Diary confusion.

For the last 2 weeks my diary has told me I will weigh 105 kilos in 5 weeks if I carry on eating this way, which is fine and I understand what its saying, some days I have been on target with my calories and others over by a hundred or so, but I have it set low so I can do this without fretting, However The last 2 days my diary has changed this to I will weigh 106 kilos in 5 weeks, and I have only been over my cals by less than 50 each day!!

Surely I shouldnt be going upwards? Should I set my goal to 1300, is it cos I am constantly going over by a few that its changed its mind... just seems odd and I am still learning so any help would be cool thank you


  • alwaysthefatguy
    alwaysthefatguy Posts: 14 Member
    50 calories over each day for 5 weeks which is 35 days equals 1750 calories which is half a pound so mfp probably just rounds it up
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
  • Rodderick89
    Rodderick89 Posts: 205 Member
    Personally I don't pay attention to the number of lbs MFP says I'll way in 5 weeks.. simply because it doesn't take into account changes in exercise, water retention (lady time), going over on sodium, any plateaus, etc!

    If your actual weight is going down, then don't fret about what MFP says you "could" weigh in 5 week :) Keep at it, good luck :) x
  • NocturnalGirl
    Ignore that number, it's just a prediction and it doesn't necessarily mean it's accurate.
    If what you're doing is working then just keep at it.
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    It is a prediction based on your last logged weight and today's calories what you would weigh in 5 weeks if you were to log the same food and exercise you did today every day for the next 5 weeks.

    It's nothing more than an interesting number. I once tracked mine over 5 weeks and I was actually lower than the prediction. This does not take into account how much you have to lose, how close you are to goal weight or any of 100's of other variables that could significantly impact the number.
  • nicleed
    nicleed Posts: 247 Member
    Ignore it. I don't even bother clicking that button anymore!
  • cheekychicken69
    cheekychicken69 Posts: 14 Member
    Ok thanks people, I just wondered if I needed to up my total intake for the day thats all really, I like it set to 1200 but I rarely eat that, but if I set it to 1300 I will eat 1400 lol... its just the way I think! And no, the number has never actually fallen in line with my weight loss I just wondered how it could go up when I was going down thats all :0
  • Rodderick89
    Rodderick89 Posts: 205 Member
    Ok thanks people, I just wondered if I needed to up my total intake for the day thats all really, I like it set to 1200 but I rarely eat that, but if I set it to 1300 I will eat 1400 lol... its just the way I think! And no, the number has never actually fallen in line with my weight loss I just wondered how it could go up when I was going down thats all :0

    If you haven't already seen it, go and have a read of : http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    (Or go to forum and search "In place of a road map 2.0")

    bviously you know your body way better than me and depending on your height and current weight, activity level etc, I'm not sure how many calories you should be eating to lose.. however 1300/1400 does seem quite low.

    The "In place of a road map" is quite lengthy but it talks through the whole process step by step, so may have some answers to clear up any confusion :)
  • cheekychicken69
    cheekychicken69 Posts: 14 Member
    THanks honey I will take a look at that but I think I am about right at the moment cos I am not exercising or anything I am just getting a bulk off before I do this properly as it were. I do have to stay quite low n calories because I am quite sedentary buit have a problem with slow metabolism anyways, so what generally works for me is dieting at this level alone then kicking it up a gear with the exercise.