Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    DH and I had our annual check-ups today. The dr. is impressed with my weight-loss progress. All of my numbers are will within the normal range. I am a bit disappointed that I can't go off of the cholesterol or blood pressure meds. When I told him that, he said that I shouldn't be concerned about it. He takes much the same meds that I do, and he is a very healthy weight. I mentioned that I hadn't decided for sure on my goal. He was going to look at height and weight charts for me, but I told him I didn't even want to know what they said! I have had 160# on my driver's license for more years than I can remember. I plan to lose enough weight to make me an honest woman again. He really laughed at that.
    I'm trying to have time with sister, help daughter get ready for her foster home inspection this evening and get ready for grandkids, and extra adults for dinner because they are coming to help daughter get ready for her inspection.
    Hope all is well. I did see some encouraging updates and some frustrations. Lets just keep holding each other up!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    MowMow - sorry you were disappointed on the scale this am. Maybe try tomorrow? I wouldn't doubt you are holding water weight with your swollen toe. Once that is entirely healed, I'll bet your weight goes down. Does being without insurance mean you won't get to see Dr. McHotty Pants for 3 months?

    I guess I should look at it as an NSV. This time last year I would have been so frustrated I would have eaten out the entire house in frustration. Now I just have to laugh at that damn number. It'll drop down...eventually!

    I'll see Dr. McHottyPants at the end of August just before my insurance is up to hold us both over until I find a job. They hired my replacement on a 2 year contract so unless she's a complete dolt, they won't be bringing me back here at the end of the 3 months... which makes me sad. I loved working here. It also adds a bit more pressure to find another job......
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Angelika~Awesome buy on the Total Gym!

    @Kris~I'm holding up okay, try not to think about it too much; I plan to spend a day/night with her soon to give my mom and her brother a break. The scale mocks me from time to time too, I thought for sure after two hard workouts this weekend I would have dropped from Saturday to today, but no such luck. :frown: I'm sorry they hired someone to replace you on such a long contract, sending you good luck vibes on your job search.

    @Kaye~Good news on the check-up. I wouldn't be too concerned about the meds either, a lot of that comes with age or is hereditary. Except for atrial fib my dad is of normal weight and healthy, but at 73 takes both of those meds as well.

    @Karen~Sorry your sweet niece ended up coming down with something, hope she is back to her spunky self soon!

    @John~Good job last week and over the weekend. I live alone too, except for my 4-legged furbaby, and lonliness can certainly set in sometimes - I just try to find things to do around the house (organize a closet or pantry usually does the job) so I don't give in to temptations. Also, I don't keep trigger foods around - that helps a lot.

    AFM~I worked just a half-day today, had some things to do so went in this morning and left early. Got my things done and then went to the gym for my workout. I had a lot of energy for some reason, so burned lots of calories - felt great!

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Training DONE! :bigsmile:
    Monday~HIIT on Elliptical at Gym DONE! :bigsmile:
    Tuesday~Rest Day - attending seminar at gym
    Thursday~Arc Trainer/running drills at Gym
    Friday~Yoga or rest day
    Saturday~HIIT on Elliptical/running drills at Gym
  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    Not sure how all this works. I've been using mfp only to track my food and exercise but I'm losing my motivation. Thought maybe if I joing others it would help. How do I get the updates? Thanks in advance!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Not sure how all this works. I've been using mfp only to track my food and exercise but I'm losing my motivation. Thought maybe if I joing others it would help. How do I get the updates? Thanks in advance!

    I sent you a personal message with all the info on how to find your way back.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I just lost a bunch of personals due to a "site down for maintenance" message. :mad: I will do them again later.

    AFM--for some reason I woke up ravenous--like stomach growling and rumbling ravenous--and it seems no matter what I do, I'm still hungry. I've been trying to go heavy on the protein b/c that's what usually triggers true hunger for me--I'm at 93 grams and haven't eaten dinner yet. I also only have 383 calories left for dinner, so I'm going to have to make some wise choices to stay under (or at least close to) goal.
  • lvpthemvp
    lvpthemvp Posts: 266 Member
    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

    It was my first day back from vacation at work. There are always so many food temptations there. I am doing well. I had a great week last week. Great for me is a week following my menu plan and working out at least three times a week. My week goes from Sunday to Saturday.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- Sorry your niece is sick. The hunger is most likely your body's delayed response from the race this weekend. You burned a ton of calories doing that so now your body wants to play catch up. Protein is good but you may also want to try some whole grain carbs.

    John- Great job this past week. Weekends are really tough and it is hard being alone. There are times when I want to eat everything in sight mostly out of boredom. Usually I talk myself out of eating, walk away from the kitchen table, or take a walk. Exercise actually helps me as well since I don't feel hungry after a workout. Another option you have is to find a meet up group in your area and use it to meet more people. I have found a group of 30-40's who are very social and enjoy going out to Happy Hour/ dinner. While dinner is a challenge at times, I try to find something healthy on the menu- salad, chicken etc or I eat before I go and just have a drink (water is good) and socialize with others.

    Kaye- Great news from the doctor today. Good luck getting everything else accomplished.

    Mow-Sorry about the job. Hope something better comes along soon.
    IVP- Great job meeting your goals for last week. Good luck avoiding the temptations at work.
    BJ- Welcome to the group.
    Kelly- Great workout today. My trainer also had me doing running drills today. I learned a new one that is a double hop with one foot out.
    JT- Hope Sunday went as well as can be expected and that you are dealing okay.

    Well, I did well this weekend and had a great workout yesterday and today. My trip has been cancelled. My friend called last night and said she was going back to Texas on Tuesday. She learned something about her dad and it threw her for a loop. I am sad for not getting to meet up with her but I will visit her in Texas later this year. It has been a very hard week for her. Consequently, I have no reason not to run the 2 mile race on August 17 since my training will not be interrupted. This week my challenge is to run 1 mile without my trainer. Usually I run with her but she will be on her way to Nationals on Tuesday and is gone all week. She gave me the plan to complete the mile so I will make it happen.

    Tomorrow, I will pick up my bike and have it properly fitted. That is exciting, I just hope it doesn't rain to hard tomorrow so I can ride it when I get home.

    Workout Schedule
    Sunday- Bike 21 miles DONE :bigsmile:
    Monday- Trainer 5K prep/running drills DONE plus weight training upper body:laugh:
    Tuesday- Travel day-- walk? Swim instead
    Wednesday- jog 1 mile
    Thursday- strength training
    Friday- travel day-- swim or climb
    Saturday- Swim, run 2 miles
  • lustergirl
    lustergirl Posts: 123 Member
    Hi everyone. It felt good to be at the gym after work. I am actually beginning to enjoy it once again.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--yeah, I was thinking the same thing about my body playing catch up. And yes, I had a good sized serving of quinoa, so plenty of healthy carbs. Sorry your trip to see your friend got canceled--hope you get to see her soon.

    @lvp--one thing I dread about going back to work in a few weeks is all of the junk my colleagues bring--donuts, bagels, candy--you name it, they bring it. :grumble: Good for you for avoiding the temptations and sticking to your plan.

    @kelley--sounds like you had a productive day! :drinker:

    @kris--good luck with the job search. I hope you find something before you go into Doc McHottypants withdrawal. :laugh:

    @kaye--congrats on the good health report! :drinker:

    @robin--yes, hubs is excited for the new toy--we went and picked it out today and they will deliver it next Monday. I sure hope he doesn't get dishpan hands while waiting for it. :tongue:

    @john--I can relate! Though I know many folks who are emotional eaters, I'm definitely a boredom eater. As someone else suggested, a walk or some other form of exercise is the best solution. However, when that's not feasible, I find playing on the computer can help. If I'm playing a game or reading through success threads here on MFP, my hands are too busy to munch.

    AFM--Thanks to those sending well-wishes for my niece. I guess she's pretty sick. I spoke briefly with my BIL and he said her fever has been up to 104 today. It's down now, but that doesn't sound good. I'm waiting for my sister to call me back with more info about the doctor visit--she was putting Violet to bed when I called earlier.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + Rugged Maniac!!! DONE!!!!
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE TWICE + (rest day)
    Tues--run outside (w/ gunner)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + Terrapin 5k
    Fri--walk gunner (rest day)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Kaye - you got me laughing real hard when you said your goal was to match your driver's license weight and make an honest woman out of your self ! :laugh: That's such a good one. I'll bet there's not one of us here who has an honest weight on our DL.
    Sorry your Doc won't take you off your meds, but its only been 11 months that you've lost this ginormous amount of weight (I'm so impressed with you - you're one of our stellar examples in this thread :love: ) so maybe he will revisit the issue with you again in another year. I hope the foster inspection goes well!

    MowMow - my sympathies another person was hired in your stead. That's quite a blow since you enjoyed working there so much. I hope something ideal works out for you very quickly.

    Kah - glad you had a great workout! YOu can turn the tables on Zoe with all that energy you have!

    LVP - glad you had a great vacation week and got your exercise in. Planning ahead really pays off. Food temptations at work are really a struggle. It helps to have your own food at work to substitute for the high-calorie stuff the others bring. Good luck.

    Laurie - how unfortunate your trip with your friend was cancelled - I hope her news about her father was not too upsetting. I do hope you are able to visit with her later and have an enjoyable time with her and her kids. Glad you're going to compete in the 2 mile race on Aug 17 - you'll do well, you've been training like a boss!

    lustergirl - glad you're enjoying the gym again ! :flowerforyou:


    I did my goblet squats with a 5 lb. weight again tonight, did 40 reps. WOOT!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @TootsAnderson - That was a wonderful blog post! I can imagine how trying it would be and I would absolutely have to keep reminding myself that it's not his fault and he's not doing it on purpose.

    yeah, actually, fun stuff. he was in the hospital all weekend. he had sepsis, which of course is very often fatal. so, for those keeping count, that's his second bout of near fatal disease this year. good times. so when i was annoyed with him, the motivation for the realization i made in that blog, because he wouldn't go run errands with me, he was nursing the beginnings of a full body blood stream disease. i'm such a lovely wife, really.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    MowMow - my sympathies another person was hired in your stead. That's quite a blow since you enjoyed working there so much. I hope something ideal works out for you very quickly.

    Oh! Today our manager comes in to talk to me and tell me that the new person may not be able start this week for me to train her so can I please make a 'cheat sheet' for her as a training aid to help her do my job......

    I KNOW that our manager would have kept me there if she could and it's not her fault but man that burned my biscuits.... If she thinks I'm going to make this EASY for them she's smoking something funky....
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Bump! I'm back!!!
  • lustergirl
    lustergirl Posts: 123 Member
    kah68: I actually went off my thyroid medication (hypo) a few months back because the Dr. wanted to up my dose and it was making my body wacky. So this is way I am trying the natural supplements way.

    Got up this morning and did some leg stretches. Still trying the c25k at the gym, just realizing that I am going to have to take it slower than the plan suggests. I will get there some day and will win the first 5k race I am in: ha!!

    So I am not losing pounds right now but some of my clothes are getting baggy. I will concentrate on that and hopefully the weight loss will follow.

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Susan~Yay, you’re back! I hope you had a grand time.

    @Luster~My doc did the same thing, I just told him the increased dosage was giving me some other issues so he agreed to monitor my levels on the current dose. I go back in October, so hopefully he’ll be pleased with my levels – I feel pretty good. I hope doing the natural approach works for you. Looser clothing is often a better indication of the changes your body is making, the weight loss will come.

    @Laurie~I’m sorry travel plans to see your friend didn’t pan out. When you do make it to Texas and if are in the Dallas area, we’ll have to meet up. Just don't come in August - the humidity and heat are awful! :tongue:

    @Kris~That figures, the audacity of some people!

    @Robin~Excellent job with those goblet squats! :flowerforyou:

    @Karen~I agree with Laurie, I think your body was craving protein from the Rugged Manic on Saturday. That is quite a fever on little Violet, I hope she is better today. Alternating between Tylenol and Motrin often helps reduce those high fevers, quick.

    @Helena~I’m glad your mom is doing better and is responding well to her treatments.

    @Beth~I may be ahead in steps, but you are swimming circles around me (literally). :laugh:

    Tuesday Goals~Just to keep on keeping on. I was going to take to today as a rest day but I feel good and if my energy is good this afternoon I think I’ll walk on TM at gym before the seminar – can’t walk outdoors, going to be 105 today (I think the heat index is ~110 or so).

    Part of this challenge at my gym are events on Tuesday evenings – educational/weight loss seminars (tonight is called Eat Fit, basically eating right for weight loss, really looking forward to next week’s running form seminar) along with a yoga night, pilates night, spin night, Alpha training (this sounds interesting), Insanity night, plus some other classes and then two 5Ks (one mid-way and one the last week). It’s a good way to meet people, so except for the grocery store tour and water aerobics (they are during the day) I plan on attending all of them. Little does he know it, but my trainer WILL be attending a few of these - he may have to pick me up off of the floor! :wink:

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Training DONE! :bigsmile:
    Monday~HIIT on Elliptical at Gym DONE! :bigsmile:
    Tuesday~Walk on TM at Gym then Seminar
    Thursday~Arc Trainer/Running Drills
    Friday~Rest Day (thought about yoga but may need this)
    Saturday~HIIT on Elliptical and Running Drills at Gym
  • Helenavee42
    Well gym yesterday didn't happen and I didn't go for a walk either. Deputy had a slight limp so I wanted to make sure he was ok and by the end of the evening the limp was gone and he was running around just fine and there is no limp today. I guess that paw massage really helped. I did get a little exercise in playing with him and my moms lab and then bathing him.

    Tuesday goal: I did get to the gym this morning and let me tell you I had a great internal debate on actually going this morning. I must have thrown the covers off and put them back on about 20 times. The stronger part of me won though. :happy: I must say I am quite proud of myself for going and it was so worth it, I feel great. I do need to go a little earlier to get in all that I want to do while there. So tomorrow I will be leaving at 5 instead of 5:20. I had to cut my work out a little short but that's ok. I do hope to get a little walk with Deputy in.

    Kah That challenge sounds pretty interesting.

    Robin Thank you. I like your new picture. It may not be new but it is new to me. :smile:

    Angelika I had a knock off total gym and I loved it. Sadly it is now buried under my uncles crap.

    Have a great day,

    Changing my schedule a bit
    Monday: Gym- Not done
    Tuesday: Gym- DONE
    Wednesday:Gym & walk the pup
    Thursday: Walk the pup
    Friday: Gym
    Saturday: Gym
    Sunday Walk the pup
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    If this crazy site bumps be out once more for "site maintenance", I'm going to scream. I had a full recap of vacation and all the ups and downs, but the stupid site just crashed on me. I'll try this once again.

    First of all, welcome to all the new folks - so many of you, but you've found an awesome board. Post often and check in as much as you can. The support is so important in this journey.

    Second, vacation was a mixed bag of emotions. We left Vegas for Sarasota, FL. My parents live about 5 miles from Siesta Key, which is one of my favorite beaches. On Monday, a dear friend of 20+ years came down from Orlando to spend the day with us at the beach. She has 4 kids and Cyrus had a blast! On Wednesday, we headed back to Atlanta and up into the north GA mountains to visit our dear friends. Unfortunately, his cancer continues to spread. If you believe in prayer or just want to keep this family in your thoughts, please do. Dwain has stage 4 colon cancer, which is now in his liver and on Friday the scan showed his lungs. It's devastating news. Cyrus calls him Uncle Dwain and they are family to us. They have two kids a rising senior and an 8th grader. It was an emotional couple of days, but so thankful to be there with them through many hugs and tears.

    On Friday night, we headed back into Atlanta. Cyrus spent the weekend with his dad's family and got to see his dad. God gave me strength because I wanted to SCREAM at him so many times, but realized he wasn't worth it (or the girlfriend on his side). He'll continue to be a dead beat dad and I've just come to accept that. On Sunday night, we flew back to home to Vegas. It was wonderful to get away and see our friends and family again, but also a very emotional trip.

    As far as me, I'm back. I hit my 365th day of logging the other day. I've been with you guys for 1 year, which is so hard to believe. While my weight continues to yo-yo, I atleast learned how to track every day. I wasn't 100% every day and didn't track every single bite or lick, but I tried to come close. With that said, I started this journey at 325 and got down to 265, which felt great! Ever since Christmas though I just couldn't pull myself out. You guys were still so supportive and I continued to hang on, but was disgusted with myself. Yesterday I listed my current weight, which is 297 and I'm getting back on track. I went for a decent walk last night and I'm meeting with the gym this week to discuss the trainer. I know I can do this and cannot give up. I'm worth it, but I need to fight for it too. It's not just going to be handed to me, but I need to challenge myself and I'm in!!!!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Tuesday goal- To walk for 60 minutes at least 5 days this week and get caught up on reading the posts here.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I decided with my second year on MFP I needed a new picture too. This is me!!!