Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Wow, in the time it took me to post, 3 more posts went up.

    @holly--counseling is a huge step--congrats on taking it! I also can't believe the summer is almost over!! Does your son have ideas about what he will do after her graduates? Is he planning to go to school or jump into the work-force? If it's school, will he live at home or move away?

    @beth--your trips all sound so great! I'm not a country mouse--I could never live in the country--but I enjoy vacations that involve the great outdoors. Congrats on not needing the seatbelt extender. A man across the aisle from me needed one on our flight home, and I couldn't help but feel for him when he had to ask for it.

    @robin--woohoo! a size medium is so awesome!!! :drinker:

    Editing to add that I changed my pics. The profile is me sitting on a statue of some goats in Luzern, Switzerland, and the ticker is or the French Alps in Albertville, France.

    My son is still in limbo on what to do but he is doing everything in his power to have options avail. He took a practice ACT test this week with his life coach. He would like to stay at home if either way for a little bit if he goes to school his move out of state once finished he hates the cold MN winters. He actually started a 2nd job this week that he thought could help him preapre for a career if he liked it which was Vavoline Oil - he felt if he liked it could lead to many career paths in auto world.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @holly--that's great that your son is keeping options open. Before I started teaching, I worked for Pennzoil and he is right--there are a lot of career options in the automotive field.

    @tom--good to hear from you. I was also wondering about alison, so I'm glad to hear she's getting her steps in.

    @kris--good luck with those jobs applications!! :flowerforyou:

    @cath--I wish gunner liked to fetch, but his idea of playing is for me to chase him around the yard. :ohwell:

    @kris & cath--gunner's eyes (it's actually both) are doing better today. I'm concerned that it might be an allergic reaction which means I should figure out what caused it, but it started while I was on vacation and the hubs can't think of anything that would have caused it.

    AFM--I went to the gym today and they have these very fancy treadmills (the trainer there said they use them in the NFL). Anyway, they allow you to do a fitness test as long as you have a chest strap HRM, so I made sure to wear mine today and did the test. In order to achieve the highest fitness rating in my age range, I needed to score a 42 or higher. In order to achieve the highest rating for a 20 year old, I needed a 49 or higher. I scored a 51 :noway: !!! I almost did a happy dance right there on the treadmill. :bigsmile:

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE
    Sun--run outside (w/ gunner) DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--run outside (w/ gunner) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--Rugged Maniac!!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I just did my squats - 40 of them while holding a 3 lb dumbell up at ear level in each hand. Truly a lot harder. I was sweating at 24, and breathing VERY hard at 32, and extremely relieved when I reached 40! I'm not ready for the 5 # weights yet!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Marca- Happy Birthday. Best wishes for the year ahead.

    MyMowMow- Good luck with the job interviews.

    Karen- Glad Gunner is doing better and I love the pictures.

    Robin- Great job on the squats. Hope the higher weight goes well.

    So many people have already said everything I wanted to add so I will defer to their comments above.

    I am so excited today---My victory for this week is---wait for it======I ran 2 miles today in a little over 25 minutes
    then did a sprint finish. I am so excited about this accomplishment. Right now, I am training for my first 5K at the end of September most likely the 29th since the 21st maybe pushing it a little. After my workout, I swam for over a half mile today. It was a great workout today and I am so happy with everything that I have accomplished. My trainer and I have worked out a training plan to help me reach the 5K mark by the end of September. Darcy even offered to run my first 5K with me if she is not busy. I may do the one on the 29th of September for this reason. Darcy is doing an Iron Eagle triathlon on the 21st.- Half an Ironman.

    The next few days have the potential to be very crazy.
    My friend's (Jane) mom will have a lumpectamy and the doctors are confident they can get it all out. The surgery will be on the 12th. This is good news for the family.

    Then I was speaking with my friend Jenna who's dad died this week. He suffered a stroke on Monday and essentially died but he was on life support so he could donate some organs. This gave his daughter some additional time to spend with her dad before he declared dead. She was Thankful for that time. I spoke to her today and how we can get together. I was thinking about going up for the funeral but then realized how busy they are going to be and that she would need someone after everyone had gone home. Right now everything is up in the air-since she is also dealing with some personal issues as well. So next week I will most like be taking a trip to Oakland or helping her drive back to Texas with the kids. The second option is not ideal but I will help however I can. My thought process is that she and her mom will need some support after the funeral and people have left. I can always look after her kids so she can get quality time with her Mom. Not sure how it will all play out but I want to be a help and not a hinderance.

    Have a great evening and a wonderful Friday.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--I was wondering about your friend's mom--that is good news. I think it's really nice of you to go help out your other friend who just lost her dad--I'm sure she'll truly appreciate your support. Congrats on that run!! I found that once I could run for 25 minutes straight, I could run the full 5k--I bet you could too.

    @robin--great job on those squats!!
  • lustergirl
    lustergirl Posts: 123 Member
    So I went to the dr's. I am having blood work done to check my thyroid and estrogen levels and hormones. My NP was telling me about this program that they run for 12 weeks. It is a diet program for their patients. The next sign up is in September so I am tempted but here is the kicker: it costs 400 dollars.

    Ouch!! My Fitness Pal is free:)

    I had a great dinner: steamed zucchini and yellow squash with Tyson chicken strips. I have enough leftover for lunch tomorrow.
  • lustergirl
    lustergirl Posts: 123 Member

    I see that you are a runner. I have started a c25k program and am in week 1. My shins are killing me, any suggestions?
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    So I went to the dr's. I am having blood work done to check my thyroid and estrogen levels and hormones. My NP was telling me about this program that they run for 12 weeks. It is a diet program for their patients. The next sign up is in September so I am tempted but here is the kicker: it costs 400 dollars.

    Ouch!! My Fitness Pal is free:)

    I had a great dinner: steamed zucchini and yellow squash with Tyson chicken strips. I have enough leftover for lunch tomorrow.

    Put that $400 away for rewards for yourself as you follow the FREE MFP guidelines! Your dinner sounds yummy with the plus that you have left-overs - I'd say you've got this!
  • lustergirl
    lustergirl Posts: 123 Member
    So I went to the dr's. I am having blood work done to check my thyroid and estrogen levels and hormones. My NP was telling me about this program that they run for 12 weeks. It is a diet program for their patients. The next sign up is in September so I am tempted but here is the kicker: it costs 400 dollars.

    Ouch!! My Fitness Pal is free:)

    I had a great dinner: steamed zucchini and yellow squash with Tyson chicken strips. I have enough leftover for lunch tomorrow.

    Put that $400 away for rewards for yourself as you follow the FREE MFP guidelines! Your dinner sounds yummy with the plus that you have left-overs - I'd say you've got this!

    Hopefully my body will catch up as well...
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    BUMP/WATERTAG :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @luster--if you haven't already done so, go to a runner's store and get fitted for good running shoes. That's your first line of defense against injuries such as shin splints. If your shoes aren't the culprit, it's usually the way you are striking the ground--make sure you aren't pounding the pavement or coming down too hard on the full flat of your foot.:smile:

    @robin--I like your new do!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Well, I didn't make it to the gym today - I was just too exhausted so swapping Thursday and Friday this week, since I did some stretching and back exercises ( they sort of qualify as yoga :wink: ). After that I took a nap, then proceeded to finish off the chocolate chips in the pantry. :embarassed: I didn't go over in calories but did in carbs, tomorrow is a new day.

    @Robin~I :love: the new hair-do!!!
    @Karen~Wow, that is stupendous. I bet you were excited!
    @Laurie~Hooray for that milestone, what an awesome run. You are improving more and more each day. :bigsmile:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin- Like the new hair style.

    luster- I agree with Karen (skinnyjeanz) and her advice about shoes and how your feet are striking the ground. Are you warming up before you run? I have found that warming up for about 20-30 minutes is key to my calf's not hurting as bad when I start out. I have just started running in the past 2 months started in June so I am not an expert and I am still in learning mode. One key to remember when starting out is to run and a brisk walk- meaning that you are jogging no faster than your fastest walk. My trainer taught me how to do this so I don't start off to fast.

    Karen-Thanks for that vote of confidence in running 25 allowed you to complete the 5K. I am excited but extremely nervous about doing a 5k.

    I think my first 5K will be on September 29 at a local park.

    Workout Plans
    Sunday- Gym- cardio - DONE
    Monday-Trainer 5K prep aka running drills and cardio DONE
    Tuesday- Rock climbing/ belaying may do something else but not sure??? Gym for bike and row 30 minutes
    Wednesday- Rest or swim REST
    Thursday- Trainer 5K run (2 miles) +++swim DONE and DONE .75 miles :bigsmile:
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday- swim or gym
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Thanks for the comments on my 'do. Its really blunt cut. Those barbs jutting down are earrings, making it look jagged. DOH!

    Mackbeth - sounds like almost a full family reunion you had, and a stupendous swim in chilly waters - you seal, you! :noway:

    Queen - I've been going to counseling on and off for 40 years, it pays for itself....stay-at-home-discovery-vacations I call each session. A great way to grow, hope you get something positive out of it.
    Glad to hear your son is so pro-active about his career after HS. He sounds very smart.

    CathEsh - isn't sitting on the patio heavenly? and Luna can't trouble you there, how funny!

    Tom - glad you dropped by! How's the office move coming? Are you in the boxing up stage now?

    skinny - what a brilliant success -scoring a 51 on the fitness treadmill - WOOT! :drinker: You're better, fitter than a 20 year old. THat's so amazing. We need a medal smiley!

    Laurie - great victory on the racetrack! You have progressed so well so far so fast! :bigsmile: That fact that you ran and then did a sprint really blows me away! Happy dance!
    Your friend Jenna is blessed to have you for a friend. She will appreciate whatever you work out to be by her side.
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    MowMow ~ Yay! On the jobS! :flowerforyou:

    mnwalkingqn ~ I noticed on your profile that you are going back to school. What are you getting your degree in? I went back to school and got my Bachelor's Degree at age 40, so good for you! (I got my Master's at age 52.)

    Skinny ~ Wowza on the treadmill! Happy dance for you!

    Laurie ~ You make me tired just reading about your running and swimming! WTG! You are a very good friend for your friend who lost her dad.

    I did two sets of 100 squats!!! ... in the water! :bigsmile: Does that count? :huh:

    Has anyone heard of Skinny Fiber? What do you think?
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. Just popping in real quick before I toddle off for an early night. First ty for all the kind wishes for my husband, they are greatly appreciated. Robin your hair looks very flattering. MowMow good luck on the job front. Skinny thats amazing about the treadmill truly awesome nsv. Welcome to all the new faces. For everyone else I hope all continues to go well. Have a great night and cya tomorrow. :heart:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Thanks Kaye & M0W for the cruise advice. We did decide to go ahead and go. Still working out the details (friends who may or or may not go holding us up because we need to book a triple or quad cabin). Can't find a photographer for the couple :( The closest I found is $200 more than me and doesn't include an engagement session, less hours etc. Sigh... I'll probably be throwing them a free engagement session for the hassle. Our prices are really low for wedding photographers so I know its going to be hard finding someone to come close.

    Wanted to let you all know I won't be on MFP until Monday. Leaving early in the AM to help my cousin with his charity event (5K & Music festival) for diabetes. He has pretty much put the whole thing together himself and I know he is going to need the help, I really hope some more people volunteer or its going to be a hectic Saturday! If it goes well maybe more people will help him if he does it again next year. Fingers crossed for that.

    Night! See you all on Monday!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member

    Just time for a few personals this morning, will check back after work to catch up and for Friday Fitness.

    @Kris~Glad that position was finally posted and have another job prospect, good luck with the search and interviewing process!
    @Holly~Sounds like DS has a plan, that’s good – most kids his age don’t.
    @Laurie~You’re being a really supportive friend, I’m sure Jenna really appreciates your friendship. She will really appreciate the company once things settle down.

    I’m dealing with my grandmother’s health declining. I’m sure I’ve mentioned before that she’s in congestive heart failure, has been in/out of the hospital a lot this year. Her lungs and heart are now failing, she has returned home on hospice – she’s a fighter, though we aren’t sure how much longer she’ll be with us. She’s 90 and I know that she’s had a good, long life – but I’m selfish too, she and I are so close and talk on the phone almost every day. I know she’s tired and she’s tired of fighting, she and I have talked a lot about this lately – so my prayer for her is that she goes peacefully in her sleep one night. I’ve been on an emotional roller-coaster most of this week trying to comes to terms, but it’s been hard. I did sleep better last night though and Zoe sure stuck to me like glue, I think she knows.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Tom - glad you dropped by! How's the office move coming? Are you in the boxing up stage now?

    skinny - what a brilliant success -scoring a 51 on the fitness treadmill - WOOT! :drinker: You're better, fitter than a 20 year old. THat's so amazing. We need a medal smiley!

    Yay for Karen!

    I wish I had the time to start boxing up the hardware engineering lab and that is what I am supposed to be doing but I also have a few high priority projects to finish. I think we have to go to CA on a work trip too. The moved has been postponed until 8/16.

    Quote of the Day: - “If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.” ~Unknown

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kah-Prayers for your grandmother. I hope she passes quickly but it is still hard waiting for it to happen. I know she loves those phone conversations with you and they bring her comfort and joy.

    Cath- The squats in the pool count as well. That is a lot of squats way to go.

    Tom- Good luck getting everything done. It always seems that things happen at one time.

    Virgo- Good luck with the fundraiser. Did your cousin but out a call for volunteers for the event? That may help to attract a few more people.

    Karen- Great job on the fitness treadmill.

    Today, will be a slightly busy day. I am going bike shopping again with a friend today and will most likely end up with the Cannondale bike. Then I will be climbing tonight. I spoke to my friend Jenna today and I will be heading to Oakland Maryland on Tuesday. While there I will be helping to entertain the kids, teach a few lessons in Math (homes chooled kids) and spending time with Jenna and her mom. Her mom is glad to have me visit at that time since things will start to calm down. This solves my vacation plans as well. I was thinking about going to the mountains this year so it is perfect. I will stay for a few days.