Sorry but it does. Everyone who has dieted for long periods of time will tell you that your metabolism slows down. Fluctuation in your metabolic capacity is determined by numerous factors: one being muscle mass. The worst thing someone who is metabolically damaged could do is continue dieting. They need to stop competing…
I'd suggest watching Dr. Layne Norton PHD Nutrition Sciences video on metabolic damage and how you can repair it. In a nut shell you want to add calories incredibly slowly. E.g. 5 g carb, and maybe 1g fat a week. and watch the scale consistently to get your metabolism out of its repressed state. He explains it better than…
ronnie coleman can recover a lot faster than you can. just saying.
I think he's saying - if I'm reading correctly - that even "man made foods" as you call them, are derived from natural sources. That nothing is ever truly man made, and that worrying about natural vs artificial is pointless.
Drink the juice. Quantify it.
relying on the exercise portion of the day to use up remaining calories is impracticable. Sweat is not an indication of fat loss. Total daily calorie expenditure is far more important than calorie expenditure during a single workout session. Weightlifting = more muscle = great caloric expenditure without having to exercise.
WBFF Pro Fitness Model Jaco de Bruyn
1. If your goal is to gain muscle mass, and you are gaining around 0.2 - 0.5 lbs a week, then your doing fine. Due to your are, your testosterone levels are lower than that of a 18,19,20 year old who is building muscle, therefore it is much harder for you. It will take time. 2. You're chasing 2 birds with 1 stone. It is…
who gives a **** just eat your food!
refeed day. Problem solved.
Mikkas & Amber Shepherd - Finally (Original Mix) MUST LISTEN FULLY FUARRRRRRKKKKKK SONG!!
Your husband being a little! no offence.
Congratulations for coming across and overcoming the BS of the fitness industry. Many people stupidly believe that they have to adhere to strict protocols because some idiot in a magazine told them so.
i enjoy pizza and burgers. must be good for me
genetics brah.
yes and no
I remember reading a study I can't name the source where they were comparing the results of cyclers who biked for a controlled extended period of time, with the relation to muscle loss. What they found was that their entire upper body did not **** in composition, but however their legs had decreased in size by 2 - 4% or…
a picture from 1950 lol
shiny head
people say eat a balanced diet piss me off. I prefer eat to your desired out come. To me a 'balanced diet' is a phrase coming from people who don't know how to manipulate their macro-nutrient profiles to attain their desired effects.
I think you misunderstand what he is saying. You're saying the same thing, but you are making it look like you are disagreeing, that's where the WTF comes in.
wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong x 50
What is wrong with bars? they are food just like everything else. You bite, chew, swallow, digest, then crap out the same way you do with chicken breast or rice.
about 3 years to get to weight. Body composition though taken about 4.
Do these abs taste more like chicken or beef?
Melbourne here! Studying at Monash University, Bachelor of Arts (Global) hit me up.
face, smile, hair, eyes, lips, everything, I'm in love with you now
Hence why muscle builds outside the gym when you are not weightlifting. weight lifting is simply the catalyst to stimulate neural pathways and growth hormone release. But you could stimulate with all the growth hormones (natural) you want, but with out the food that follows the weightlifting, you're not building anything,…
one word. quantify.