High protein/low carbs - anyone do this?


I'm sure there will have been stuff about this on here before, but just thought I'd see if anyone has any advice or comments.

My weight loss is not going as quickly as I would like :grumble: I am wondering about trying to up my protein & reduce my carbs - at least for a couple of weeks, to see how it goes. Has anyone tried doing this & found that it helped? I am not talking about any kind of extreme diet here, just altering the balance slightly, as I've heard it can be quite effective.

I do have quite a lot of weight to lose (4.5 stone/60 plus pounds) so this is a fairly long-term thing for me - but we have a big family party in 4 weeks' time, and I would really like to lose between 7 & 14 pounds before then.

Would appreciate your thoughts :smile:


  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Yes, absolutely, I have tried this, and have found that it's the only way I can lose weight.

    I don't adhere to any extremes either, but when I do choose to eat this way, I drastically cut back on all bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, and avoid all junk foods (chocolate, chips, cakes, cookies, etc). I focus on the "good" carbs, and I eat lots of veggies, some fruit, as well as 1 or 2 servings of plain yogurt per day. Then I consciously make decisions on what other carbs I choose to eat, and try to limit to no more than 1 serving per day. For example, if I have oatmeal for breakfast, then I won't have any rice with dinner (just meat and veggies), or if I am planning to have a small baked potato with my dinner, then I won't eat other carbs at breadfast or lunch - I'll have eggs and fruit at breakfast, and a salad with chicken or tuna at lunch, and yogurt for snack. I have gotten ideas from all sorts of diet books (Zone, Atkins, Dukan, 17-Day, South Beach, etc), but do not follow any one particular plan. I guess I just live my life.

    Good luck, and let me know what you decide to do, and how it works out for you...
  • TriedEverything
    TriedEverything Posts: 187 Member
    Thank you, your reply is very helpful :happy: It sounds like you have a very sensible approach, and limiting the carbs has obviously worked well for you, so I'll probably give it a go. Yes, I'll let you know how I get on!

    I must admit, I am a total carb-lover, so I don't suppose I'll find it easy, but if I get the results I'm after, it will be worth it! :smile:
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    It is not easy. It is even harder when everyone around you is enjoying your favorite foods. But it will pay off. You'll be losing weight :) I've lost 51lbs eating a high protein low carb low fat diet along with intense daily workouts. You can do it!!!
  • uniquewrapz
    uniquewrapz Posts: 160 Member
    I've lost 6 pounds in the last 10 days from the 17 Day Diet, which is high protein, low carb...it's definitely not easy but for my body, it works!
  • gaeljo
    gaeljo Posts: 223 Member
    Increasing protein is extremely hard on your kidneys and liver. If you want to lose weight, increase your fiber. By fiber, I'm not talking about eating more cereal, I'm talking about eating TONS of veggies and fruit. Eat huge volumes of veggies. If you saw how huge my salad is at night, you'd think it was a freaking miracle that I could eat so much! But veggies have hardly any calories at all. Your body wants to feel full, so stuff it full of veggies. It takes more calories to burn them and the weight will come off of you much quicker. You still have to eat protein, but I actually eat a fairly low protein diet, with a huge fiber content. Good luck. I've lost 66 pounds doing this, I feel qualified to give this advice... ;-) The reason my ticker says 4 pounds lost, is because now I"m trying to get down to a racing weight. I'm a triathlete.
  • DarrenSeeley
    DarrenSeeley Posts: 41 Member
    Yep. This is very similar to what I do. I do have oatmeal/porridge every morning and then cycle the carbs depending on what exercise I am doing that day.

    Good Luck!
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    I usually feel better on lower carbs -- I try to keep it around 100-150g/day and get them from veggies and brown rice. If I try to go lower that 100g -- or if I head into the afternoon with only 50g or so under my belt -- I definitely feel a lack of energy. Supposedly this feeling goes away after a week or so but I have never stuck it out that long. Just something to keep in mind, depending on how low you want to go.
  • Low carb is a way of living I have done it for some time. I will work. Just make sure you get good carbs in the system.
    if you start now and you watch what you are doing you can lose the weight you want in the time frame.
    good luck
  • K_M_O_C_K
    K_M_O_C_K Posts: 32 Member
    I'm doing this myself. I can say that NO carbs has always been a big mistake for me, so like the other poster, I am eating carbs but the ones found in fruits/veggies/yogurts etc. I also eat "low fat" foods which always have some form of carb in them but I am avoiding pastas, breads, cereals, sugary desserts etc. When I do have them, it is never after 4pm and like she also mentioned, it is only once a day. So if I have cereal for breakfast, that is it for the day. I'd have a lettuce wrap or tuna for lunch and chicken/fish/meat for dinner with lots of veggies.

    Like you I am a carb junkie and this is an area I need to exercise some self control in!
  • Yes, I will agree with dmgaloha!

    If your carb grams minus your fiber grams stays under 100 for the day, you WILL lose weight, even if your calories are over the limit that mfp gives you. This works like a charm for me when I can stick to it.

    Just be sure to include lots of fresh veg -- avoid eating a whole bunch of meat, especially if you're not typically a big meat eater. Good luck!
  • I've recently finished reading the new atkins for a new you book and it totally makes sense in why I haven't lost weight and why I have a hard time losing the weight I think that you should read that book even if you don't follow it completely it will help and inform you on things you wouldn't have realized before well at least for me it did. any way there are some great ideas for weight loss. in it. I personally think I would never have realized that certain things that I eat have so many carbs in them. Good Luck.
  • This is the best way for me to lose weight and totally works. Agree with other posters that you need to try to reduce the carbs and if you have some at lunch just have meat/fish with veg/salad at dinner. I also think the earlier in the day you can have carbs the better, so i try to have either porridge for breakfast or something with a small amount of carbs at lunch but not for dinner. It is hard and cutting out bread/rice/pasta is tough but it you up the protein you eat this makes you feel fuller and takes longer to digest so you still feel full. Good luck!!
  • GraceOrr
    GraceOrr Posts: 44
    For me, eating clean is the only way to go. If it came from a plant, eat it, if it didnt, dont. I love high protein low carb the best. Lots of lean fresh meats and TONS of veggies.
    Yes, it will help you lose weight. I would just make sure you eat lots of veggies to help move all of the protein.
  • jude7701
    jude7701 Posts: 23
    So I would say that I agree with everyone here... I found that highER protein and lowER carb works well (I have tried NO carbs, and I felt awful!)...But also, eat tons of fresh fruits and veggies! And remember that raw is better! If you increase your fiber intake, it will help shed the extra junk in your GI tract, and you will feel better too! I also like greek yogurt- I love Dannon Oikos- just watch the sugar on the ones with fruit! You are better off buying plain and adding your own fruit. If you are trying to shed some belly fat (this is my biggest battle) they say that eating more calcium can help.
    Good luck- and most of all, find a system that works for you!! =) Once you find it, you'll know, because you will feel better!
  • Yea i have been doing this since saturday, having a protein shake for breakfast and lunch and then having chicken vegetables and salad for dinner. it definitely works have lost 8.2 pounds since changing this around.
  • Nenabobena
    Nenabobena Posts: 79 Member
    I want to try this out too! I'm also in for the long run since I need to lose 40lbs.
    I have a personal trainer and I was just talking to her about eating exercise calories back and she said that if I am eating about 1300-1500 calories that I shouldn't eat my exercise calories back. She did advise thought to up my protein intake to 1-1 of my desired goal, so for example : Desired weight goal = 120 equals to 120 protein.

    Years back I did Atkins and I lost 15 lbs in 7 days, it got boring that quick and I gained the weight back in about 6 months. I'm going to give the high protein a try again but not really following any extreme diet. I do advise finding a way to get more fiber into your system though as a high protein diet is hard on your digestive system and kidneys.

    Also lots of water!
  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 243 Member
    I have done this approach in the past and have seen great results. But alas, when I get stressed, I go for carbs. I am once again going high protein/low carb. I try to stick to between 60-80g of net carbs per day and eat a lot of fiber... because if you don't do it right, you can become VERY constipated... which happened to me so bad a few years back I had to "clean" my system out with some magnesium citrate. And veggies are your friend. SPINACH has saved me during these diets because they help with the BM thing (at least for me). Also I love cheese, but try to limit it to once a day so I don't over indulge in it (or else I'd eat 5 Cracker Barrel blocks!) With meats I watch the sodium content. Fish seems to be the best and is high in protein and low in calories with no carbs, I love chicken too. I'll have red meat occasionally, but only if I'm out eating.

    In the morning I have a protein shake with fruit in it... I use the Alive! Apple Cinnamon soy protein and chop an apple up with it in the blender. Sometimes I use the EAS Vanilla Whey Protein depending on my mood and I mix them both with unsweetened almond milk.

    The only warning I have for you is that you have to kind of stick to this... because if you start binge eating on carbs every day you'll see weight come back... So one day a week I eat breads, rice, or pasta, or even cake/cookies and the rest of the week I don't. It's not hard for me anymore because I've done it before, but it does suck when everybody around you eats a bunch of those delicious things... Then again if I'm losing weight I'm happy and don't need them. :)
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    My weight loss stalled, too, which caused me to make a few changes:

    1. Initially, I lowered my carbs to around 100 grams per day. I had issues with insulin resistance, so my body was having a hard time handling carbs. Since I've lost weight, I've been able to increase it and hover around 150 grams now, but that's still quite a bit lower than the recommended 55%. I don't eat much bread, but 150 grams is enough to enjoy my favorite desserts (homemade ice cream!!) and other things that I like.

    2. I increased my calories. MFP started me at 1200 calories for a 1 lb/week weight loss. A friend recommended increasing my limit so I lowered my goal to 0.5 lb/week, which gave me almost 200 more calories.

    3. I started eating back all but 100-200 of my exercise calories in addition to my daily calories. I also try to push myself in my workouts to keep my heartrate at the top of my zone and break a good sweat.

    The result has been consistent weight loss ever since, and I don't feel deprived at all since I get to eat what I like and have 1500-1700 calories to work with everyday. I feel confident that it's something I can maintain and be reasonable "normal".

    Hopefully that helps! Good luck to you!
  • DarrenSeeley
    DarrenSeeley Posts: 41 Member
    I must question your advice that "increasing protein is extremely hard on your kidneys and liver."

    This is an extremely broad statement. A very high unbalanced long term exclusive protein diet has been shown in some limited studies to overwork the kidneys yes, but for weight loss, a proper diet with more protein than carbs will win every time. And of course, there is nothing wrong with eating lots of veggies, though I'd be more careful with the fruit due to fructose. You will lose weight eating lots of vegetable because you will be calorie deficit but you will lose more muscle mass without protein and therefore affect your metabolism reducing your overall fat burn. Protein is even more important if your overall weight loss plan includes exercise.
  • kathyc609
    kathyc609 Posts: 258 Member
    I've lost 6 pounds in the last 10 days from the 17 Day Diet, which is high protein, low carb...it's definitely not easy but for my body, it works!

    I love the 17DD. I have been doing it 4 months and have lost 60 pounds. It definately works and not actually a diet but lifestyle change.
  • LFDBabs
    LFDBabs Posts: 297 Member
    High Protein/Low Carb is the only way the scale moves for me. I struggle with a degenerative thyroid disorder which makes weight loss even more difficult...but not impossible! I've adjusted my settings on here a few times, trying to hit the magical combination of numbers. Not easy. No carbs is not realistic, nor is it healthy as per my doctor. It's all about conscious, healthy choices. I sometimes have difficulty getting in all my protein, so I am protein powder shopping this weekend. That being said, I also have days that I go way over (the days I really think and plan what I eat). Weight loss is different for everyone, just keep tweaking until it feels right for you.
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,490 Member
    Me too...its the only way..
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Ok, well I'm going to get shouted over by all the omg you need less than 100g of carbs. Lol, just read several studies, around 200g of healthy carbs ( almost entirely veggie and some fruit) is shown to be very effective for weight loss. MFP is low on protein, mine is set to 40C/30F/30P and it is working just fine thank you. Workouts at the level most folks here do them requires some carbs fo fuel so 60g a day and extreme workouts isn't really helpful, lol. I am GF so avoiding most of the carb pitfalls are pretty simple. Sweet treats are usually a square or two of dark chocolate with some cookies thrown in now and then :). Results 10 lbs a month for the last 4 months, passed the 40lb mark a few days ago, I lost a bunch before starting on MFP, hit a plateau, found MFP and it's been going down since. Weigh less now than I have in 30+ years, so no fad diets or shakes or any of that stuff for me, just old fashioned healthy, clean eating I can do for the next 30 years :)
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    If your carb grams minus your fiber grams stays under 100 for the day, you WILL lose weight, even if your calories are over the limit that mfp gives you. This works like a charm for me when I can stick to it.

    That is not good advice.


    However, upping your protein in general may help you feel more sated and make it a little easier to stick with your calorie goals. If you up your fat along with your protein intake, it becomes very difficult to keep your sodium intake to a proper level (below 2300 for not hypertensive, 1500 for hypertensive).

    The recommended levels are:
    10-35% of daily calories from protein.
    <30% daily calories from fat
    no recommendation for total carbs

    I have mine set to 55% carb, 25% protein, 20% fat, though I usually don't quite make it to 25% protein. I do add in 1 or 2 servings of alcohol every day (it's another macronutrient that is important for cardiovascular health).

    My personal suggestions therefore are: Exercise, eat a lot of protein and fiber, watch your sodium, and drink a moderate amount of alcohol daily.
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    I knew it! I JUST KNEW alcohol was important to a proper diet!

    I recently just changed my parameters to 50% protein, 20% carbs (carbs are my biggest issue!) and 30% fat. Not sure how well I will do at this but I'm going to attempt to learn by watching the numbers and seeing how my body responds.
  • kvissy
    kvissy Posts: 205 Member
    I'm currently on a paleo type diet (no starchy carbs) but the last time I had a large weight loss I kept my diet low carb and tried to keep all starches (wheat! NO WHITE!!) before 3pm. Use the veggies and fruit (sparingly) anytime afterwards.
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    low carbing and carb cycling are key to low BF%
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    My two pence worth - I've read a number of sources over the past few months (apologies I can't tell you what they are - memory like a sieve!) that quote studies which have shown the best mix of macronutrients is about level, i.e. 1/3 carbs, 1/3 fat, 1/3 protein to optimise weight loss. I've met quite a few people on here who recommend that too, so what I did was go under Goals, and customised my macros to 40% carbs, 30% fats and 30% proteins. Although some people seem to be able to cope with less of a food group, in general we really need all 3 to function properly! This, alongside upping my calories to between my BMR and TDEE, has made quite a difference in my weight loss journey.

    The one thing I would say, is try to limit your sugar from processed sources - as a carb it's probably the strongest temptation/pitfall we all have and can be a strong contributor to weight gain. My hubby cut out drinks with sugar (i.e. everything but water, coffee and tea) and has lost 20lb in 4 months - he hasn't changed his diet in any other way.
  • jbakerak
    jbakerak Posts: 73 Member
    Everyone I know that has cut down on carbs and upped their protein has lost weight. Quite a bit slower without added exercise, but still have weight loss. Of course, you still want carbs, just the good ones. You might be eating the right amount of protein already. :wink:
  • I'm currently doing a high protein, low carb diet as well. Mine is medically supervised so I was able to drop down to about 1000 calories/day. No fruits, starches, pastas, etc... It's tough and I'm kind of at a stand still, but I'll work through it. Good luck with your weight loss goals!!

    *Also recommend you consulting your doctor!