Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    WOW! Susan2396, your story inspires me and gives me hope. I have been fighting with my motivation lately and had never taken part in any of the threads and thought maybe that would help me. For some reason this is the thread that I choose to join. I am so happy now that I did :) You are right, you are worth this. The fight is long and hard, but you are definitely worth it. Your friend and their family will definitely be in our thoughts. Cancer has hit us so often it is insane. My mom just had another surgery two weeks ago to correct damage from her treatments 15 years ago. It is such an evil disease.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Susan I'm so glad you got to get away for a while, even if it was a bittersweet trip. Wow, has it been a whole year already?
    I LOVE the new picture, you look beautiful!
  • AurraSing23
    I love this thread....but man, its tough when you miss a few days. I ran errands/had appointments all weekend long. Barely time to breathe is what it felt like. But--lots of wedding planning stuff accomplished. :)
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. First and foremost ty for all your kind words about my doggie. She is in a better place now. It was a very rough weekend and I desperatley wish my husband could have been here to lean on. My kids took it mostly in stride with just a couple small breakdown moments but I was a total wreck for the last four days. Today I am determined to get up and out and pick my life back up. My little petey has been very clingy and confused. I went out and got him some new food dishes and food and treats today and of course a new squeeky toy. On the food front everything I have ate the last four days has been total junk but I havent ate alot of it so there wasnt alot of damage done. Mother nature came to visit to days ago just to make everyhting even better so I havent been to the gym but am planning a long walk today and back to the gym tomorrow.
    Susan it sounds like a bittersweet trip but at least you got to spend time with people you love. Oh and I love the new hair:happy:
    Mow I am sending you positive thoughts on the job hunting front. I am sure you will find something great.
    I had more but I forgot so to everyone else I am happy to see you are doing fairly well and hope you all have a great day.:heart:
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Hi I am back on the thread. I got off track and then I joined Weight Watchers and it didnt really work for me, or I might say I didnt work for it. I don't do well with the theory you can eat anything you want, just count it. I just can't handle too many carbs and lose weight. I did fairly well on this site and the group is very encouraging.

    I have several chronic health issues and it is critical that I get serious and make this my top priority. Just met my new neighbor and he had gastric sleeve surgery and lost a ton of weight. I just dont want to go there.

    Susan, you comments resonated with me. I think we just need to look forward and not backward. Logging for 365 days is a major accomplishment. My husband says he quit smoking over 100 times before he finally really quit.

    There are many sucessful role models here for those of us still struggling. I am grateful to be back in the group

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Welcome back Katrena! Im sorry that WW didn't work out for you. I tried it a few years back and didn't care of it either.
  • sirtxt
    sirtxt Posts: 39
    Tue Share - My new goals for this week are to get more sleep and increase my active time. I am recently purchased a bio-metric wristband by Jawbone called UP. It tracks all your movement, how long you sit idle (how embarassing), your sleep time - deep vs light and you can use it to track food too. I will continue to use MFP!!!!!

    But, the UP band will keep a rolling average of your active time and sleep time. I am only avg 6.25 hrs of sleep a night - time to get that UP - LOL. As for my active time, I am avg about 1.5 hours a day - combination of walking and exercise. I would like to get that up to 2 hrs.

    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    MyMowMow. Thanks for the welcome. You've made tremendous progress. I know that was a lot of hard work, but you are close to 3 digit weight loss. Good for you.

    Sorry to hear about your job situation, but when one door closes, another opens. My thoughts are with you

    My goals for this week are:

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @john--Those are both great goals--I definitely need to increase my sleep time as well. That UP wristband looks cool! Do you have to have a smartphone to use it?

    @katrena--good to see you back with us again! :flowerforyou:

    @tammy--I can only imagine how difficult your weekend was. I know I will be a complete wreck when that day comes for gunner. :cry: Glad you are determined to get back on track after a few days of "comfort" food.

    @aurra--yes, the thread moves quickly, especially during the week. Glad you had a productive weekend--when is your wedding?

    @BJ--you chose the BEST thread on MFP for support and motivation! Whenever I'm feeling down or discouraged, I can look at the progress others here are making and know I can do it too. I've also grown to really think of folks here as close friends and I want to make them all proud of me, so when I'm feeling lazy, that motivates me to get off my butt.:laugh:

    @holly--that's an awesome walking goal. I know you were changing buildings at work--has that happened yet and are you able to walk during your breaks?

    @susan--First, I absolutely LOVE the new picture! The hair's a bit darker which I think looks fabulous, and your face looks thinner. Sorry your vacation was so bittersweet, but I'm glad you a Cyrus got to spend time with your friends. My friend in Switzerland has a cousin who was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. She's only in her early 30's and the prognosis isn't good. While we were visiting, he got a call that she had to have emergency surgery to remove an abscess and the surgeons were going to try to remove a tumor as well. Once they got inside, they could see the tumor was attached to her liver and some other organs and basically there's no way to remove it. Cancer really is a horrific disease and my thoughts are with your friend and his family. Congrats on your 1 year anniversary--glad to hear you are back and committed to working for your goals!!

    @helena--great job getting to the gym!!

    @kelley--those challenge events sound awesome--I wish my gym offered that.

    @luster--I found that I had to run at a really, really slow pace to get through c25k. For the 1st couple of weeks of the plan, I was running at 5 mph, but once I got to week 4 or 5, I just couldn't complete it at that pace. Someone else on MFP told me to slow down to 4.5 mph and that did the trick. I finished the program at that pace, and once I could run a whole 5k, I started working on my pace. I'm still no speed demon--2 years later I'm working on maintaining an 5.5 mph pace for an entire 5k. :ohwell:

    @kris--ugh! that just sucks about your manager. You should tell her there's no way to create cheat sheets, but you'd be happy to stay on for an extra week or 2 to train the new person.

    @toots--sorry about your hubs--that's so stinky. Don't feel bad about being annoyed with him--you had no way of knowing he was at the beginning stages of this latest illness. We've all had less extreme versions of that happen--I know I've had days when I'm ticked off that my DH is too tired or cranky to do something with me, and then the next day he wakes up with the flu or something. You can't let yourself feel guilty about that.

    @robin--every time I see you mention "goblet" squats, I imagine you squatting with a goblet of some delicious beverage in each hand. :laugh:

    Tuesday Goal:
    My goal this week is to do well on my 5k Thursday night. My time last year was 37:30 which is just over a 12 min/mile pace. I should be able to beat that no problem; however, I'm a little nervous about it b/c my left quad is really sore--I'm pretty sure I strained it during the mud run Saturday. I was able to run 3 miles today, but now my leg is rebelling. Every time I go up/down a stair or stand up/sit down, it's just screaming at me. :grumble: I guess I'll just have to do the best I can.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + Rugged Maniac!!! DONE!!!!
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE TWICE + (rest day)
    Tues--run outside (w/ gunner) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + Terrapin 5k
    Fri--walk gunner (rest day)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Susan- I love the new picture, you are beautiful. I am happy that you enjoyed the trip and were able to spend time with family, even through some of it was really tough. Happy 1 year anniversary, your thoughts hit the nail on the head when it comes to the thread.

    Katrena-Welcome back, it is great to see you again.

    Tammy- I will echo what Karen said and I remember how hard it was after we put our cat down. Good for you for getting yourself back on track.

    Kelly- My friend lives in League City Texas so I am not sure how close that is to Dallas. I will just make it a point of meeting you when I get to Texas.

    Kris- I agree with Karen on what to say to your bosses about writing a cheat sheet.

    Toots- Don't feel guilty about your DH being sick you did not know and men can be difficult when sick or not. Be happy that he is on the mend. Those illnesses are so scary for those dealing with them.

    Karen- Good luck with the 5K on Thursday. I hope your muscles cooperate. Give them a couple of days of rest which might help them recover. It is also good to rest before a race.

    John- Those are great goals for this week.

    Tonight I managed to run 1 mile by myself in 12.12 minutes. Usually I run with my trainer so it was tough doing it alone. I really need to work on my pace meaning slow it down. I did meet my trainers goal to speed it up a little but I was winded by the time I was done.

    Bike update- I was fitted for my bike today and it was a great fitting. They measured the different angles of my knee to help reduce knee pain. The next step is to work on the handle bars so they will be higher and closer to me that way I won't lock my arms out and hurt the elbow.

    To make sure I do a 2 mile run this week on my own.

    Workout Schedule
    Sunday- Bike 21 miles DONE
    Monday- Trainer 5K prep/running drills DONE plus weight training upper body
    Tuesday- Swim no instead Change ran 1 mile in 12.12, rowed for 2000m and biked for 10 minutes (4 Miles) Done
    Wednesday- Swim
    Thursday- strength training -rest
    Friday- swim or climb run 2 miles
    Saturday- Swim,
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    <<<<My middle and youngest and then my niece and nephew. Four of the most important things in my life :)
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    EEK! I'm struggling to keep up with everyone!
    Going to try and do some mad catching up here :smile:

    First of all, welcome to the newlings, and the not-so-newlings returning!

    @Robin - size medium is a win! I can do mediums now too (some of the time). problem I'm having, is that one mfr's medium is another's large
    @Tom - understand the crazy busy (I'm there too) - hope things settle down for you ....
    @skinnyjeanz - wow! you outscored the goals for a 20 year old?!?! WOW :flowerforyou:
    @lustergirl - most of those fancy fitness plans are really wonderful at removing weight from you wallet
    @kah - cherish the happy memories of your gran - you'll always have them
    @jt - so sorry to hear about your dog - I know how hard losing furkids is
    @naceto - I was recently the victim of a pizza mugging myself :blushing: we're pizza assault survivors!
    @toots - your blog was just amazing. I don't have words, truthfully.

    Like I said, I got mugged by a pizza last night... sigh... back to my monster salad tonight!

    Did ok at the gym yesterday, then did a little Zumba at home --- tonight, 15 or so of Zumba before dinner... now, if I can get a nice piece of the lottery, I can find a really good Zumba class (can you tell I'm really enjoying the Zumba??)
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Interview tomorrow afternoon for the job I wanted! I haven't had to do an interview in YEARS..... how on earth do I prepare for that?
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Interview tomorrow afternoon for the job I wanted! I haven't had to do an interview in YEARS..... how on earth do I prepare for that?

    Confidence is key. You know you can do the job and you deserve it!! You walk in with your head held high. Do not give them more information than they need. Basically, you have to sell yourself and what you will do differently than anyone else. I truly believe passion and believing in what you do and the company is imperative. You're going to do AWESOME!!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I can't remember what Tuesday is without going back to page one. I'm just going to check in. All is good. Day two of the refocus went well. I stayed under calories and did a 30 minute swim. Here's to day three and I'm going to win. A few personals:

    @ Laurie - Congrats on the bike fitting. How exciting!! You'll have to get someone to take your picture on your new ride. Fun times ahead!!

    @Vicki - You crack me up about getting mugged by the pizza. Too funny! I've never tried Zumba, but always think about it. I need to try it in the comfort of my own living room before embarrassing myself in front of others. LOL!!

    @JTconst - Thanks for sharing! They truly change everything.

    @Robin - I don't think I was born a medium. One day I will post that at some point. Good for you!

    @Tom - My sleeping has always been poor. I actually have sleep apnea and do have a machine, which I hate. When I use it, I really do sleep so much better. I'm really hoping when this weight goes away this condition will too. Sleep is so crucial to our health.

    @Skinny - It doesn't surprise me one bit. You go girl!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Hi I am back on the thread. I got off track and then I joined Weight Watchers and it didnt really work for me, or I might say I didnt work for it. I don't do well with the theory you can eat anything you want, just count it. I just can't handle too many carbs and lose weight. I did fairly well on this site and the group is very encouraging.

    I have several chronic health issues and it is critical that I get serious and make this my top priority. Just met my new neighbor and he had gastric sleeve surgery and lost a ton of weight. I just dont want to go there.

    Susan, you comments resonated with me. I think we just need to look forward and not backward. Logging for 365 days is a major accomplishment. My husband says he quit smoking over 100 times before he finally really quit.

    There are many sucessful role models here for those of us still struggling. I am grateful to be back in the group


    Welcome back Katrena! It's good to see you again. Thanks for the props. It's been a roller coaster that's for sure, but throughout my down times this thread kept me going. They had to remind me to quite looking back and focus on the forward, which I'm really trying to do. I know we can do this, but we have to take it one day at a time. I know you can too!!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @susan--Tuesday is goals and it sounds like you're meeting yours!! :flowerforyou:

    @kris--how exciting!! good luck tomorrow! :drinker:

    @vickie--don't worry about keeping up with every detail--we all have times when we just can't keep up with it all. Glad you are enjoying the zumba--I still haven't tried it.

    @tammy--cute pic!

    @laurie--thanks--yes, in retrospect, I probably should have taken today off, but tomorrow will be a 100% rest day for sure. Congrats on completing your mile. I still struggle with keeping my pace slow enough to finish longer runs without a walking break. I know a lot of runners don't like the treadmill, but I like using it to control my pace. It's a good reminder of what it should feel like to run at whatever pace I'm currently working on. Congrats on the bike fitting!! What color did you choose?

    I remembered our August goal is to share one NSV each week, so here's mine for week 1:

    Today, I went dress shopping for my friends' commitment ceremony in September. In the past, this would have consisted of finding something (anything) that fit and wasn't too unflattering, but also wouldn't break the bank. Although I love shopping at TJ Maxx and the likes, there aren't a lot of size 16 and up options at those discount stores.

    Today, I stopped in at Off 5th (the Saks 5th Ave outlet) and I immediately found 6 dresses on the size 12 and 14 rack that I liked. In the dressing room, all but 1 fit and 2 were really flattering. I was going to stop there, but I happened upon the fancy, schmancy designer section. Most of the items in this section were, literally, thousands of dollars (and that was on sale!). However, I found a rack of dresses that were all in the $120-$150 range. They were mostly DKNY and Tahari which I know tend to run smaller, so I only picked out size 14s from this rack. All 5 I tried on fit and I loved all of them.

    So my NSV is that I left the store with no new dress b/c I couldn't choose between all of the ones I liked, that fit, and were flattering. My next step is to take my older sister shopping with me to help make the decision--she has really good taste and is a pro at telling me when something doesn't look as good as I think it does without making me cry.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Interview tomorrow afternoon for the job I wanted! I haven't had to do an interview in YEARS..... how on earth do I prepare for that?

    Did I miss it M0wM0w? I did a LOT of research on the internet. YouTube is a great resource for mock interviews. The Recruitment Guy on YouTube was awesome ( He has a TON of great advice. Just remember to be confident and don't be afraid to ask questions. You will do AWESOME!

    Vicki - LOL :laugh: on the "pizza assault survivors" :laugh:

    Seriously- the site maintenance messages were driving me nuts! :grumble: I am so glad that seems to be resolved.

    It has been a busy few days for me. One of my fave gal pals came over to help clean my house, which was filled to the max with STUFF (translates as "crap"). I am still going to yoga (it's been three times now). I am going to be a wee bit vague, to save the menfolk from blushing, when I tell you the major thing I noticed since I started yoga... The "girls" seem to be in better spirits, since I started yoga. :blushing: <<<major NSV for me. :bigsmile: We do a lot of shoulder stuff; which is great for me, since I can't really reach above my shoulders, without joint pain from the bursitis. Of course, we do hip stuff as well, which is great.

    I am still waiting to hear back about "the job"... I should know something by Friday, at the latest.

    Oh shoot... goals- Keep my sodium down / under my goals this week. Still working on my bp, though it seems to hover closer to 120/90 the last couple of weeks, which is an improvement.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member

    Today, I went dress shopping for my friends' commitment ceremony in September. In the past, this would have consisted of finding something (anything) that fit and wasn't too unflattering, but also wouldn't break the bank. Although I love shopping at TJ Maxx and the likes, there aren't a lot of size 16 and up options at those discount stores.

    Today, I stopped in at Off 5th (the Saks 5th Ave outlet) and I immediately found 6 dresses on the size 12 and 14 rack that I liked. In the dressing room, all but 1 fit and 2 were really flattering. I was going to stop there, but I happened upon the fancy, schmancy designer section. Most of the items in this section were, literally, thousands of dollars (and that was on sale!). However, I found a rack of dresses that were all in the $120-$150 range. They were mostly DKNY and Tahari which I know tend to run smaller, so I only picked out size 14s from this rack. All 5 I tried on fit and I loved all of them.

    So my NSV is that I left the store with no new dress b/c I couldn't choose between all of the ones I liked, that fit, and were flattering. My next step is to take my older sister shopping with me to help make the decision--she has really good taste and is a pro at telling me when something doesn't look as good as I think it does without making me cry.

    AWESOME!!!! Way to go!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: I am SO happy for you! What a great NSV!
  • lustergirl
    lustergirl Posts: 123 Member
    Good Morning Everyone. Went to zumba last night and got to admit I was just not feeling it. It seems like I just don't work up a sweat anymore doing this. Now body combat that is a total different story. I am super sweaty after that class.

    It is hump day: everyone enjoy.