miriamcpweg Member


  • I luv it too! and the Android app :)
  • I used to do lots of cardio and then some weight training as you have scheduled, but now I made my workouts into circuits, If you can do cardio and strength together why not right? Circuit training gives you a great burn as well as helps tone your body :)
  • HEY! You can add me too :) I'm 22 and have been overweight since I was 14 and i was growing bigger and bigger. I'm on my route to turning that around :)
  • I've read in Jillian Micheals book Master Your Metabolism that large thighs and hips can do with excess estrogen! If you think about it it is women's trouble spots, guys have a bigger gut. Try avoiding soy, that is one of our biggest contributors to phytoestrogens. Soy is also, I believe, the second most produced crop…
  • I had a similar question. The amount of potassium that i need is never reached.
  • I really wish I could join, but this week is impossible! I'll try to do it myself a different week!
  • The first week is the hardest to adjust... The stomach can grumble, I know. Eventually your body gets more familiar and you don't get as hungry. Exercise will give you more calorie allowance for the day.
  • Carbs should not be eaten at night, white or bran. Eat it a bit earlier, that way you get the most out of your sleep. Carbs can decrease the release of growth hormones at night which aid in losing weight.
  • You should be eating at least 1200 calories day, not less. If you exercise it is that much more important to reach at least 1200 calories so that your body is fueled to burn the calories.
  • I have always been somewhat overweight and as a kid I ate very little thinking I would loose weight. I didn't. I was eating maybe 1 plain can of tuna a day for lunch, a bit of cereal in the morning and something small for dinner. Never noshed on junk. I calculated how many calories I was having a day and it was somewhere…
  • I eat something every four hours. Breakfast, lunch, snack then dinner. I keep in my calorie range, I plan ahead. Don't eat carbohydrates at night, they can disrupt your body from releasing growth hormone at night which can help you loose weight.
  • The unknowns will be at a disadvantage because when they get on the ranch, and getting used to the new living conditions, those on the ranch will be fighting for their lives.
  • Hey! I started with very similar stats 195lb and 5' 4.5". Over the past six months i lost 28lbs and everyone is telling me I look good :) There is a light at the end of the tunnel I still have ways to go and it is very very slow but if I had never started I would be at least 28lbs heavier than I am today. You can do it!!!…
  • I don't have any pictures, but I myself was an overweight teen, not quite as big, but I was shorter and weighed 175lb. The best advice I can give is to sign her up for either dance classes or some sort of karate. I have seen it make a difference. Lots of times it is inactivity that causes weight gain, especially when kids…
  • You should be having 30% protein 30% fat and 40% carbs. To be a bit off is okay, but people have a misunderstanding that fat is bad. It is not bad if you have the right kind. In fact we need fat and carbs as long as they are from a good sorce, olive oil, avocado, and whole grains. They are essential for our bodies.
  • That was a great tip! Congratulations on your weight loss!!!
  • I myself am not there, but i have a friend who was in a very similar situation, trying to get rid of the last few pounds. I don't know when you had the baby, but your bone structure changes a lot. It could take up to a year for your bones to go back to where they were. Aside for that sometimes the type of foods can effect…