Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • vwagar
    vwagar Posts: 78 Member
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning. Well I am going to have to be strict with the food for the next couple days. I will probably try a short walk for the dogs sake but long ones are out till my feet heal. One foot got an infected cut on the bottom of it and I must have been overcompensating for it on yesterdays walk because now the other foot has a huge blister right at the top of the arch. needless to say walking is unpleasant right now.:grumble: Oh well I will hobble around the house and get some much needed housework done. Maybe I will oil the hardwoods. I can do that scooting around on my butt:laugh:

    Karen congrats on the smaller sizes. That is always an amazing feeling:bigsmile:
    Jnettie I understand how you felt on your run with Brian. Off and on my husband and son have tried to do different types of workouts with me and I always ended up feeling bad about my abilities though I know that wasn't their intentions.
    Rain I had a similar experience on a job interveiw once. It was for a holistic clinic and by the time the interveiw was over I was beginning to beleive there was no way I could be into anything natural or healthy even though I had already started making changes and was on the beginning of the path I am now on.:mad:

    Well got to go make a smoothie and jet to get the kiddos off to school. Have a great day everyone.:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Tuesday Goal: To stay focused on this journey of mine for more than a day. I've slipped into old, bad habits and I need to shake it off. Today, I am going to:
    *Drink my water :drinker:
    *Weigh and measure all my food instead of estimated guesses
    *Get to the gym and do a session with my trainer
    *Go through my kitchen and get rid of all the "junk." My husband and son went shopping and came home with all my triggers: cheeto puffs, coke, mello yello, crackers and cheese. SIGH. :angry:

    I've gone back a few days and caught up. I am going to throw up a prayer that we all receive the help we need to get through whatever is going on in our lives. I know that if I get back in the habit of posting/reading this board, I will receive encouragement and motivation from you all.

    One day at a time...that's how I'm going to get back on track. I just finished my protein shake to start my day and water bottle is filled. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Tuesday- God is so good. They mom and pop car repair place down the street gave me a great deal on my car. My ex-boss (she left company) offered me a way to make some extra money...I was to proud just to take the money I guess (she wanted to give me $200.00 for my car). I may have found a buyer for ex boyfriends kids full size bunk beds he never paid me for that I have been storing. Being I have the receipt and paid for them I am selling them. My son offered to help pay for the car repairs also. I have decided to cut some friends loose and if that means being alone I will make it.

    Goal Updates:
    8 glasses of water 13/31
    Eat out once a day 15/31
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Another wet, cold day. I'm chomping at the bit to get on with Spring, but it's just not happening. And it's definitely effecting my mood. I'm ready to get outside, put away my winter clothes and enjoy the sunshine. But, none of that will be happening today.

    Hope the weather is better for all of you!

    Exercise Goals:

    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk DONE (4.8 miles)
    Sunday - Rest Day DONE
    Monday- Cardio/Weights/Stretch (missing due to work)
    Tuesday - Yoga
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Thursday - Pilates
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch (missing heading out of town)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey guys!

    Tuesday Goals:
    1. Get to the gym
    2. finish poetry annotations
    3. grade at least 10 more AP essays
    4. get started on JRP drafts

    March Challenge:
    1. 2/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 20/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 24/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/50 motif charts
    2. 10/70 AP essays
    3. 50/50 Gatsby tests DONE
    4. x/50 JRP drafts
    5. 22/50 poem annotations

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--run outside w/ gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--run outside w/ gunner
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Laurie & Susan- I am feeling way better and I’m ready to meet you two. Amy had girl scouts last Friday so she is good to go this Friday! Laurie where are you staying? Should we try to go somewhere near where you are staying or will you have a car or should we come get you from your hotel? I have some places that I would like to try. We have been to Ventano’s and like it but it is not cheap. Most of the seafood places are not cheap. We have never been to Roy’s but are willing to try it. Red Lobster I figure you know about. Oyster bar at Harrah’s sounds interesting. Rubio’s is fast food Mexican with good prices and Mexican fish tacos, burritos and salads. If you give me an area and what you would like to spend I may get some better choices. You will have to cut and paste the links below into your browser. Put Las Vegas into the Rubio's location box.

    Like James Brown I feel good! I feel good enough to start lifting weights again so tonight I’ll give it a try again!

    “A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.” ~Spanish Proverb

  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Tuesday Goals - sort of another confession:

    I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about my fitness especially after my experience with Brian this weekend. Since starting C25K I have slacked on my off days with my Gilad dates out of pure laziness. I have intentions of getting Gilad in but then procrastinate and say I will do it after work. Then after work comes and you know the story, I just find an excuse. While I see visible results in my hips/ thighs and on the scale I still am feeling a bit blah for slacking on strength training. I know on my non C25K days I need to get my tush moving but for some reason I was lacking motivation. So I slacked. In an odd way I think slacking on exercise was a good thing. It has helped me to come to the realization that I am not giving my journey my all and should be doing more for myself. Yesterday the slacking routine began to happen but this time I caught myself. I came home from work, began cooking dinner and was tempted to skip Gilad. I forced myself to do it around 8pm and felt wonderful afterwards. I don't know what my problem was these past two weeks. Maybe I just needed some time off.

    My goal this week is to get in intentional exercise (not my just keeping busy around the house) on my non C25K days. I don't know how I will fit C25K in this week. It is really cold today and we are expecting snow later on into early tomorrow morning. Not ideal conditions to run. I've noticed the last few times I was out running and it was colder I began to have some coughing fits that make running unpleasant. It doesn't seem to happen if I am running and it is warmer. I am going to wait to go out again until Thursday when it warms up a bit. They are also predicting rain for the weekend so I don't know if I will be able to get out Saturday for another run. I am going to try to though but play it by ear. I don't mind a drizzle but anything more than that will put me off. If I have to postpone running I will make sure i get in cardio at home instead.

    Skinny - I am glad you can relate to what I said. It makes me feel better knowing that someone else understands my feelings. I have done walks in the past for MS and Autism. I do not remember how long they were though. I would be open to doing them again but would prefer doing one that is a walk run or a running one just to spice things up a bit.
    Glad to hear you are seeing improvements in your running pace. That is fantastic!
    LOL at the walkers and walking dead. What have you thought about the last few episodes? I was in complete shock at the Lizzy one. I have mixed feelings about Terminus. Part of me wants it to be a good thing but part of me thinks it was a bit odd how they were able to walk right in with ease. That woman seemed a bit off when she turned around and offered them food. :huh:
    Congrats on fitting into the smaller clothes. That must have been a great feeling and made you feel fantastic!

    aimeemarie - Thanks. Why do you feel like you are not ready for your 5K? It seems like you have been working really hard. I think you will probably do better than you think!

    Rain - I am sorry that you felt defeated after the interview. Did you make it a point to sell yourself and brag about all the activity, especially running, that you do? What kinds of questions did he ask that was not related to the interview? I hope you get a nice surprise and are offered the position.

    You hit it right on about it being that inner feeling of being that kid in gym class who cannot keep up again. That is exactly what I felt like. :cry:

    Tanya - Sorry the scale didn't show you the teens again. Same here. But we both know it is coming soon so it gives us something to look forward to! :happy:
    Thanks for the rational of shorter legs. It put things into perspective. I do have difficult keeping up with him when he is taking normal steps due to the difference in our sizes. Sometimes it really stinks to be short. Brian and I were discussing it more. He said if he was taking regular steps running the entire time he feels like he would not have been able to run the full 30 seconds either. But since he was taking baby steps to stay with me it was much easier for him not to get winded. I don't know if he was just blowing smoke up my tush to make me feel better or if that was really the truth. But it did make me feel a bit better about myself.

    Laurie - So sorry to hear your students are testing you. That is certainly irritating.
    I had a problem last week but not with my students but with one of my aides. Last week one she rolled her eyes at me when I asked her to work with a child instead of sitting on top of a desk doing nothing. :noway: Sometimes my staff are more work than my students and in many ways feel like I am dealing with high school children not adults. It is frustrating.
    Sorry to hear about your trainer's husband. I hope he is ok.
    Thanks for the info on the triathlon. I find it very interesting. I would love to hear about yours at the end of April. Thanks for the advice about running with Brian. I know I will improve over time. I just want that to hurry up and happen faster than it is. :wink:

    Susan - That is too bad that Maya Angelou could not be there in person but pretty amazing she could be there via satellite. What a great experience that must have been.
    I am sorry to hear about your Fitbit. I hope it turns up in the lost and found.
    Thanks for the kind words regarding Brian. That made me feel a lot better!

    Naomi - Thanks. Congrats on the smaller sizes. That is fantastic.
    I am a Walking Dead fan too. I've been watching it since the beginning. This upcoming weekend they are replaying all the episodes from the current season before they air the season finale Sunday. You should try to catch some of them if you can.
    If you find you like it, I recommend getting Season 1 and all the seasons up until now from Netflix and watching those as well before the next season begins. You will have plenty of time to catch up by then! I love that show!

    Vwagar - Welcome. Come back and check in with our group quite often. We are all at different points in our journey but often share the same struggles. You can see through our posts and tickers that weight loss is possible! I know you can do it too. Best of luck to you.

    JTconst - Ouch to the feet. I hope you feel better soon.

    Tracy - I am glad to see you back with us again. I missed seeing you in here.

    MNWalking - Sounds like things are starting to turn around for you. I am glad to hear. Just keep pushing forward.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    That woman seemed a bit off when she turned around and offered them food.

    @jnettie - I have a very bad feeling about Terminus. Any place that's easy to get into, may not be easy to get out of. And what was she cooking on that grill? Perhaps those who have "arrived" at Terminus? She looked a little too well fed for the post apocalypse!
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Hello all, I have been reading but have not posted. The weekends are full of activity and I usually do not make time to post. I was not able to do all my walks last week but did do some gardening and other activates. Posted a 0.6 lb. loss so that is good and keeps me on track to meet my goal for October. Drinking water is really my key; if i drink water I can usually get away with a smaller meal and still be satisfied. If I do not drink I am much more likely to snack on something bad.

    A - Under Cal. 4/7 days
    B - Walk 3/7 days
    C - Drink 4/7

    Mon: ABC
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Tuesday Goals – Keep improving on my steps (two days over 10K steps this week, shooting for three today!!) and work harder to get ready for The Color Run in May!! And thanks to everyone for the support and motivation with my “stepping”! LOL

    I am also going to steal from Skinny, Laurie and a few others on chronicling their Workout Goals. Seeing my goals “on paper” might help them resonate even more!

    @Kaye – your laugh of the day on Monday had me rolling! Too funny! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    @Nettie – About your “Thursday Truth on Monday” post, I go through the same thing when I am out with my daughter. She gets ahead and just leaves dear ole mom behind. I push myself harder to catch up with her. Sometimes I catch her and sometimes I don’t. I don’t know how I would feel if she stopped and waited for me. Even though she wouldn’t mean anything by it, it would probably frustrate me more if she waited for me. In my mind it may seem like she was standing there with her arms crossed and tapping her foot. :laugh: Similar to your “come on fat *kitten*” thoughts. I can also relate to your slacking. I fell into a similar slacking situation where I wasn’t doing anything on the nights that my daughter has class. Then I pushed myself and like you, felt so much better afterwards!

    @Tanya – What do you do for work? I have a desk job and sit on my backside for nearly 9 hours a day. I have to work very hard to hit 3-4K steps before the end of the workday and have to really push it on the treadmill at the gym to hit 10K steps! I am so impressed (and maybe a bit discouraged, :laugh: ) that you hit 10K before 1:30PM!! WOW!!

    @Laurie – I give you an immense amount of credit for teaching middle school! My mom was a school bus driver for many, many years and she always said that middle school age is the worst age! They are no longer little children, and they are not yet young adults yet either.

    @Susan – WOW your conference sounds awesome! What type of conference is it with these speakers and woman only? As for your Fitbit, you should email them and see what they can do. I reported mine was not working properly and they sent me a new one, no questions asked and didn’t ask for the defective one back either. In some of their forums, I’ve read that people said they lost theirs, and again it was replaced with no questions asked. It’s worth a try.

    @Skinny – congrats on your shopping NSV!! There is nothing better than fitting into a smaller size! Good for you!!

    @jtconst – just wrap a sham on your booty and wiggle woggle across your floor to some great dance music! :laugh: Get a little exercise and clean hardwoods too!

    @tlh0407 – Come on! We can do this! You are starting back right, one day at a time. You know what you have to do and that’s half the battle!

    @Tom – you sound like a regular Las Vegas tour guide! If I ever find my way to Vegas, I will look you up too!

    On a side note – I thought I’d share the text message I received from my son in Nashville this afternoon. It read, “The world is going to end! It’s SNOWING at the end of MARCH!!” :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: That Florida boy still hasn’t gotten used to the cold weather after being there for almost 4 years!

    Workout goals:
    Sunday – rest day - DONE
    Monday – Gym – arms and treadmill - DONE
    Tuesday – Gym – treadmill
    Wednesday – Gym – arms and treadmill
    Thursday – Gym – treadmill
    Friday – Gym – arms and treadmill
    Saturday – Weekly Errands and maybe Gym.
  • Jeannieclark84
    Jeannieclark84 Posts: 58 Member
    Hey guys! This weekend was a tough one but some how I made it out without packing on the pounds. Lots of going away parties for me and packing. Today has been much better. I am back on track for the week!! I hope everyone has a great Day!!

    Tuesday Goals:
    1. add strength training tonight
    3. Be happy
    4. Finish my scholarship letters

    March Challenge:
    1. 2/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 20/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 23/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk DONE
    Tues--run + strength training
    Wed--yoga + walk
    Thurs--run + strength training
    Fri--yoga + walk
    Sun--run + Strength training

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    @nettie--I'm nervous about it because I'm afraid to be the last one to finish. I'm also afraid of people on the sidelines (my boyfriend) trying to cheer me on and me having to drop to a walk. I'm really tempted to just try to power walk it instead of risking the feeling of embarrassment if I have to stop running and start walking. Honestly I'm really worried about the bf being there. I know he's proud of me and I know he wants to be there for me. I want him there at the finish line, but I don't want him on the sidelines watching, you know?
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I hate cardio day at physio... After my warm up and core exercises my trainer came over and said "OK, cardio day today". I always groan, then he encourages me and I get it done. If I didn't have someone to push me like that I wouldn't be as far as I m right now. So I did cardio and kept telling him it sucks, and he told me to keep going. I feel soooo much better for not stopping during any of it!

    I have to tone my goals down a bit for a while, the past 2 weeks I've not really had many rest days. I thought 3 days of physio, mixed with some 30DS and power yoga/HIIT would be a good thing, but it took my legs a few extra days to recover, so I'm going to do only 3 days of physio and one extra DVD, then hike on the weekend. I will see how that goes. As long as my eating doesn't go out the window I will be fine.

    @RobinB: I'm a mail carrier, but I don't walk my route. I stand, walk and lift all morning, then spend the rest of my day hopping in and out of the car, walking up driveways with packages, walking back and forth from the car to the mailbox sites, lots of lifting.... I have 40 stops, and another 20 or 30 dropoffs a day. Im not sitting down very much! But on the weekends if I just sit around the house and relax, I barely make it over 2 or 3k :blushing:

    @Nettie: I get like that with exercise too. But when it's over I feel fantastic. I just remember that and it usually gets me started.

    @Jeannie: way to get right back on track!

    @mn: so glad things are going good for you again.

    Sunday: hiking DONE
    Monday: rest DONE
    Tuesday: Physio (cardio-ugh!) DONE
    Wednesday: rest
    Thursday: Physio (bike, upper or lower body)
    Friday: Physio (bike and ?)
    Saturday: hiking
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Skinny - (and Laurie) The Dental Wax sounds like it might work. In my imagination I think of a think like that. I need something along that line and thin. Laurie I already go through about 4 pkgs of gum a day. Can't stand it after it loses its freshness but it works the best of everything, but my tongue throws it around. i wonder if the wax would stay in playce? Going to def. give it a try. Thanks for wearing your thinking caps!!!! :drinker:

    No more personals thats it for me but I am caught up now. Love to all of you.

    AFM - I am finally getting another steroid shot in my leg tomorrow as well as starting PT on my leg at the same time. Happy about that finally getting done. Leg has callmed down some so PT will be good.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    The days have been a roller coaster. Daddy is showing a little more 'fight' this afternoon. There are so many decisions to make about his future care and money is definitely a factor. I'm enjoying being with my sisters. I don't get to see them often. I am managing to get a walk every day but my food choices are a strange mix of good and bad.
    Congratulations on the victories and smaller sizes.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! :flowerforyou:

    @robin--I hope the wax works. If not, at least it's not an expensive product to try out. Glad you will be getting some pain relief for the leg.

    @tanya--it's so funny to hear you groan about cardio. I used to be the same way, and now I have to force myself to mix in the strength work. Not that I don't like the strength work, but I just LOVE cardio so much now (it only took a couple of years for that change to take place! :wink: ). Keep at it and I bet you will grow to love the cardio as well.

    @aimee--I can totally relate to your fear of being the last, but I can almost guarantee you that there will be people planning to walk the entire race, so unlikely you will be last. Also, instead of being afraid of dropping to a walk, why don't you PLAN a couple of walk breaks every half mile or at every water station? Let your boyfriend know of this plan that way you won't feel bad about walking if need be. You can always skip the breaks, or take less of them, if you are feeling strong that day. It's completely rational, yet irrational to worry about whether or not you run the whole 5k. As I mentioned to nettie the other day, I have been running for years now, and I still always plan to at least stop for a 30 second walk at the water stations. I've had better times alternating walking and running than running a whole race as well, so it won't affect whether you come in last. Please trust me on this--you shouldn't stress and ruin the fun of completing the 5k--an awesome accomlishment regardless of your time! :flowerforyou:

    @jeannie--I must have missed a post--where are you going?

    @robinB--I agree with your son--this snow at the end of March is ridiculous! :angry:

    @nettie & L2T & any other Walking Dead fans (spoiler if you aren't caught up with this season!)--I've seen all kinds of stuff posted on FB about Terminus and Easter eggs from earlier in the season. For example, when Michone and Carl were searching that one house, Michone found the picture of the woman with the long hair braided to one side which looked a lot like the woman who greeted them. Also, there was a painting of sunflowers on the wall in that same house and Terminus has sunflowers planted all around. Lots of speculation about the meat on the grill and whether it's human flesh--not sure why that seems to be such a popular theory, but it is. Others were saying that the woman is wearing Beth's sweater, but I looked at a previous episode and it doesn't look like the same sweater to me. I can't wait until Sunday, but I'm also kind of sad that the season will be over. :cry:

    I know I missed some folks, but I need to get some more work done.

    AFM--Had a great workout at the gym. I'm beginning to suspect that the treadmill I'm using isn't calibrated accurately. I did 2 miles at 6 mph, and it felt way too easy. Next time I will try a different machine to see if that's really the pace. I also finished the poetry annotations, but didn't get through any of my AP essays. Tonight I plan to work on the JRP drafts. I just need to check them for completion, so I hope to get through at least half of them tonight.

    Tomorrow I have an early dentist appt, then I will get my hair done. I had originally planned to get my hair done on Thursday, but my BIL's father passed away so we will be at the funeral on Thursday instead. Not sure if I will be able to fit in a gym visit tomorrow. I really need to get more of this grading done, so we will see what I get through tonight and while my hair color is setting at the salon tomorrow. I feel like this break is flying by and I'm not being nearly as productive as I had hoped to be. :ohwell:

    Tuesday Goals:
    1. Get to the gym DONE
    2. finish poetry annotations DONE
    3. grade at least 10 more AP essays
    4. get started on JRP drafts

    March Challenge:
    1. 2/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 20/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 24/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/50 motif charts
    2. 10/70 AP essays
    3. 50/50 Gatsby tests DONE
    4. x/50 JRP drafts
    5.50/50 poem annotations DONE

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--run outside w/ gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--run outside w/ gunner
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Tuesday- Another long day at school, the kids are going completely crazy so I am thankful that I am leaving for a few days.

    I did go to the gym today just to clear my head and relieve some stress. So I walked and did some sprinting intervals. I think I like those the best since I get to run full out for a short period of time.

    I think I am ready to leave, my bags are packed, plans done with lots of extra work in case the kids decide to do their work and I can't think of anything else I need to do right now. This time tomorrow night I will be in Vegas so hopefully all will be good.

    General comments
    Don't give up on yourself and feed into your self doubts- You can do what ever you set your mind to so set your goals and rise to meet them. If everything in life was easy then we would never be able to challenge ourselves. So like the Nike says "Just DO IT!!!" You won't know what you are capable of until you try then you may surpass your own expectations.

    If you are feeling sick or battling illness wishing you a speedy recovery.

    I will catch up when I get back to Maryland.

    Those facing the bad weather (SNOW) chin up it should be gone soon, I hope. We also had snow tonight but it did not lay, however the roads are wet so they could freeze tonight.

    Friday- Funeral for my friends mom. doctor's appoint if I don't feel better tomorrow (antibiotic done). Then rock climbing that night. DONE
    Saturday- Water aerobics then hair appointment DONE
    Sunday- Workoutand nails DONE
    Monday- Copies for the week, finalized sub plans DONE and workout with trainer NOT DONE but Workout
    Tuesday- Put all plans together and set up the materials, Give MSA science,workout DONE
    Wednesday- Science MSA,
    Friday- Conference
    Saturday- Conference
    Sunday-Return home
    Monday- Recovery day plus a workout.

    Workout plans
    Sunday- gym (bike and weights) DONE
    Monday- Trainer- running, biking and swimming drills NO Trainer but workout
    Tuesday- Gym maybe unless I have to much to do GYM DONE WALK with sprint intervals
    Wednesday- Rest day- travel day
    Thursday- fitness center
    Friday- Fitness center
    Saturday- Hopefully hiking or other outdoor activity in Vegas
    Sunday- Travel day
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Tom- I am staying at the Flamingo. Either Rubio's or Harrah's will be great. I will send you my contact info, so we can meet up. I do not have a car so a pick up would help. Or I can take a taxi or the mono-rail if that works as well.

    Susan- Do either of those places sound good to you?

    We can do the oyster bar if that works for both of you.
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Ok, so I have a question for those walkers/joggers/runners out there. I did 60 minutes on the treadmill tonight. In that 60 minutes I covered 2.58 miles. (First time I have gone that long or that far!! I'm very excited for that alone! :drinker: ) Anyway, so here is my question, will I be able to get my speed up to 3 mph by May 10th or am I being overzealous in this amount of time? My daughter and I formed a team with a few others to do The Color Run and I really want to finish under an hour (AND keep up with these young ladies on our team that are all in their 20's!!). I mean, I would be thrilled with 59 minutes.

    Also, Part B of my question. My plans are to walk a mile (as quickly as possible) M-W-F and walk as far as possible in 60 minutes on Tu-Th and maybe Saturdays. Is that too much, not enough or just enough "training"?

    Oh, and for what it's worth, I did my own version of HIIT. I walked 90 seconds at one pace, than upped the speed by 1 mph for 30 seconds. For instances, I started at 2.5 mph upping to 3.5 mph for about 10 minutes before dropping to slower paced intervals in fear of doing a face plant when my legs started to tire. Then back up to the 2.5:3.5 when I got a second wind and felt like I could handle it again for a few more intervals. I even did some jogging at the 3.5 mph in the beginning. :happy: I'm kind of just flying by the seat of my pants here! :laugh:

    Workout goals:
    Sunday – rest day - DONE
    Monday – Gym – arms and treadmill - DONE
    Tuesday – Gym – treadmill - DONE
    Wednesday – Gym – arms and treadmill
    Thursday – Gym – treadmill
    Friday – Gym – arms and treadmill
    Saturday – Weekly Errands and maybe Gym.