Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--glad you dad is doing okay and that you are enjoying the time visiting with your sisters. I have 2 sisters and we are very close--I could not imagine living very far from them.

    @robinB--I am the worst person to ask about training as I don't really know the best way to increase your pace. I can tell you that what has worked best for me is the interval training (like what you described with the alternating 2.5/3.5 pacing). I don't thik your plan is over-zealous--walking 5-6 days/week should not be a problem provided you are feeling good. You can always add in additional rest days if needed. As far as whether you will be able to get to 3 mph by May--my guess is that it is possible, though I think only time will tell. I say go for it (while being smart and listening to your body if it says STOP!). Worst case scenario is you aren't there yet, but you certainly won't be there if you don't try, right? I say do your best and you will go to that race feeling good that you worked as hard as you could to prepare. :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--have a great trip! I love the Flamingo--especially the pool! I hope you have fabulous weather and a wonderful visit with Susan, Tom, and Amy. :drinker:

    AFM--I got through my smaller class of JRP drafts, but almost halfway done with those so feeling a bit better about my progress today. :smile:

    I plan to take the motil charts to the salon and try to get those done while waiting for my color to set. Would love to get some AP essays done tomorrow as well, but not sure I'll have time. If need be, I can do 20/day Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Ugh. Happy "break" to me. :ohwell:

    Tuesday Goals:
    1. Get to the gym DONE
    2. finish poetry annotations DONE
    3. grade at least 10 more AP essays
    4. get started on JRP drafts GOT THROUGH ONE CLASS

    March Challenge:
    1. 2/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 21/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 25/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/50 motif charts
    2. 10/70 AP essays
    3. 22/50 JRP drafts

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--run outside w/ gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--run outside w/ gunner
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @susan - WOW on getting to hear Maya Angelou speak. Sounds like a great conference. Sorry you lost your Fitbit. I've resisted getting one so far. I'm sorta afraid I'll get obsessed with it.

    @skinnyjeanz - Woo Hoo for smaller sizes! I haven't read any of the stuff you have about the Walking Dead (Easter Eggs?), I was just thinking about why anyone would want to entice people to a certain place and my twisted mind came up with food being scarce and what some might do to survive. I'm also kinda worried about Beth. Who snatched her? What if she shows up and one of the nasty guys with Daryl "claims" her? I don't see anything good coming from that group meeting up with Rick since he killed their friend. The finale will be very interesting I'm sure.

    @mnwalkingqueen - So glad you got the car repair worked out. Seems like quite a few people came through for you!

    @grandmakaye - Gald your Dad is rallying and you're getting some much needed time with your sisters.

    AFM - Not much to report. Just getting through the week and looking forward to spending the weekend with my oldest daughter. The weather is supposed to be rainy, but we'll have fun regardless.

    Exercise Goals:

    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk DONE (4.8 miles)
    Sunday - Rest Day DONE
    Monday- Cardio/Weights/Stretch (missing due to work)
    Tuesday - Yoga DONE
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Thursday - Pilates
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch (missing heading out of town)
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Wednesday Wish: That I survive this weekend. Two birthday parties, circus, last basketball game of the season for Emma, repeat of my training session, youth group. Michael has started having weekends off but that’s not a lot of help when he’s sleeping during the day. Oh well, he should be around for the pick up and drop offs for one of the birthday parties.

    @Holly…glad you were able to find a good deal for your car and then also a buyer for the bunk beds?? Whoo hoo!

    @Ushkii…I agree with you on the benefits of water…but why then do I fail at drinking my full share most days??? :tongue:

    @Aimee…First, I don’t think you should be ashamed if you have to drop to a walk for a little while. In fact, I think Karen has a great idea about planning some walking breaks. You will be doing it and that’s more than a lot of people. Secondly, I think you should talk to your BF about where you want him to be…I’m sure he’ll be supportive.:heart:

    @GrandmaKaye…sorry to hear about your dad. Tough time, but I’m glad you have your sisters there to help you with them. The transition time is the toughest. I'm sure he’ll settle in a routine and group of people.

    @Karen…I would have never even thought about the machine not working right. I would have assumed you were just AWESOME that day. :glasses:

    @Laurie…Have a wonderful time in Las Vegas…after the winter you’ve had, enjoy the warmer weather (and getting to meet Tom, Amy and Susan).

    @L2T…enjoy your weekend with your oldest daughter.

    AFM…I had the trainer yesterday and we did strength/core workout. It was the first time I’ve worked with kettlebells and stretchy bands. Definitely put us through our paces. I had to take a second break here and there during some exercises, but for the most part was able to keep up. She wrapped up the ½ hour with lots of crunches that I’ve never seen/done before…yikes! She had commented that if we felt like throwing up, where to do it. I said, "I’ve never thrown up from a workout before" – and I didn’t. However, as I was doing the bike afterwords, all of a sudden, I felt like I knew what she was talking about. I actually feel pretty good this morning – she made sure we did lots of stretching at the end of our session.

    Today, I am going to:
    o Drink my water :drinker:
    o Avoid all soda
    o Get the snacks out of my house (ran out of time yesterday)
    o Water aerobics with my sister
    o Stay on course with my calories

    Have a great Wednesday!!!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Wednesday Wish - For my staff to cooperate with me and actually follow through on what I ask them to. Yesterday was just an "OMG I need to bang my head against the wall" type of work day. I hope the rest of the week gets better.

    We never got the snow that we were expecting. I am happy about that but it is very cold and windy today. I tested the temperature when I went out to get the garbage can. Today will definitely be a indoor Gilad day.

    RobinB - That is exactly how I felt. Even though that is not what happened. :ohwell: LOL to your son's text message. I can't answer your question or give you any input. I am sure some of our more experienced runners/ walkers can help you.

    Lives & Skinny - I thought the same thing about the grill. I mentioned to Brian that I was wondering what she was cooking on the grill. Especially since we didn't see any signs of a garden or farm around. Granted it could have been in a different location. If so I thought it was a bit odd to have the grill right in the entrance way.
    I just wrote all about the photos going around FB but see Karen posted about it too.
    Here is a link to those photos so you can see, Lives.

    I didn't hear about the sweater thing though or the Easter Eggs. I am curious now so I am going to look into it later today and see what that is about. From what I have been reading the last episode is supposed to have the biggest cliff hanger than we have ever seen. Reports are saying the wait for the Fall season is going to be the hardest yet for viewers. I am sad that it will be ending as well.

    I am wondering how it will play out with Daryl's new group and Rick. You can tell Daryl isn't 100% comfortable with the new group but is just going along with them for the time being. I would be really surprised if he didn't come to Rick's defense. Lives post has me wondering. I wonder if it was Mary in the car with the cross in the window who snatched up Beth. I didn't think about that before until now.

    Skinny - I love the advice that you gave to aimee! That is a really great idea about scheduling walking breaks and giving the BF a heads up about them.
    Sorry to hear about your BIL's father.

    Aimeemarie - I can completely understand your reasoning and concerns. I have a lot of concerns myself which I believe tie into my self-consciousness and esteem. When my 5K comes and I have all the same concerns feel free to remind me of the advice I am about to give you! I am sure I will need it. :wink: In all reality, the people on the side lines won't really care if you had to drop to the walk. Most probably would not even notice as they are too busy looking for their loved one. Remind yourself that the people on the side lines are just spectators for a reason. You are doing something that they are not doing. Guaranteed some of them, if not most of them cannot do what you are doing. So if you need to drop down to a walk, so be it. At least you are out there giving it your all and not giving up. If you come in dead last, which I doubt you will, who cares. There is no embarrassment or shame in trying something new and challenging. That is much better than not to have tried at all. Don't compare yourself to the other 5K runners/walkers. There will always be someone who can do a bit more than we can. Remind yourself of this and take pride in how far you have come. At least you have the satisfaction of knowing you gave it your all. Next time you will do a bit better and improve over time. I know you will do just fine and do better than you anticipate!

    Robin - Best of luck with the steroid shot and PT. I hope it goes well.

    Kaye - I am glad to hear your dad is showing a bit more fight. That is great news.

    Laurie - I hope you have a great flight, a wonderful conference and a fantastic time with Susan and Tom! Great advice. Thanks.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    Laurie & Susan- Since you are staying at the Flamingo how about Margaritaville right there in the Flamingo. That would make it pretty easy travel wise and Amy and I could be there by 6:30pm. Laurie you mentioned a friend may come with you right? Susan is Cyrus and/or your sister coming? Let me know if you think that would work for you two.

    I did my strength training but only one set of 10 reps instead of two sets. I’m not too sore today and hoping I’m not worse tomorrow.

    “To succeed you must first improve, to improve you must first practice, to practice you must first learn, to learn you must first fail.” ~Wesley Woo

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @nettie & L2T--"Easter eggs" is a slang term for hints embedded in a film or TV show to give viewers hints about what is to come. I was thinking the same thing about someone from Daryl's group trying to "claim" Beth. I thought it would be that jerky, Len, but obviously not. As far as Daryl fitting into his group, I think he is just using them for now. I :heart: Daryl and am fully confident he will come to the aid of his old friends if this new group threatens them.

    @tracy--last week when I had a really good run on that machine, that's exactly how I felt--I figured my pace had just improved. However, this time I went twice as long at that pace and it just felt way too easy. Not that it matters that much--I'm happy to run 2 miles straight at any pace b/c I have a tendency to go too fast and need walking breaks. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised and I will find I really can easily run at 6 mph. :happy:

    Wednesday Wish:
    That everyone has a great second half of this week. Also, that the lady who does my hair today does a good job. I had to switch last minute due to the funeral tomorrow, and my regular stylist isn't there today.

    Made it through my dentist appt, and now I'm trying to get some cleaning done before I have to leave for the salon. Will check back with everyone later today.

    March Challenge:
    1. 2/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 21/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 25/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/50 motif charts
    2. 10/70 AP essays
    3. 22/50 JRP drafts

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--run outside w/ gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--run outside w/ gunner
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Margaritaville was awesome... Yummy (both the drinks and the bartender :wink: :devil: )
  • Jeannieclark84
    Jeannieclark84 Posts: 58 Member
    Wednesday Wish: More a prayer. That all who need strength find it. That we find survivors of the mud slide and that those needing healing are healed. I wish that everyone has a great rest of the week and are healthy and safe where ever we are. There are so many horrible things happening around us. We should enjoy life to the fullest because we don't know when our last day will be. LIVE EVERYDAY AS IF IT IS OUR LAST!!! Have a great day!

    March Challenge:
    1. 2/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 21/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 24/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk DONE
    Tues--run + strength training (DONE)
    Wed--yoga DONE + walk DONE
    Thurs--run + strength training
    Fri--yoga + walk
    Sun--run + Strength training

    Goals for today:
    1) Stay under my calories and log everything
    2) Be positive and be the change in the world that I want to see!
    3) Read about macronutrients

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    JeanneClark -Amen to your thoughts! That mudslide is just horrendous. Esp. since it was the site of a previous landslide years before. I'm sure no one will ever build there again.

    Susan, Laurie and Tom - have fun and drink lots of toasts to us!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

    - soon, we will soon come to the end of this current thread - every 20 pages, - we start a new Thread - you will see at the bottom in the last post on page 20 a sentence like this :

    (<Continued at this topic >) and the words “this topic” will be in blue.

    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    The week always starts out good and falls apart on the weekend. I am working on that and planning is the key. Finding stuff to eat and remembering to drink is really important to me, if I want to keep on track.

    As usual there are many great post and I try to keep up, thanks.
    My vegetables are about 3 inches, pepper just coming out, the Snap Peas are 6-8 inches tall. I got a tiller from the guy I have barrowed it from for the last couple years. I am going to build a rectangle trellis for the snap peas to grow up and hope they do that well. I am going to use 2x2 and just rotor out slots like a log cabin for the intersection. I will just tie them together and it will come apart to store for next year.

    A - Under Cal. 4/7 days
    B - Walk 3/7 days
    C - Drink 4/7

    Mon: ABC
    Tue: ABC
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Well, I haven't been on this thread for over a week, and it shows! I'm about 4-5 pages behind, so I did a quick skim, but everyone just know that I'm a little behind. Sorry. I feel like an old stretched out bra...not very supportive. :blushing:

    I just want to thank everyone who extended prayers and well wishes for my sister. Her surgery was so successful! She denied any pain afterwards, and refused any pain killers after, even Tylenol! I guess having your pelvis rebuilt and going through the incredible pain of rehab and learning to walk again two years ago has kind of expanded her tolerance for pain. The surgeon was very excited about how easily everything went from his end of things, as well. They're confident that they froze the whole tumor and that it should be dead now. I got to stay at her apartment and take care of her kiddos all day, and my kids had a great time with their cousins, so it was a good trip for us, too.

    Also, I ended up under 260 at the end of last week!! Woo hoo! I am off of work this week and am home for spring break with the kids...and snacking a lot.....hoping I can maintain that under 260 at the end of this week, especially since it will be the final weigh in at the shoe store, as well.

    My husband and I got fitted for new shoes last weekend. Ohhhh....they are so wonderful. They are the best shoes I think I've ever worn. I was always too shy and cheap to go in to a running store and get fitted glad we did it!

    March Challenge:
    3/4 weeks: Try a new veggie or do something new with an old veggie and share the recipe.

    20/31 days: Eat 3-5 servings of veggies.

    5/31 nights: Get 8 hours of sleep.

    Here's a recipe that I got a while ago from Weight Watchers:

    Potato Chowder

    8 c. Potatoes (peeled/diced)
    1/2 c. Onion (chopped)
    3 (14 1/2 oz) cans Chicken Broth
    1 (10 3/4 oz) can Cream of Chicken Soup
    pepper (to taste)
    salt (to taste)
    8 oz Cream Cheese (cubed)

    Boil potatoes and onion in chicken broth until tender.
    Add soup and seasonings.
    Add cream cheese and stir until creamy.

    Optional...garnish with chives and bacon bits or add 1 can of corn

    Serves 12
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Oh today is not a good day. I am feeling just cranky and pissy and cant seem to shake it. I am pretty sure TOM is knocking on my door based on the cramps in my lower back. Thank goodness for Jeff he has escaped to work. Now just pray for my two kids and animals that they make it through the day:grumble: I tried taking the dogs for a walk but they were driving me nuts wanting to get into and or chase everything and then it started to rain on the second lap and that was the end of that. I am pretty sure my age is starting to effect all this since in the last six months the cramps have gotten a lot worse and my moods have become very volatile. Oh well mother nature is and ever has been a b@#$ch.
    To those who commented on the mudslide it is very tragic. Mudslides in western Washington are a fact of life when we have a particulary wet spring or fall but this is by far the most devistating one there has been in the 20 yrs I have lived here. While there were others in that area none of the experts thought that particular stretch was in any real danger. It caught everyone by surprise. I just pray that it doesnt rain to heavy this week and compound all the problems with flooding which is what they are worried about now. That will be my Wednesday wish I think. Just that the rain goes around that area and doesnt keep impeding the rescue/clearing efforts and cause more problems.
    I hope you are all having a great day and making the most of everyhting.:heart::flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • gaverill123
    gaverill123 Posts: 13 Member
    Greetings. I joined about one month ago. My goal is to lose 85 lbs. and to go from 265 lbs. to 180 lbs. I don't care how long it takes, but I did set a goal of losing 85 lbs. in 12 months.
    I'm getting lots of good aerobic and strength exercise every day, and I'm eating healthy at meals, but having trouble with late-night snacks.
    Thanks for this forum.
  • pashunrose39
    pashunrose39 Posts: 319 Member
    Hi, I haven't been on for a couple of days because I had to put my oldest dog to sleep. It has been a very hard past few days. I will try to be online soon and motivating. Thank you for understanding.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @pashun--I'm so sorry about your pup. :cry: Hugs to you as you mourn the loss of your pet. :flowerforyou:

    @glen--welcome! :flowerforyou: I am also a night time snacker. I find it's easier to just plan for it--I save enough calories so I can have something in the evening. I try to keep it healthy--apple and pb or some crackers and hummus, but even if it's cookies or chips, I make sure it fits my calories for the day.

    @tammy--hope your mood improves and your kids and pets survive! :wink:

    @hansea--so nice to hear the good news about your sister! :drinker: Also, congrats on seeing the 260s! THere is nothing like wonderful fitting running shoes--I got 2 new pair last month, and every time I lace them up they make me happy. :happy:

    @ushkii--great start to the week! :drinker:

    @jeannie--agree that we shouldn't take our days for granted. Too bad it sometimes takes tragedy to remind us of that.

    @laurie, tom, & susan--I agree with tracy--Margaritaville is so yummy! Well, the drinks--I haven't been there in years, so I'll take her word on the bartenders. :laugh: Have fun!

    AFM--my hair turned out fine and I finished the motif charts, so a good start to the day. :smile: I'm now at starbucks trying to will myself to get through at least a few AP essays. Sadly, I am allowing myself to be distracted listening to Kings of Leon--I just love Caleb Followill's voice.

    March Challenge:
    1. 2/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 21/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 25/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Grading Goals:
    1. 50/50 motif charts DONE
    2. 10/70 AP essays
    3. 22/50 JRP drafts

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--run outside w/ gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--run outside w/ gunner
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Ushkii - you're smart to plan for the weekend. They kinda devastate me. What are you planning for this weekend. Do you go out to eat a lot?
    Its great you can till your garden again this year - you'll have wonderful soil. Your idea for a take-down pea trellis is pretty clever. I do miss doing lots and lots of gardening. I'm getting excited myself - I plan on some kind of climbing vine for shade on the west side of the deck - something that will flower and grow about 12 feet or so - and is drought tolerant!

    Hansea - yep, I understand, you're gone a few days and you've got a reading assignment when you get back!
    So happy your sister is doing so well - she is amazing not needing pain meds - like you say her previous experience must have changed her.
    Congrats on being under 260 - WOOT! :love: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
    Glad your new shoes are working out - I think a pair are in my future too. I will go the route youdid and get a fitting too.
    I saw the cutest pair in the Drs. office today and she said they were New Balance, which is a great brand.

    jtconst - oh dear! I'm glad I don't live next door - scary morning - a jt-vortex! Thanks for filling me in with more information about landslides in your area. I didn't understand. It just seems so scary. Yet I live in an area where tornados hit every year with regularity. We take our chances. I was happy to see on the news tonight that a young (6?) boy was rescued from the mudslide area today. Such happy news!

    gaverill123 - Hi Glen - so happy to have another guy join our group! Please come often as the thread moves so very fast. It sounds like you have a great plan for weight loss and a year is not unreasonable is you are a consistent person. Consistency is the key to that kind of progress. There are lots of other ways. Some people fall off the wagon 3 or 12 times while on this journey so it takes longer for some people, but its ultimately possible, especially with the help of a great community of friends like us :wink:
    Glen, you said your getting aerobic and strength exercise every day. Could you elaborate? Do you take rest days?

    pashunrose - oh, honey, I'd love to wrap you in a big hug. That is so so sad. Your buddy is in a wonderful place now and not hurting. Take your time and let yourself heal.

    Skinny - I enjoy the Kings as well. Thanks for the tip about dental wax. I got some and although its not working for the purpose intended - it wont cling to my teeth - it makes a great gum substitute! Gum goes stale after so long, but the wax can be used over and over again and doesn't get stale. What a money saver! And I don't end up with a fuzzy taste in my mouth. I like that feature.

    AFM- I got my steroid shot in my buttinsky and met with the PT. She just took range of motion exercises and was so excited when I told her I had a heated pool where I lived so she gave me all water exercises to do there. But I cant start them for 2 days, I have to absolutely rest for 2 days due to this steroid injection then I can start the water exercises. I can do them every day - start with 20 min and increase as I'm able. Tomorrow I see the allergist and then i get Friday off! :laugh:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Its a rainy day in Utah. I did get a walk in this morning before it rained.
    We really didn't think that Daddy would survive this trauma, but he seems to be improving. Thus my wish and prayer for this week is that if Heavenly Father isn't ready to take him home yet, that we will be able to find appropriate and affordable care for him. It is a worry.
    Take care.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--hope you and your sisters find the right place/care for your father. Glad to hear he continues to improve. :flowerforyou: It is supposed to be rainy here in IL soon as well. Better than snow.

    @robin--I wasn't sure if it would stick to your teeth, but I'm glad it's serving a purpose. :smile:

    AFM--I managed to knock out 5 essays. Not a lot but my grading list is definitely getting shorter. Tomorrow is the funeral then DH and I will spend some time visiting with family who are in from out of town (they drove in for the funeral). I have an appt to donate blood tomorrow evening. I was tempted to cancel, but there's a nice starbucks right next door, so it would give me an excuse to grade some more essays... We'll have to wait and see how the day goes--if we get home early enough, I will keep the appt.

    March Challenge:
    1. 2/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 22/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 26/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Grading Goals:
    1. 15/70 AP essays
    2. 22/50 JRP drafts

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--run outside w/ gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--run outside w/ gunner
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Hope your Wednesday wishes came true for you all. Thursday Truth: Another night of not getting the junk out of my kitchen. Got home around 9:30 last night and just didn't have the energy for it. Tonight I have no plans other than a quick trip to one store to buy two birthday gifts for 8 year old girls. I won't have an excuse tonight to not get it done.

    @ Tom...good for you for getting back to strength.
    @Jeannie...I agree with the anything can happen and you should take advantage of each day...don't always do it, but...
    @hansea...glad your sister's surgery was successful and that she's not in TOO much pain.
    @Tammy...I hope you got a good rest last night and that today is much better than yesterday (especially for your kids' sake! :laugh: )
    @Rose...sorry to hear about your dog. That's tough!:cry:'s hopin' that the steroid shot will do wonders for you. Good luck with the allergist today.

    AFM. I felt pretty good all day yesterday...just a little sore in my thighs. Until I went to Water Aerobics. :sad: We did a lot of deep water muscle work and boy did my muscles scream and plead to be done. :laugh: Today will definitely be a rest day as I can barely move without some type of ache today. Apparently DOMS is a real thing! :embarassed: Today I will:
    *Drink my water
    *Weigh and measure my food
    *Stay under calories
    *Get the junk food out of my kitchen
    *Have a great evening with my kids...both kids will be done with activities by 5:00 and then it's just hang with Mom night.