeannie. I am a day late but I did well yesterday and found this group today and it is amazing. I am 205 lbs and I am 5 foot 6 inches. I have lost about 75 lbs already but my goal is to be around 130 lbs by January of next year. What I am giving up: 1) Fast food 2) Making excuses. Get this lazy but up…
  • And I am on the wrong day! Friday - Fitness: I am starting back running again and going to do yoga on the balance ball for this month. Next month I may start insanity again. How are you preparing for weekend eating: omelet in the mornings (spinach and swiss Saturday and veggie on Sunday) lots of veggies and fruits for…
  • Hi all, I am new to the board but I am excited to share and be supportive! Thursday Truth: Over the past month I have been really stressed out over a move that is coming up and have been pulling away from my friends at home. I have slacked in my exercise just because I have no energy. It has taken all my energy just to get…
  • I peeked at your dairy. I feel that you just are not eating enough. You need to give your body nutrients and fuel so you need to eat. I get being a college student. I have spent the past 4 years in vet school and that does not leave much time for anything else. But I finally realized that I had to make time. When I started…
  • I love my fitbit. It really helped me get motivated and to stay motivated. I got the Fitbit one last year and that is when I really started losing weight. I think it was because I could see my activity and it encouraged me! plus it works well with MFP! I love it and would recommend it to any of my friends. Created by…
  • I weigh in once a week on Saturday mornings at 7:00 every week. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • HI! I just wanted to say hi and see how you are doing? How did you do on your NAVLE? Jeannie