Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    I MISS THE GYM!!! Whine, whine, whine.

    Was doing so well and then...well, yesterday was National Cheesecake Day. Need I say more. I repent, really I do.:devil:

    After nearly 45 years of cooking, I'm so ready to quit. When I get home from work, the last thing I want to do is wash, chop and cook. If it was just me, I'd grill a chicken breast and zucchini and call it good, but hubby--not that interested. Processed foods are not healthy and restaurants are too tempting. Don't get me wrong--I love to bake, but you can guess what's wrong with that. Any suggestions for FAST, low prep and healthy meals. Recipes, anyone?

    P.S.-Don't know how you feel, but I liked the old format better.
  • warnerj8574
    warnerj8574 Posts: 1 Member
    Im new to this but im confused because I have lost 25 pounds, yet can still fit into same clothes and nobody has noticed the loss...y???
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    bump :smile:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @beth--if I haven't mentioned it before, I :heart: your profile pic. It's like you're peeking out of the water at all of us. :laugh:

    @warner--Not sure where you are starting, but I think the heavier we are the more lbs it takes to actually drop a size. I started at 241 and it took at least 25 lbs to drop from an 18 to 16, then about 15 lbs to drop to a 14, but there only seems to be about a 10 lb difference between sizes 14 and 12 for me. I'm sure everyone is different and height must play a role as well. As far as others noticing, I think sometimes people who see us everyday don't notice, and even when they do, they can be hesitant to say anything b/c weight can be a sensitive subject for some people. I still get people saying "wow, you've lost a lot of weight, haven't you?" and it's awkward b/c I really have lost very little weight over the past year. My point is that some people will notice and some people just won't--don't let it get you down. You'll definitely get to a point where people won't stop telling you how much you've lost, how great you look, etc. Just keep going!! :cry:

    @marsha--I feel the same way about cooking--I hate doing it. Luckily, my husband does most of the cooking. We both tend to make what we like, and if the other person doesn't want it, he/she can make something else. So if he makes white potatoes which I don't like, I make myself a sweet potato. If I make grilled chicken and he doesn't want it, he can make himself something different, or smother his chicken in cheese and bacon, or whatever to make it more palatable. Oh, and I can't believe I missed National Cheesecake Day! :grumble: :laugh:

    AFM--My husband bought these Johnsonville Burger Brats--they are seasoned pork patties, so they look like burgers, but taste more like brats. They were delicious though, as you might suspect, high in sodium.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    So I am back for GOOD!!! My son-in-law fixed my computer in time to give it back for my birthday.... all parts and labor included!!!
    I have not been doing great with nutrition though the exercise is still going well. But true to a post I read on "OneFitWidow" "Fitness is 20% exercise and 80% nutrition- You can't out run your FORK!!!" I am not losing. So, I am re-committing to the WHOLE deal and feel much more able to do so since the exercise is still going strong!!!

    My awesome NSV is that today is my birthday.... and though some have been lighter ones, I have not felt this healthy, energetic, and YOUNG for the last 6 years!!! Health is something I will never again take for granted!!!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Happy Birthday, Marca.
    I am checking out for a couple of days to attend a family reunion for my husband's family in eastern ID. We don't see them often so it will be good to catch up. They planned it at a reservoir so they could have boating and swimming, but the reservoir is empty so I'm not sure what we will be doing.
    I'm excited because I get to bring my sister home with me for a few days. She lives in Michigan where she nannies for her son's family. She gets the summer off, but spends most of it in UT where most of my sisters live. I don't get to see much of her so this will be fun. Next weekend we will be attending a reunion for my maternal grandparents' family. I have a feeling that I am going to be lucky to maintain my weight for the next few weeks.
    Thursday truth: Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. The system works. Trust it. Make a better choice today than you would have made before.
    Have a great day. Kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    The changes to the site surprised me too, then my app wouldn’t work for logging foods for the longest time. Seems to be working better now.

    @Tammy~Volunteering at the hospital is a great idea. The radiology facility I work for is located in the hospital, I’ve gotten especially close to some of the older volunteers – feel like I have surrogate grandparents sometimes (although they are just a few years older than my actual parents). :wink: Sending healing vibes to hubby…

    @Luster~Weight loss can be frustrating at times. Like Laurie said, it could just take some time for your body to catch up and you could be losing inches. That’s one of the reasons to pay attention to how your clothes are fitting or taking measurements – this is often a better way of seeing how you’re changing over the scale.

    @Wannabepiper~The easiest way to exercise is to find something you love, that way you’ll stick with it. I’ve always been active and liked to exercise, but since I’ve been working out with a trainer he throws challenges at me – that’s what I look forward to now, his next great challenge just to prove to myself that I can do it!

    @Karen~I’m glad gunner is feeling better and got some of his energy back! Are you going back to your regular gym?

    @Marsha~I like to cook but I don’t like spending evenings during the week in the kitchen, after working all day the last thing I want to do is spend two hours in the kitchen! So, I prepare meals for the week on the weekend. Right now I try to make one-pot meals or something in the slow cooker to save time (and avoid turning on the oven in this heat), then all I have to do is prepare veggies and/or sides during the week. Easy peasy.

    @warner~Like skinny said, some people are hesitant to broach the subject of weight loss and most people don’t say anything. When I run into people that I haven’t seen in a while (like yesterday), they say something but people I see every day rarely do. I can also remember it took 75# before anyone said anything to me, and then asked if I was okay – did I lose weight intentionally or was I sick. I think that’s why it a hard subject.

    @Marca~great to see you, glad the computer is fixed. Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou:

    @Kaye~Enjoy the reunion and time with your sister.

    Thursday Truth~I’m sleepy today, Zoe has been getting the night crazies and last night was playing with my feet. Maybe I need to stop playing fetch with her before bed, maybe it gets too excited. :tongue: Such a silly girl sometimes! Had great workout with trainer last night, haven’t seen him in over a week – felt good to be back in our routine. He’s given me some exercises at home for my back, so we’ll see how those work out – I know the stretches he gave me were NOT fun!

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~HIIT at Gym DONE! :bigsmile:
    Monday~Rest Day DONE! :tongue:
    Tuesday~Had planned on gym, but appts after work ran long.
    Wednesday~Trainer DONE! :bigsmile:
    Thursday~Cross Trainer or Arc Trainer at Gym
    Saturday~HIIT at gym (also have initial weigh in for gym challenge)

    Happy Pre-Friday, have a great day!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    NVirgo - did you decide yet to go on the cruise? I thought about it and couldn't you line up another photographer at the same price you were going to do the job for and present them to the couple as an alternative when you tell them you are unavailable? I think that would certainly be acceptable.

    Queen - lilacs do well in full sun!

    Lustergirl - results will come. Good luck with your gyno appointment. As others suggested, its a great idea to take overall measurements so you can gauge your personal progress.

    jt - praying for your hubby - :flowerforyou:

    SnowGoose - welcome and I'll send you a message how you can find your way back here.

    skinnyjeans - when you said you had to buy a dress for September - I thought "Thats so far off!" then I realized its just around the corner! YIKES!

    Marsha - I like the old format better too!

    Marca - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! :heart: :smooched: :heart: So glad you're feeling so young and energetic and recommited to your lifestyle change - ATTAGIRL!!!!

    Kaye - a dry reservoir can still be a lot of fun if you have the spirit with you. Also enjoy the time with your sister. Glad to see your family gets together so frequently - its wonderful to hear about . Have a great time and stay in touch when you can. You're doing great, Kaye.

    Kah - so glad you got back together with your trainer - I know you feel better when you get to train. I hope the stretches he gave you will help you work out your SI joint. Maybe you need to play with Zoe a bit earlier in the evening so shes tuckered out earlier in the nite - :laugh:

    I am trying to read up on weight lifting and squats and it appears I need to do less squats with more weights. So today that's my goal. I'm going to try holding 10 lbs on my shoulders and see how many squats I can do! Wish me luck!
    Laurie - you're so right in what you said earlier to others - repeating behavior more than 30 times really helps create a habit and also helps you learn to like something. I'm at the point where I really like doing my squats and don't feel "Normal" if I don't do them.
  • lustergirl
    lustergirl Posts: 123 Member
    NVirgo - did you decide yet to go on the cruise? I thought about it and couldn't you line up another photographer at the same price you were going to do the job for and present them to the couple as an alternative when you tell them you are unavailable? I think that would certainly be acceptable.

    Queen - lilacs do well in full sun!

    Lustergirl - results will come. Good luck with your gyno appointment. As others suggested, its a great idea to take overall measurements so you can gauge your personal progress.

    jt - praying for your hubby - :flowerforyou:

    SnowGoose - welcome and I'll send you a message how you can find your way back here.

    skinnyjeans - when you said you had to buy a dress for September - I thought "Thats so far off!" then I realized its just around the corner! YIKES!

    Marsha - I like the old format better too!

    Marca - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! :heart: :smooched: :heart: So glad you're feeling so young and energetic and recommited to your lifestyle change - ATTAGIRL!!!!

    Kaye - a dry reservoir can still be a lot of fun if you have the spirit with you. Also enjoy the time with your sister. Glad to see your family gets together so frequently - its wonderful to hear about . Have a great time and stay in touch when you can. You're doing great, Kaye.

    Kah - so glad you got back together with your trainer - I know you feel better when you get to train. I hope the stretches he gave you will help you work out your SI joint. Maybe you need to play with Zoe a bit earlier in the evening so shes tuckered out earlier in the nite - :laugh:

    I am trying to read up on weight lifting and squats and it appears I need to do less squats with more weights. So today that's my goal. I'm going to try holding 10 lbs on my shoulders and see how many squats I can do! Wish me luck!
    Laurie - you're so right in what you said earlier to others - repeating behavior more than 30 times really helps create a habit and also helps you learn to like something. I'm at the point where I really like doing my squats and don't feel "Normal" if I don't do them.

    Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement. You are right, I am losing inches and have dropped a size in my pants. I hope eventually this will catch and the weight loss will begin again.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    My NSV this week - I was at a girlfriend's house for coffee and we were sitting on her covered deck and it was chilly. She went to get me a jacket and returned with a size medium - and it fit! I have been wearing a 1X to this day and a medium fit! HOORAY!
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    @marca -- HAPPY Birthday!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
    @tammy -- wow, not for the weak is right -- hope he feels better soon!
    @laurie -- have you decided on a triathlon yet? i'm considering a sprint tri at cedar point in sandusky, ohio on september 7th (the swim portion is in lake erie). it's a bit far from connecticut for a weekend trip, but my family lives just down the road in ohio, and the course is much flatter than anything here would be.... :bigsmile: good luck finding your perfect bike!
    @kaye -- hope you have a great time with your family (with or without water for playing in)!!! :drinker:
    @luster & snowgoose & wannabpiper & warner & the rest of the newcomers -- Welcome!
    @kelley -- every time i see you or someone else talk about your SI it briefly disturbs me since at work we always have to check whether clients have SI/HI (sucidal or homicidal intent) and i'm all like, "No, Kelley, you have so much going for you..... you're even beating me in steps right now." :laugh:
    @karen -- yep, sometimes i am just stalking you all from the water. :wink: glad to hear gunner's up and running again and that your trip went so well!!!!
    @marsha -- good to see you again! my pop's in a boot right now too.... sigh... i hope you get out of yours and back to the gym soon!
    @holly -- good to see you too! one day at a time... :flowerforyou:
    @tom & alison -- you lurking? :drinker:
    @kris -- i hope you hear about that job soon!!! i know you're not too eager to be unemployed (unlike me :laugh: ).
    @nicole -- good luck with the final, final interview!!!! i believe you'll rock it!!!! :smokin:
    @robin -- FABULOUS NSV!!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    So, I'm back from my extended-weekend trip to Oregon (but not for long). My dad is quite disappointed to be off the trail with a broken foot, but he's already planning his return next year. My mom said he had seemed really not-himself for the first week he was back, but that my visit did wonders for him!! :happy: Very nice to hear, since my mom doesn't throw compliments around very often. (Speaking of my parents, they both decided to join MFP while I was out there, so I'm not sure what I will do. I might have to change my user name -- not eager for them to find me/read my posts :grumble: ). I also got to see my aunt and several cousins and had a really super time!! Would have liked to stay a bit longer -- Oregon is definitely "God's Country" (as my family calls it), and one of my absolute favorite places! I did visit the coast, at Seaside, and was the only person crazy/tough enough to swim in the very chilly waters. A few folks were wading up to their waists, but I had the rest of the ocean all to myself (well, just me and the big fish, Kelley :wink: ). After work today I depart for a quick trip to Vermont to look at some farms-for-sale with a friend of mine. We're hoping to buy a place sometime during the next year. She has the heart/soul/head of a farmer and I crave the quiet, country life. One of the places we're looking at has "two rustic cabins," one for each of us. I hope we can make it work financially, because I know we will be good partners in this venture. My NSV for the week is definitely not needing a seatbelt extender on the airplane (first time in several years) and not being so uncomfortable in the seat that I spent the entire flight contemplating never flying again (as happened on my last few trips). Anyway, I hope to log in daily to maintain my streak but probably will just lurk here for the next couple days. Happy end of the week to everyone! :drinker:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thursday Truth- My NSV so far this week has been to start counseling it was a huge step for me but will definately pay off in the end. For now I am just working on my emotional health and walking. I also can't believer summer is almost over and this year my kiddo is a senior :frown: he is growing up.

    JT- hope your hubby gets better
    Grammy- I miss the gym too and good thing I didn't know about cheese cake day:bigsmile:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Happy Birthday, Marca!!! Glad to see you back! :flowerforyou:

    @luster--that's great that you've gone down a size! I always say losing inches is much better than losing lbs b/c people can see that you've gotten smaller, but no one is going to pick you up to see if you are lighter. :laugh:

    @robin--good luck with lifting heavy and it's great that those squats have become such a habit for you. Yes, I only have 6 weeks to find the dress. At least in a size 12-14 I should have a lot more options than the last time I had to buy a formal dress in a size 18. A friend of mine also offered to let me shop in her closet if I have trouble finding something. It's nice to have that back-up, but I'm actually kind of looking forward to dress shopping which is a huge NSV--to actually want to go try on clothes! :noway:

    @kelley--hope those back stretches help. As far as the gym, I ended up switching to SNAP Fitness. It's about $80 more for the year, but the hours are so much better that I just had to make the change. I also get a free 10 minutes on the hydro massage machine every day b/c I pre-paid for the year. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm looking forward to seeing if it helps my calf.

    @kaye--all of the family time sounds great, and I'm sure you'll do fine with at least maintaining--just enjoy your time together and don't worry too much about the food. I envy your family get-togethers. My extended family all live in Michigan and it seems the only time we all get together is at weddings and funerals. I'm also sad b/c my cousin is visiting in a couple of weeks, but I will be away in Milwaukee while she's in Chicago. :ohwell:

    Thursday Truth:
    I've been lazy the past couple of days. Yesterday I lounged all day until going to the gym at 4. Today, I'm off to a similar start, but I'm going to try to be a bit more productive today.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE
    Sun--run outside (w/ gunner) DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--run outside (w/ gunner) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym or run
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--Rugged Maniac!!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Wow, in the time it took me to post, 3 more posts went up.

    @holly--counseling is a huge step--congrats on taking it! I also can't believe the summer is almost over!! Does your son have ideas about what he will do after her graduates? Is he planning to go to school or jump into the work-force? If it's school, will he live at home or move away?

    @beth--your trips all sound so great! I'm not a country mouse--I could never live in the country--but I enjoy vacations that involve the great outdoors. Congrats on not needing the seatbelt extender. A man across the aisle from me needed one on our flight home, and I couldn't help but feel for him when he had to ask for it.

    @robin--woohoo! a size medium is so awesome!!! :drinker:

    Editing to add that I changed my pics. The profile is me sitting on a statue of some goats in Luzern, Switzerland, and the ticker is or the French Alps in Albertville, France.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Lori - Late afternoon/evening is a problem for me as well. It's when I start hunting for food. I've found that Robin's suggestion of saving some calories just for late afternoon snacks is a great one. I also try to pinpoint my triggers. FOr instance, if I sit down in front of the TV.... I want to munch. I had to find something to keep my hands busy so I'll crochet, or work on a puzzle, or anything that I don't want to touch while I'm eating. Early on gum during TV helped a lot. Chewing made me feel better. Another [b[HUGE[/b] trigger for me was video gaming. For so many years I'd munch while playing MMORP so... I gave up gaming and try to get OUT of the house instead of burying myself inside a game and hiding. The calories I try to save for evening I blow depending on my moods. If I feel 'snacky' then I eat lots of small things like berries or cherries. Big bang for my buck. If I want something decadent and sweet I'll pick up some frozen yogurt (one serving from the local shop) and eat that or maybe a low sugar pudding snack or I'll make ONE serving of cookies for myself.

    Abetterme - WELCOME! I had close to that much (180) to lose when I started. It really helped to break it down into smaller goals so I didn't feel so overwhelmed. I sent a friend's request!

    Doingthisforme - I had a relationship that kind of went that way. I became OBSESSED with every text, every phone call, every nuance trying to decicpher the deeper meaning and trying to figure out if stupid things like "I love you" to "wubs you" meant he really didn't anymore.... You'll drive yourself NUTS that way (trust me, it did) and just seem clingy and needy to him. Go about your life and do your thing, if he loves you wants to be apart of your life he'll join you on your journey. If not, then it's time to kick him to the curb and find someone deserving of your love.

    Angelika - So happy for you that the scale started shifting again!

    Sugartwist - Welcome!!

    GrandmaKaye - I had to google the Hawaiian Haystacks. I had never heard of them either. It's an interesting concept, I may try to play with that recipe in the recipe builder and see if I can get it to fit.

    Robin - You are the squatting Queen!! (Hmm, that sounded better in my head). A MEDIUM!!! That's an AWESOME NSV!!

    Naceto - I'm so glad you enjoyed the yoga!! I have a Yoga DvD at home that I started with and I think that once I'm healed a bit more I'll be heading back to it to get back into the exercise groove. My mom is coming to visit at the end of the month and I want to get her into it. She could use the help with her balance and this video is designed for the overweight/obese (she's not, but she IS 77) so I think it will be gentle enough for her to start! LOVE the Yoga!! Good luck and fingers crossed you get the new job!!

    Neurotic Virgo - Cruising was a BLAST and I always loved the gentle sway of the ship at night. I slept SO well with the sea air and being rocked to sleep (literally) each night. It was wonderful!. We always cruise Royal Carribean and there are two formal nights as well. Our first few we went all out and attended them (tuxes and evening gowns) after that we just skipped them and at in one of there other restaraunts. Dining options were endless, my husband and I spent the majority of our time in their 50's diner drinking malteds and eating burgers/fries. Well that and cruising around the ship hunting for the soft serve ice cream dispensors that were EVERYWHERE (geesh, no wonder I was 300+lbs)....

    Skinny - HOw is the pooch's eye this morning? Poor little guy. I hope it heals up for him fast!

    Lustergirl - I hope the Doc has some insight and can help you get things on the right track again.

    JTconst - I hope hubs is feeling better. IT must be even MORE miserable for them to be so far from home and feeling lousy and even worse just have to work through it all.

    Wannabpiper - Welcome!

    Laurie - THoughts and prayers with your friends mom, I hope things turn out better than they hope!

    Snowgoose - Friend Request sent and welcome!

    Marca - Welcome back and happy birthday!!

    Jellis - Welcome! Thanks for the thought I but I don't want to use gimmicks, aids, or anything processed to high heaven to lose my weight. I'll do it by good old fashioned hard work and determination with tons of support from good friends on MFP!

    Kah - To get Zoe ready for bed try something that follows her natural instinct. Play with her earlier in the evening and give her a good solid workout (like with a wand toy or a laser pointer) get her panting, then let her rest. Get her panting again, let her rest. Keep that up for a while then let her settle down for 20 or 30 minutes and feed her a small meal. This will follow her natural instincts to hunt (play), eat, groom, and then sleep. This helped Book a LOT when he was in his bratty teenage years with all that excess energy.

    Macbeth! Loving your NSV and I couldn't agree more, I've never been happier than since I moved to Oregon. It is the most beautiful place in the world, imo!
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    I’ve read through all your posts but haven’t replied. Last time I posted, I said I needed to exercise but wanted a nap! Accomplished both! \o/

    My ticker says I’ve lost 9 pounds, but it should actually say only 4 since i've gained back practically everything I had lost. :embarassed: So, I’m in for the 4 pound weigh loss challenge (plus 1) for the month of August. I need to get my rear in gear. I started MFP last summer and had lost 22 pounds by September. I can do it again, but I'll accept the challenge and take it slow.

    We bought new patio furniture, so I am outside with my laptop on a table. There is no way my Little Luna's foot can come anywhere near my keyboard, so I'm attempting personals today. (While throwing the ball for Luna! What a little fetcher she is!)

    MowMow, hope you hear good news on the job.

    sugartwist, Welcome! Everyone in this thread is supportive, motivating, inspiring...not rude comments or put downs EVER! Love them! :love:

    Sherrie, I am looking forward into getting into a routine, too. Teachers here (in Kearney, NE) report back to school on the 12th. I am almost seriously thinking about going in today and arranging my furniture in my classroom (almost!). We'll see...

    Doingthis, your goals are the same as mine! I try to exercise at least 30 minutes each day. I focus more on the exercise than the eating but trying to make wise choices. I realize I really have to keep the calories down to lose. I just don't like counting them and doing the tedious job of logging.

    Robin, 64 squats...woot! woot! I'm thinking about joining in on your squat challenge. First I have to see if I can do ONE! Hope you get that car figured out! AND Woohoo on the size Medium!

    Naceto, Can't wait to hear how your interview went! (fingers crossed for luck)

    NeuroticVirgo, Boy I can relate w/you about it being harder to stay on track when hubby is home. I'm a school teacher, and my husband is a college professor. Being home all summer w/tasty treats close by is a killer. I try not to buy them, but my hubby and daughter bring in stuff all the time. The good part is, we at least do a lot together that keeps us active (like dog walking, kayaking, and biking).

    Lori, I love, love, love watermelon! It is very filling but sends me running to the bathroom. I guess there is a reason they call it WATER melon!

    Kah, Maybe your trainer who used to be PT will be able to tell you what to do with some exercise or something and save you some $$$. We can only hope. Good luck!

    Skinny, Sorry to hear about Gunner. Hope he gets better soon! We love our fur babies!

    lustergirl, Welcome! I, too, would like to get to 150. Right now I'm working to get to where my ticker was last September (22 pounds lost). Then I can focus on getting out of the 200 club!

    jtconst, Volunteering is a great idea! Gets you out of the house AND gets in some extra steps! I know I can get pretty lazy in the summer. (But I sure do love summer!)

    wannabpiper, Welcome! Losing 1/4 pound per week is a good goal for you, I think. It gets harder when you get close to your goal weight (so I hear!).

    Laurie, Love the biking! Can't go wrong with a long bike ride IMO!

    SnowGoose, To follow this thread, once you've posted, go to "Community" and "My topics," and it will be right there! Welcome!

    GrammyWhammy, Oh those dreaded National holidays! I had to celebrate National Donut Day and National Ice Cream Day and National Root Beer Float Day...Probably a good thing I missed National Cheesecake Day! AND, I'm with you. After working all day long, cooking is the last thing I want to do. Luckily, hubby is pretty understanding, and we do our own thing a lot of the time. Usually salads or breakfast for supper (eggs of some sort and fruit).

    warnerj, Don't get discouraged! I've found you have to lose 40 or 50 pounds before anyone starts noticing (from past experience, obviously, since my ticker doesn't show much this time around). Ugh!

    TOPSmarca, I, too, am heavier than I have been but feel healthier. I exercise more than I watch the food, but you're right about it being 80% food and 20% exercise. I do feel better, though, since I exercise. My blood pressure is lower, too, when I exercise regularly, though I've never had really high BP.

    Kaye, You are so close to your goal weight! Good for you!

    lmackbeth, hope you find that farm you're looking connecting w/nature.

    To the person who posted wanting to lose 10 pounds a month...just be careful! My cousin lost 90 pounds in 9 months. I was talking to her and asking her how she did it. She tried to eat 1200 calories a day and was an exercise fiend. She said she really lost it too fast, because her hair started falling out. So, proceed with caution.

    Good luck to us! ~ Cath
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    They FINALLY posted the job. I made up a reason to call her this morning (asking who to talk to about how often they empty our trash) and she told me it posted just this morning. She said she was going to email me on her lunch break.

    I officially applied and she told me they are planning on doing interviews next week. *REALLY* want this job badly!!

    I did find another that I liked, it was office manager for an assisted living community. It offered low pay but FULL benefits and vacation time. That will make up for the lower pay, imo! That one is hard to apply for though, it has to be in person between 10 and 5 pm. I'm at work during those hours..... I was going to head over there on Saturday to fill out an application and if they were close I'll just leave work for lunch on Monday and eat at my desk after I get back.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    They FINALLY posted the job. I made up a reason to call her this morning (asking who to talk to about how often they empty our trash) and she told me it posted just this morning. She said she was going to email me on her lunch break.

    I officially applied and she told me they are planning on doing interviews next week. *REALLY* want this job badly!!

    I did find another that I liked, it was office manager for an assisted living community. It offered low pay but FULL benefits and vacation time. That will make up for the lower pay, imo! That one is hard to apply for though, it has to be in person between 10 and 5 pm. I'm at work during those hours..... I was going to head over there on Saturday to fill out an application and if they were close I'll just leave work for lunch on Monday and eat at my desk after I get back.

    Having 2 jobs to apply for is GREAT! I hope they both want you and start a bidding war over you! :love:
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Macbeth- I am lurking:drinker: I have been very busy at work. I got right back on the snack wagon and gained some of those same 7-10 lbs. I have been gaining and losing for the last 5 months. I have not heard from Alison hope she is ok. She must be doing pretty good because she keeps getting more steps than me everyday:laugh: along with you and Kelley.

    I am going to finish the bad snacking tonight, so tomorrow no more bad snacks!

    Quote of the week:- “When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal.” ~Napoleon Hill

    Hope everyone has a healthy day!

  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    They FINALLY posted the job. I made up a reason to call her this morning (asking who to talk to about how often they empty our trash) and she told me it posted just this morning. She said she was going to email me on her lunch break.

    I officially applied and she told me they are planning on doing interviews next week. *REALLY* want this job badly!!

    I did find another that I liked, it was office manager for an assisted living community. It offered low pay but FULL benefits and vacation time. That will make up for the lower pay, imo! That one is hard to apply for though, it has to be in person between 10 and 5 pm. I'm at work during those hours..... I was going to head over there on Saturday to fill out an application and if they were close I'll just leave work for lunch on Monday and eat at my desk after I get back.

    Good Luck!!!