gaeljo Member


  • If you get a stitch, try taking in some super deep breaths, this often corrects it quickly. Gael
  • Yes, if you are walking 3 miles, you should log that, you burn around 100 calories for every mile you walk or run. So yes, I'd log it.
  • I use the Body Media device with MFP so I know exactly how many calories I burn every day and during all activities. What I have discovered is that logging extra activities such as house cleaning does not buy you any extra calories, in fact, MFP over estimates how many calories people burn for their activities generally…
  • Here you go! Enel Sports bra, they work fantastic. Highly recommended, even for horseback riding ;-)
  • P.S. Check your rules for your race, but if they let you, take your suit off while you are still in the water, it comes off lighting fast that way. Also, take a pair of plastic grocery bags with you and put them on your feet when you first put on your suit, the suit slips on super easy that way. Obviously, you don't go…
  • I only wear a wetsuit if it is below 70, I swim faster without one and my transition times are faster without one. If you are a strong swimmer, you don't need to worry about buoyancy. I find wet suits are more constricting than helpful. If you must rent one, go sleeveless unless you aren't a strong swimmer.
  • Hey high metabolism isn't what it's cracked up to be. I have an EXTREMELY high metabolism and all it means is that I'm hungry more, get to eat a LOT more calories and have to, and did I mention, I'm always hungry?
  • From my blog: Running Advice Running seems to bring some confusion, especially starting out, so I decided to offer some tips from what I've learned over the years. I used to run with my Dad, in fact I've been one of those on-again off-again runners over the last 10…
  • Increasing protein is extremely hard on your kidneys and liver. If you want to lose weight, increase your fiber. By fiber, I'm not talking about eating more cereal, I'm talking about eating TONS of veggies and fruit. Eat huge volumes of veggies. If you saw how huge my salad is at night, you'd think it was a freaking…
  • I'm 5'10" and I weigh 163 my goal weight is 150-155. Any thinner is ridiculous. I already look really thin. I'm just trying to get to a racing weight for my triathlons. I see people who are 5'10 putting down 140 and I was that weight once after I dropped weight from a personal hardship and people thought I was anorexic.…
  • Have you heard of Maca powder? It's supposed to help with Adrenal stress and it does work. You get it in an organic food store or online through Amazon or wherever you like to shop. So the deal is you put it in a smoothie and drink it. Try it. I hope it helps you, it helps me. I don't have Addison's disease, but I do…
  • On average you burn 100 calories per mile whether you walk it or run it. The difference between walking and running is running increase metabolism. I would NOT include your work activities as exercise.
  • You should have slugged him for putting his hands on you, no one has the right to touch you without your permission. What he said was cruel and I'm sure his girlfriend is also being abused. Let's call this for what it is, abuse. When men objectify women, they abuse them and that is what he did to you, he treated you like…
  • No words can express the journey you have been on. Congratulations seem so unfitting in comparison to all that you have accomplished. What you have done is no less significant than climbing Mt Everest or graduating with a doctorate degree. I'm very happy for you indeed. You were pretty before you lost the weight, and…
  • GW: 155 CW: 167 SW: 228 Height: 5'11 Age: 40 Sex: Female
  • I work out at night constantly. I'm also a triathlete and I've been where you are, left at the end of the day with 1,000 or more calories. The sports dietitian told me it doesn't really matter when you eat your calories, that your body will adapt. What I've done and do, is drink some chocolate (soy) milk after my work out,…
  • Protein is easy, get some hemp seed and start sprinkling it on your salads. I also use hemp powder. It's a complete protein and easy to get at the organic food store. I also like the boca mock chicken pattys, they are nice.
  • Here's a reality check that pisses me off, only I can lose MY weight. I have to own this thing. I want other people to do this for me, I want other people to say the right words, or give me the right motivation or inspiration to get my butt in gear, but guess what, other's don't own this, I do. I'm the only one who can…
  • I don't think staying on meds and eating whatever you want to is a good option. Not even a little. high cholestrol is the path to heart disease. While reducing salt is helpful, it is NOT the best solution. The BEST solution is no animal products.
  • Become a vegetarian, I'm not joking. All cholesterol is from animal products, all of it. Therefore if you want to reduce your cholestoral, eliminate animal products. That doesn't mean you have to become a vegan per se, but it could mean that. And the higher prices you pay for veggies pay off longterm. You can spend the…
  • Yep I def have this issue too. I struggle to believe I'm this thin.
  • Trudy is not a troll she's sweet. The best arms and abs come from swimming.
  • I used to be 5'11 and now I'm 5'10. My arches started to collapse from running and I lost some height. But I wouldn't give up running over that. So yes, I did keep my goal weight the same but I did factor my BMI to 5'10 rather than 5'11. I'd rather be a little thinner anyway :-)
  • Moving comfort compression shorts. You'll love the recovery affects of compression items anyway. And the jiggling will go away eventually. Keep running.
  • Im 5'10" I started at 228 and am fluctuating around 165 my goal is 155. It's a hard journey and I'm struggling the most right now.
  • Who has the same bra for 4 years?! Seriously??? Your boobs probably haven't shrunk your bra has probably stretched out! LOL. I lost several bra sizes losing weight and you do lose in proportion so don't sweat it. I'm glad my girls got smaller too as it's made it much nicer to run, horseback ride and fit into nice clothes.…
  • Garmin Forerunner all the way.
  • Sounds neat, I'll check it out. I'm a vegetarian, but I'd make the leap with ya.
  • Run a faster race. Complete a marathon.
  • 5'11 and 155 currently I'm 163