Anyone workout at night after work?



  • ljb82
    ljb82 Posts: 72 Member
    I usually don't get off work until 10pm so evening workouts area must for me. Plus I find it helps prevent me from eating late at night since I'm not home and usually go right to sleep once I'm done :)
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    Not sure what effect this would have - but how about having a post workout snack (something with lots of protein) and eating the rest the day after? I would have thought it would even out over the week.

    Would be interested to know what others who know more think.

    This is what I was thinking last night while I was at the gym. I had already eaten dinner and I was almost right at my calories for the day. I couldn't think of anything I wanted to eat when I got home so I thought maybe I would look at the week as a whole instead of each day. When I use the app on my phone is has a "weekly" tab that I don't see on the computer.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Not sure what effect this would have - but how about having a post workout snack (something with lots of protein) and eating the rest the day after? I would have thought it would even out over the week.

    Would be interested to know what others who know more think.

    This is what I was thinking last night while I was at the gym. I had already eaten dinner and I was almost right at my calories for the day. I couldn't think of anything I wanted to eat when I got home so I thought maybe I would look at the week as a whole instead of each day. When I use the app on my phone is has a "weekly" tab that I don't see on the computer.

    If you wre at your calories for the day w/o adding the exercise then you would have plenty of room for a protein shake.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Not sure what effect this would have - but how about having a post workout snack (something with lots of protein) and eating the rest the day after? I would have thought it would even out over the week.

    Would be interested to know what others who know more think.

    This is what I was thinking last night while I was at the gym. I had already eaten dinner and I was almost right at my calories for the day. I couldn't think of anything I wanted to eat when I got home so I thought maybe I would look at the week as a whole instead of each day. When I use the app on my phone is has a "weekly" tab that I don't see on the computer.

    I pay more attention to my weekly too
  • Loko_Ino
    Loko_Ino Posts: 544 Member
  • MissFuchsia
    MissFuchsia Posts: 523 Member
    My week day workouts are all done after work. I usually finish between 5-6.30pm. I walk home and that takes around 30 mins. I usualy have a snack before I leave work.
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    My workouts are usually around 8pm or so after the kiddo is in bed so I'll eat dinner earlier and then I'll have a snack (try to have a protein snack) after my workout. I usually don't eat back all of my exercise calories.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    Not sure what effect this would have - but how about having a post workout snack (something with lots of protein) and eating the rest the day after? I would have thought it would even out over the week.

    Would be interested to know what others who know more think.

    This is what I was thinking last night while I was at the gym. I had already eaten dinner and I was almost right at my calories for the day. I couldn't think of anything I wanted to eat when I got home so I thought maybe I would look at the week as a whole instead of each day. When I use the app on my phone is has a "weekly" tab that I don't see on the computer.

    If you wre at your calories for the day w/o adding the exercise then you would have plenty of room for a protein shake.

    I haven't bought any yet. I was wishing I had.....I always go over on my grocery "allowance".....
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Not sure what effect this would have - but how about having a post workout snack (something with lots of protein) and eating the rest the day after? I would have thought it would even out over the week.

    Would be interested to know what others who know more think.

    This is what I was thinking last night while I was at the gym. I had already eaten dinner and I was almost right at my calories for the day. I couldn't think of anything I wanted to eat when I got home so I thought maybe I would look at the week as a whole instead of each day. When I use the app on my phone is has a "weekly" tab that I don't see on the computer.

    If you wre at your calories for the day w/o adding the exercise then you would have plenty of room for a protein shake.

    I haven't bought any yet. I was wishing I had.....I always go over on my grocery "allowance".....

    Understood. You can still eat though. I ran out of whey protein and have eating chobanis to try to make up the protein diff. But these things are $1 each! lol
  • I've learned that the biggest meal should be lunch. This seems to make sense in regards to a PM work out so that you know how much you need to or want to burn before dinner - and if you dont burn any at all, you know to have corrots and celery for dinner haha. I'm trying to convince myself to work out in the AM... so far only walking on my lunch hour and eating lunch at my desk before lunch. So far so good.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    I always workout sometime between 6 and 9pm on weeknights, and eat dinner afterwards. I pre-log my food and estimated exercise so I know how much I'm working with for that day. But there's no reason you couldn't carry some over to another day as well. I usually have big burns on Thursdays because I schedule a run and a yoga class, but usually have some leftover cals that I carry into the weekend. Weekly totals are fine by Sunday night.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I can relate to most of that, except not being able to have 1000 calorie dinners. I have that much or more most night for dinner, which is usually somewhere between 8:00 - 9:30 p.m. I eat very light throughout the day and workout after work because I like to have a big dinner. No little plate for me. I like to fill it up and I like a big glass of wine beside it, and I like the freedom to take both the plate and the glass back for seconds if I feel like it (which I nearly always do, at least with the glass). :drinker:
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    Yes...I get up at 7, get my fiance and his daughter up and her ready for school, work 8-4:30, pick her up from school, dinner/homework/cleaning, and then work out after she goes to bed at 8. If I know I'll be working out, I'll try to keep those calories in mind during the day and add some here or there. I usually don't eat back all of them if I'm not hungry, but I ALWAYS have a small snack after working out - usually toasted whole grain bread with peanut butter. That uses a lot of calories without eating a bunch.
  • gaeljo
    gaeljo Posts: 223 Member
    I work out at night constantly. I'm also a triathlete and I've been where you are, left at the end of the day with 1,000 or more calories. The sports dietitian told me it doesn't really matter when you eat your calories, that your body will adapt. What I've done and do, is drink some chocolate (soy) milk after my work out, which is a great way to get a couple hundred calories in you. The (soy) milk had protein in it that your body needs for recovery, and the sugar replaces your glycogen stores. If I'm hungry after a workout, I listen to my body and feed it. Eat something low glycemic, like a piece of fruit, a couple tablespoons of peanut butter or some veggies. Fiber never sticks to anyone.
  • foster59803
    foster59803 Posts: 439 Member
    Not sure what effect this would have - but how about having a post workout snack (something with lots of protein) and eating the rest the day after? I would have thought it would even out over the week.

    Would be interested to know what others who know more think.

    This is what I was thinking last night while I was at the gym. I had already eaten dinner and I was almost right at my calories for the day. I couldn't think of anything I wanted to eat when I got home so I thought maybe I would look at the week as a whole instead of each day. When I use the app on my phone is has a "weekly" tab that I don't see on the computer.

    I pay more attention to my weekly too

    That is interesting. I was wondering if you could approach cal. counting form a weekly angle. There are those days where I go over in cal. and days when i go under. Does it all just balance out in the end? Assuming you have a deficit at the end of the week?
  • lostsanity137
    lostsanity137 Posts: 298 Member
    I work out at night after work. So far I haven't had much trouble because I am still trying to figure out how to get my calories down to a reasonable level, and with working out I have pretty much been evening out.

    I would say not to worry too much about it if you are not hungry, but maybe at least drink some chocolate milk or something or have a little snack like others said, like almonds or something. Eating back 1000 cals though would be way too much though, I agree, especially if you are not hungry!
  • foster59803
    foster59803 Posts: 439 Member
    I can relate to most of that, except not being able to have 1000 calorie dinners. I have that much or more most night for dinner, which is usually somewhere between 8:00 - 9:30 p.m. I eat very light throughout the day and workout after work because I like to have a big dinner. No little plate for me. I like to fill it up and I like a big glass of wine beside it, and I like the freedom to take both the plate and the glass back for seconds if I feel like it (which I nearly always do, at least with the glass). :drinker:

    Haha! I think you have the solution to my problem. Just drink the calories back in wine! PERFECT!!!!! lol
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Ok I'll chime in :) I also work a normal 8-5 job and am NOT a morning person. I work out in the evenings after my bus commute home so I don't end up eating dinner til 7 or later. Here's how - do it' first off I plan my day's food (except dinner) in the morning. Breakfast has to be largeisg around 300 cals. Mid morn snack around 200 cals. Lunch 300-400, another snack mid afternoon 200ish and the half a protein shake right when I get home pre-workout and the other half post workout. This leaves me 200-300 cals left for dinner before I exercise (that way I HAVE to exercise and earn 200-300 for a decent 400-500 cal dinner and usually a treat low cal after dinner. Just add higher cal snacks (nuts, cheese), a protein shake for exercise and then if ur still struggling a glass of wine a a low sugar or sugar free post dinner treat. Works for me! :)
  • I work 4 tens so I usually come home after 6 have dinner with the kids and head to the gym around 9pm. I will sometimes have a snack of a protein shake or an apple with some peanut butter after I run. If I eat dinner before I am not usually that hungry afterwards.
  • I work from 8a-8p and work out afterwards. I commute about a half hour to work so I grab a yogurt right before I leave, drive home, work out, then come home and make dinner. If I have any calories left over- I have dessert :)
  • I never used to eat exercise cals back....still lost plenty. I just recently tried to start eating them back because I plateaued. I have to say.....I have lost quite a bit and i eat late all the time. I dont think it matters when you eat.
  • prueal
    prueal Posts: 1
    You don't have to eat your bonus calories. In weight watchers you could save them up for a special night. You don't have to use them all. You will lose weight quicker that's all.
  • I usually get out of work at 9 and sometimes, that's the only time I can exercise, so no, i don't always eat back those calories if that's when I exercise. Last thing I log is usually an exercise then I go to bed.
  • I eat the majority of my calories for eating a big breakfast, big lunch and snacks through out the day. If I am at the gym at 7, I get a protein shake with peanut butter and it is filling and not calorie packed! I try to not eat past 830 :)
  • SomeMorr
    SomeMorr Posts: 220 Member
    Normally I will go to the gym straight after work, get off at 430 and be in the gym by 5. Some days I will go home first, prepare dinner and then go to the gym later (yoga at 730 sometimes do cardio before class). My nutritionist has told me it does not matter what time of day you eat but I feel guilty going to bed on a way full stomach.
  • mllowe2
    mllowe2 Posts: 50 Member
    I have been working out anywhere from 7pm to 9pm depending on my kids schedule. I "eat back" some of the calories ahead of time and then just make sure I workout that night (it was even 10pm one night). Otherwise, everything I've read said to have a protein bar/shake after working out. Supposedly good for muscle fatigue anyway. Good luck, this journey certainly isn't easy!
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