calories and weight loss



  • jamesagnew717
    100 grams of white sugar 500 calories

    100 grams of black beans around 100 calories

    the body will break down the white sugar very fast and send your insulin through the roof, will cause your body to store this sugar as fat

    the body will break down the beans very slow and will fill you up with the fiber content, insulin levels remain normal , slow release of sugar keep you satisfied

    so we can not say that all calories are equal,

    metabolism is the word used to represent the action taken to convert food into energy, so whatever we eat can affect our metabolism , and i am sure that if we are consuming white breads, processed carbohydrates, sugars,
    then we can say that this can have an affect in our weight loss efforts as it will spike insulin and store unwanted sugar in the blood as fat.

    i think that we have to look at what foods are acidic and what foods are alkaline,

    sugar is actually an acid in our body, so all these foods are actually causing so much acid build up, but our body is made to run in an alkaline state,

    so i think that we can eat as many calories as we desire , as long as they are not acidic then they will not interrupt with the system,
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    is brown sugar ok?
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    100 grams of white sugar 500 calories

    100 grams of black beans around 100 calories

    the body will break down the white sugar very fast and send your insulin through the roof, will cause your body to store this sugar as fat

    the body will break down the beans very slow and will fill you up with the fiber content, insulin levels remain normal , slow release of sugar keep you satisfied

    so we can not say that all calories are equal,

    metabolism is the word used to represent the action taken to convert food into energy, so whatever we eat can affect our metabolism , and i am sure that if we are consuming white breads, processed carbohydrates, sugars,
    then we can say that this can have an affect in our weight loss efforts as it will spike insulin and store unwanted sugar in the blood as fat.

    i think that we have to look at what foods are acidic and what foods are alkaline,

    sugar is actually an acid in our body, so all these foods are actually causing so much acid build up, but our body is made to run in an alkaline state,

    so i think that we can eat as many calories as we desire , as long as they are not acidic then they will not interrupt with the system,

    ok... I vote troll.
  • morf13
    morf13 Posts: 151 Member
    500 calories of Spinac,Brocolli,Lean chicken

    is really not the same as

    500 calories of Candy Bars, soda,ice cream

    Sure, the units of energy are the same, but the content and what they do to your body is different. Sugar loaded foods turn to fat,and play havoc on your insulin levels
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    100 grams of white sugar 500 calories

    100 grams of black beans around 100 calories

    the body will break down the white sugar very fast and send your insulin through the roof, will cause your body to store this sugar as fat

    the body will break down the beans very slow and will fill you up with the fiber content, insulin levels remain normal , slow release of sugar keep you satisfied

    so we can not say that all calories are equal,

    metabolism is the word used to represent the action taken to convert food into energy, so whatever we eat can affect our metabolism , and i am sure that if we are consuming white breads, processed carbohydrates, sugars,
    then we can say that this can have an affect in our weight loss efforts as it will spike insulin and store unwanted sugar in the blood as fat.

    i think that we have to look at what foods are acidic and what foods are alkaline,

    sugar is actually an acid in our body, so all these foods are actually causing so much acid build up, but our body is made to run in an alkaline state,

    so i think that we can eat as many calories as we desire , as long as they are not acidic then they will not interrupt with the system,

    ok... I vote troll.

    I agree.

    At this point, you aren't even comparing calories anymore, but different quantities.
  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    100 grams of white sugar 500 calories

    100 grams of black beans around 100 calories

    the body will break down the white sugar very fast and send your insulin through the roof, will cause your body to store this sugar as fat

    the body will break down the beans very slow and will fill you up with the fiber content, insulin levels remain normal , slow release of sugar keep you satisfied

    so we can not say that all calories are equal,

    metabolism is the word used to represent the action taken to convert food into energy, so whatever we eat can affect our metabolism , and i am sure that if we are consuming white breads, processed carbohydrates, sugars,
    then we can say that this can have an affect in our weight loss efforts as it will spike insulin and store unwanted sugar in the blood as fat.

    i think that we have to look at what foods are acidic and what foods are alkaline,

    sugar is actually an acid in our body, so all these foods are actually causing so much acid build up, but our body is made to run in an alkaline state,

    so i think that we can eat as many calories as we desire , as long as they are not acidic then they will not interrupt with the system,

    ok... I vote troll.
  • jamesagnew717

    That one had me scratching my head as well. I couldn't remember if too many bananas makes you go to the bathroom or makes you not.
    Although ironic that the OP says the person eating 20 bananas a day doesn't gain weight but claims sugar makes you fat when bananas are high in sugar

    the sugar in a banana is a simple sugar that your body will recognize, it also has fiber in it to help the absorption remain slower, its slow release of sugars in the blood, this is why , and 20 bananas is 2000 calories , but the banana will keep you in an alkaline state,
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    100 grams of white sugar 500 calories

    100 grams of black beans around 100 calories

    the body will break down the white sugar very fast and send your insulin through the roof, will cause your body to store this sugar as fat

    First if you're going to compare you would hold calories constant, not food grams. Next, you are completely ignoring what happens in large periods of time. Fat oxidation will exceed fat storage in an energy deficit. If you eat a bunch of sugar and acute fat storage increases, but you are in an energy deficit over time, then fat oxidation will exceed fat storage and you will lose fat.

    Next, not many people sit down to a good hearty breakfast of 100g of table sugar so this example is somewhat silly.

    Next, you should read this regarding insulin:

    so we can not say that all calories are equal,

    They are equal in energy value. Macronutrients are utilized differently so comparing sugar to beans is silly unless you're strictly comparing the energy intake which you are not.
  • morf13
    morf13 Posts: 151 Member
    I work with a 37 year oldguy that is 6ft tall, 165 lbs,and eats nonstop,8 hours a day. Hoagies, chicken,snacks, sodas, energy drinks,etc
    He does not gain an ounce. His metabolism is a rare one,most of us would eat the same stuff and keep gaining. Most of us cant get away with that
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    Calories matter. No doubt. But what research has showed is that what truly matters is what the foods you eat do to your BLOOD.
  • jamesagnew717

    First if you're going to compare you would hold calories constant, not food grams. Next, you are completely ignoring what happens in large periods of time. Fat oxidation will exceed fat storage in an energy deficit. If you eat a bunch of sugar and acute fat storage increases, but you are in an energy deficit over time, then fat oxidation will exceed fat storage and you will lose fat.

    Next, not many people sit down to a good hearty breakfast of 100g of table sugar so this example is somewhat silly.

    Next, you should read this regarding insulin:

    i am not saying to eat 100 grams of sugar at the 1 time, i am simply showing you that 100 grams of beans is 100 calories and the 100 grams of sugar is 500 calories,

    but its not the calories that you should be looking at

    its the quantity of the sugar

    its recommended that you don't get more than 5 grams of sugar per meal in order to keep insulin under control
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member

    That one had me scratching my head as well. I couldn't remember if too many bananas makes you go to the bathroom or makes you not.
    Although ironic that the OP says the person eating 20 bananas a day doesn't gain weight but claims sugar makes you fat when bananas are high in sugar

    the sugar in a banana is a simple sugar that your body will recognize, it also has fiber in it to help the absorption remain slower, its slow release of sugars in the blood, this is why , and 20 bananas is 2000 calories , but the banana will keep you in an alkaline state,

    So what happens if I put fiber (like metamucil) in my sugar and and water?

    And you never commented on my twinkie diet post.
  • jamesagnew717
    Calories matter. No doubt. But what research has showed is that what truly matters is what the foods you eat do to your BLOOD.


    now we are getting somewhere with this

    glad to see that someone is understanding this more
  • jamesagnew717
    we have to be aware of the blood , when we eat we eat for the blood, because the blood will deliver the energy it gets from your stomach to all the parts of the body for energy

    so we really have to eat for the blood ,

    all calories are not equal

    so i don't like the term calories,

    i prefer to look at it as energy for the blood,
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Okay this is good.


    Dammit second time I got nailed ...
  • jamesagnew717

    So what happens if I put fiber (like metamucil) in my sugar and and water?

    And you never commented on my twinkie diet post.

    its still acting as processed in the body, , why would you want to intake white sugar with water ?

    twinkie diet ? no thanks

    but the nuts in it are good fiber, thats my take on it
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member

    So what happens if I put fiber (like metamucil) in my sugar and and water?

    And you never commented on my twinkie diet post.

    its still acting as processed in the body, , why would you want to intake white sugar with water ?

    twinkie diet ? no thanks

    but the nuts in it are good fiber, thats my take on it

    Well, if the banana sugar is ok because there is fiber, I figured the 100 grams white sugar you had me eating a few posts ago would be ok if I ate it with fibre. I would be awful hard to swallow the sugar and metamucil without water.

    Twinkie diet - not thanks. Maybe not for you but that guy still lost weight.
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    Here's the thing - it IS, 100%, without any doubt, factually correct to say that gaining or losing weight is reliant on absolutely nothing else than calories in vs. calories out. If you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain. If you eat less calories than you burn, you will lose. No ifs, ands, or buts. Doesn't matter where the calories IN come from. Yes, some foods make it easier to overeat, and some foods may make you crave other foods or impact your motivation, and some foods make overestimation of calories easier, but it still comes down to the same principle.

    HOWEVER, I think that we often overlook all of the different ways that our calories OUT can be variable from person to person and even day to day. BMRs and RMRs and TDEEs can vary widely, even between 2 people with the same height, weight, fitness level and activity level. Plus, different types of foods do impact how your body reacts to them. Some types of foods support keeping our bodies running in a more efficient fashion, and provide more energy for improved workouts. Some types of food bog us down. It's all about finding what approach works best for each individual.
  • jamesagnew717

    So what happens if I put fiber (like metamucil) in my sugar and and water?

    And you never commented on my twinkie diet post.

    its still acting as processed in the body, , why would you want to intake white sugar with water ?

    twinkie diet ? no thanks

    but the nuts in it are good fiber, thats my take on it

    Well, if the banana sugar is ok because there is fiber, I figured the 100 grams white sugar you had me eating a few posts ago would be ok if I ate it with fibre. I would be awful hard to swallow the sugar and metamucil without water.

    Twinkie diet - not thanks. Maybe not for you but that guy still lost weight.

    we are not here to discuss any crazy diets

    the discussion on this thread was to look at the word calories and discuss what we think about what its trying to tell us about food

    my conclusion is that we all have our own opinions on the word calories, it means different things to different people

    it can cause some people to become obsessed by this term and have them count every single food quantity as a calorie because they are afraid of getting fat

    we have to see what this term has done to us all, its made us all crazy , we cant eat without looking at how many calories are in it,

    does a monkey or a giraffe count calories ? how about a cow or a horse ?

    they eat green , and they eat fruit, yet they are huge and have loads of muscles ? they are not fat and obese ?

    also ,lets look at people who where born with type 1 diabetes are they fat ?

    so my conclusion on this to end this topis is that we really have to have a word with ourselves and come up with a new way of thinking that does not get us thinking about the word calories
  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    "Definition: A calorie is a measure of energy expenditure. The calories referred to in diet and exercise are kilocalories (kcal) - 1000 of the calories referred to in science labs for measuring chemical reactions.
    A pound of fat stores 3500 calories (kcal). To lose a pound of fat a week a person must eat approximately 500 fewer calories (kcal) per day than he/she expends.

    The range of daily calorie burning is from 1600 for a sedentary woman or older people to 2800 for active men, very active women and teenage boys."

    I have no idea what you are trying to say....