alwaysthefatguy Member


  • is that mfp values or heart rate monitor? mfp over estimates to much I am 220lbs now and my heart rate monitor says 45 min at 5mph I only get 350 calories on the treadmill while mfp says 612 so I don't trust the calculations
  • well if you are losing at 1800 it isnt maintence is it?
  • really some people need to go and resaerch topics before they speak, on the topic of sugar spiking insulin levels a carb is a carb the body will use it the same so complex carbs to simple carbs it doesnt care, if its ate with the right amount of protien and fat in a meal the G.I which is ment to raise insulin wont matter…
  • try going to a 40/40/20 with the macros so you are reducing the carbs you take in the now and increasing the protien so when the body has less carbs it will go to fat for energy and the protien will keep the majority of your muscle
  • 50 calories over each day for 5 weeks which is 35 days equals 1750 calories which is half a pound so mfp probably just rounds it up
  • eh are you clueless? as long as you are eating at a deficit you will lose weight, you will only start taking muscle as energy after about 48hrs of starvation so if you have 1500 calories from mcdonalds it could be from fish or chicken which all provide protein so will feed muscles as all protien contains amino acids which…
  • you havent given any details age, height, weight etc so yes you lost 35lbs eating clean and not counting calories. But did you stop and put on weight before joining MFP? with the not gaining muscle you may be aroung ideal weight which would mean to build muscle you need to be in a surplus calories which you state you are…
  • if you are new to weightlifting the gain in weight may be due to water weight while your muscles repair. Muscle building at a calorie deficit is not possible for experienced lifters but for new lifters it is possible to get some gains at a deficit as your body adjusts as since you have the excess weight it has fat store to…
  • its hard to specify how long i workout because first of all when doing cardio i aim for a calorie goal usually 300-400 so depending on what i use that day be it the treadmill or bike it varies, plus when lifting i dont feel as stong every day so i may increase my rest period between sets so i can complete them properly and…
  • best to use the higher number, but you really should weigh yourself in your underwear and at the same time each week to keep it as accurate as possible
  • Go to youtube and search fastingtwins that have a channel dedicated to IF