calories and weight loss



  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    If you're getting a good amount of ok protein in your 'junk food', why would you loose LBM eating junk food, but not eating non-junk food?

    I thought it was fairly well considered that protein was the important factor there.

    That was my assumption - essential nutrients = protein. Besides, he's not even mentioned protein in this thread I don't think. It has all been about sugar. White sugar to be exact. Brown sugar seems to be in the clear!

    here are the list of foods that you should consume as a healthy human being

    lentils, beans, sweet potatoes, potatoes, almonds, nuts, salads, fruits,

    you get protein in lentils, nuts, fruits,

    eat clean fuel for your body , and weight loss is easy,

    with proper water consumption also, 3-4 liters a day

    enough said,
    Wait, so we are all supposed to be vegetarians then too, right?
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    All I know is I am burning a lot of calories just trying to understand what this thread is even about.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    If you're getting a good amount of ok protein in your 'junk food', why would you loose LBM eating junk food, but not eating non-junk food?

    I thought it was fairly well considered that protein was the important factor there.

    That was my assumption - essential nutrients = protein. Besides, he's not even mentioned protein in this thread I don't think. It has all been about sugar. White sugar to be exact. Brown sugar seems to be in the clear!

    here are the list of foods that you should consume as a healthy human being

    lentils, beans, sweet potatoes, potatoes, almonds, nuts, salads, fruits,

    you get protein in lentils, nuts, fruits,

    eat clean fuel for your body , and weight loss is easy,

    with proper water consumption also, 3-4 liters a day

    enough said,
    Wait, so we are all supposed to be vegetarians then too, right?

    Actually, it looks like we are all supposed to be vegans.
  • alwaysthefatguy
    alwaysthefatguy Posts: 14 Member
    really some people need to go and resaerch topics before they speak, on the topic of sugar spiking insulin levels a carb is a carb the body will use it the same so complex carbs to simple carbs it doesnt care, if its ate with the right amount of protien and fat in a meal the G.I which is ment to raise insulin wont matter because the protien and fat counter act it.Plus the calories in and calories out is also correct you can eat your calories in fast food or healthy food but if you are in a calorie deficit you will loose weight, it is just if its taken in by fast food you wont be able to eat as much due to fat being higher in calories (9 per gram) than protien or carbs (4 per gram) so you will feel hungry even tho the body has met its caloric needs thats why people choose to clean the diet up because they can eat more for the same amount of calories
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    In the long term, the junk food diet MAY make you revert back to old eating habits or overeating which could lead to weight loss - but that is all hypothetical.
    And of course - if you are eating food you enjoy versus food you don't enjoy, many people may find they prefer to eat a small amount of food they enjoy than a large amount of food they don't enjoy.
  • Shabadu
    Shabadu Posts: 211
    I think all of you got trolled hard. lol
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    Such a confusing thread to attempt to read through. Gave up.

    Let me recap:
    We are all brainwashed because no one agreed with him?

    IS that a fair summary?

    What a nutcase... Can I have more sugar please?
  • Such a confusing thread to attempt to read through. Gave up.

    Let me recap:
    We are all brainwashed because no one agreed with him?

    IS that a fair summary?

    What a nutcase... Can I have more sugar please?

    that's it , you said it,

    I am a nutcase for trying to get you all to eat healthy :noway:

    it seems that you all just want to make this into some kind of joke ?

    there are people who try very hard to lose wight and can not achieve this, they are consuming far too much calories in forms of processed sugars, such as breads, bagels, Vienna breads, and cereals, fruit juice, this list goes on and on, yogurts ......

    and making a simple change in the type of calories you consume will make a difference for sure

    different types of calories affect your body's weight loss efforts.

    so the word calorie, really has to be looked at , because the food that we eat is not going to affect the body the same way therefore can we call it a calorie ?

    if you eat for energy , but you eat food that's processed sugar, do you think you will be in a net + energy, or a net - energy ?

    you will be in a + energy for a short time, then you will start to get hungry due to the sharp rise in insulin, this will make you feel shaky especially if you are heading towards insulin resistance, because the insulin is taking all the sugar out of your blood and leaving you with no energy left , why cant you all see this ?

    on the other hand if you eat food that your body can recognize such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes then you are in a net + energy state and will not feel shaky due to insulin levels remaining steady

    as i have sated before, do you see any obese type 1 diabetics ? because i have never seen any in my life, they can not produce insulin therefore they have to inject it into themselves

    what I have shared with you is the truth about your body, the only way we can learn to respect our body is to give it what it was intended to consume in the first place and to stop eating all the man made dead foods that are making us sick and tired,

    my conclusion on all of this topic is that if people are seeing results in there weight loss they will continue doing what they want and ridicule others, but what they fail to realize is that there is a serious problem when it comes to in insulin resistance,

    also, you can have candida, this is a yeast infection, if you have this then you are probably feeding the candida all the sugar that you consume, the candida will take all the sugar for itself and leave you in a deficit,

    there is more than meets the eye with processed food consumption
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    there are people who try very hard to lose wight and can not achieve this, they are consuming far too much calories

    there you go...
  • I think all of you got trolled hard. lol

    In Internet slang, a troll (pron.: /ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is someone who posts inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[3] The noun troll may also refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted."

    I am not a troll at all

    the topic is on the word calories and weight loss

    therefore this is all we are discussing, how certain calories affect our weight whilst other calories will not

  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Why are there 6 pages of people responding to a troll?

    Because people like you and I are easily amused and will respond to a six-page troll thread just to watch it keep going.

    This entire discussion is fascinating!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I think all of you got trolled hard. lol

    In Internet slang, a troll (pron.: /ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is someone who posts inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[3] The noun troll may also refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted."

    I am not a troll at all

    the topic is on the word calories and weight loss

    therefore this is all we are discussing, how certain calories affect our weight whilst other calories will not


    Speak for yourself (actually, I think you are). All calories impact my weight loss.
  • MGSR
    MGSR Posts: 35 Member

    here are the list of foods that you should consume as a healthy human being

    lentils, beans, sweet potatoes, potatoes, almonds, nuts, salads, fruits,

    you get protein in lentils, nuts, fruits,

    eat clean fuel for your body , and weight loss is easy,

    with proper water consumption also, 3-4 liters a day

    enough said,

    I'm allergic to nuts, does that mean I can't be healthy?
    as i said before it can make people become so obsessed that they count the calories and food that is actually not going to affect them in there weight loss efforts

    for example they count the calories in fruit, and count the calories in salads, and count the calories in other good foods such as nuts and beans,

    I don't understand this. Eating 3000 calories of beans and salads would make me put on weight. Eating a surplus of ANYTHING will make you put on weight.

    Things high in sugar tend to be high in calories. For purely weight loss, that is the only problem.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I think all of you got trolled hard. lol

    In Internet slang, a troll (pron.: /ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is someone who posts inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[3] The noun troll may also refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted."

    I am not a troll at all

    the topic is on the word calories and weight loss

    therefore this is all we are discussing, how certain calories affect our weight whilst other calories will not


    Speak for yourself (actually, I think you are). All calories impact my weight loss.

    You forgot to add that they all impact your weight loss EQUALLY. All else being equal.
  • MGSR
    MGSR Posts: 35 Member
    therefore this is all we are discussing, how certain calories affect our weight whilst other calories will not


    Also, as someone else said, you can't just say FACT and expect everyone to believe you, link to some studies and people may take you seriously. If you have no scientific studies to back up what your saying, maybe you should consider whether it is you that has been brainwashed, rather than those who do research before coming to a conclusion.
  • therefore this is all we are discussing, how certain calories affect our weight whilst other calories will not


    Also, as someone else said, you can't just say FACT and expect everyone to believe you, link to some studies and people may take you seriously. If you have no scientific studies to back up what your saying, maybe you should consider whether it is you that has been brainwashed, rather than those who do research before coming to a conclusion.

    You can find this information very easy on the internet

    here is an example this one is about sugar consumption and weight gain here is one on the effects of candida related to too much sugar intake from foods

    here is some information on candida , yeast in your blood - colon

    Now, if you have a gut full of sugar-loving organisms, what happens when you stop eating so much sugar? The bacteria, yeast, and other critters in your gut munch most of the sugars that you are eating (even if you are eating very few). The end result? You (your body) is not getting many of these sugars (because the bugs get to them first). This is one of the reasons why you crave sugars so much when you go on a low-sugar diet: the bugs are eating any sugars that pass their way (after all, they are hungry too).

  • here are the list of foods that you should consume as a healthy human being

    lentils, beans, sweet potatoes, potatoes, almonds, nuts, salads, fruits,

    you get protein in lentils, nuts, fruits,

    eat clean fuel for your body , and weight loss is easy,

    with proper water consumption also, 3-4 liters a day

    enough said,

    I'm allergic to nuts, does that mean I can't be healthy?
    as i said before it can make people become so obsessed that they count the calories and food that is actually not going to affect them in there weight loss efforts

    for example they count the calories in fruit, and count the calories in salads, and count the calories in other good foods such as nuts and beans,

    I don't understand this. Eating 3000 calories of beans and salads would make me put on weight. Eating a surplus of ANYTHING will make you put on weight.

    Things high in sugar tend to be high in calories. For purely weight loss, that is the only problem.

    if you allergic to nuts then don't eat nuts, simple as that, you can try flax seed or hemp seeds these are equally as effective

    good luck
  • High insulin levels cause weight gain

    low insulin levels make you feel satisfied

    there is nothing more to it
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member

    Also, as someone else said, you can't just say FACT and expect everyone to believe you, link to some studies and people may take you seriously. If you have no scientific studies to back up what your saying, maybe you should consider whether it is you that has been brainwashed, rather than those who do research before coming to a conclusion.

    You can find this information very easy on the internet

    here is an example this one is about sugar consumption and weight gain here is one on the effects of candida related to too much sugar intake from foods

    here is some information on candida , yeast in your blood - colon

    Now, if you have a gut full of sugar-loving organisms, what happens when you stop eating so much sugar? The bacteria, yeast, and other critters in your gut munch most of the sugars that you are eating (even if you are eating very few). The end result? You (your body) is not getting many of these sugars (because the bugs get to them first). This is one of the reasons why you crave sugars so much when you go on a low-sugar diet: the bugs are eating any sugars that pass their way (after all, they are hungry too).

    Information from a dot-com website doesn't count. Try bringing information from medical and science journals (preferably meta-analyses).

  • does a monkey or a giraffe count calories ? how about a cow or a horse ?

    they eat green , and they eat fruit, yet they are huge and have loads of muscles ? they are not fat and obese ?

    Horses commonly get a form of diabeties from eating too rich grass, its called laminitis - very painful, and can kill them.