how long did it take you to get your goal weight?



  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    It has taken me 3 months to get 31 pounds off so far. I started off walking a great deal last fall, but since winter has hit and the school load has increased with all the holidays off that the kids get, I have been working out minimally and sticking to my calories a great deal, rarely deviating off course. I would imagine that it would take me the rest of this year and some of next year to get to 150 pounds, and then by the end of 2014, I should be right where I want to be. Oh, and btw, I started at 240 pounds, 5 ft 3, now I am at 209 pounds last weigh in.
  • I personally think that expecting 5lbs a week is unrealistic, you would be better aiming between 1-2lbs a week, usually in your first weeks you can sometimes lose more but this doesn't usually carry on. It took me a year to lose 42lbs with WW. I have managed to maintain that weight for 2 years but now want to lose the last 14-20lbs to get to my goal. I am looking at 1lb a week. Don't get despondent, just think a year at just 1lb a week is 52lbs, Good luck and log everything, even if you have a bad day !
  • Liftnlove
    Liftnlove Posts: 235
    I have just 25 lbs to lose at 150lbs now. My goal was to get in done in 5 weeks, but it's been 1.5 weeks and I have no progress. How long did you take you to reach your goal? and is my goal unrealistic..

    Yes, it's unrealistic and unhealthy. Sorry :(

    I started at 163 lbs, and it took me about 6 months to lose 30 lbs....that's about 5 lbs a month, and trust me, I worked my *kitten* off.
    wow your relsults are freaking amazing though

    Thank you :) The good news is you can reach ANY goal you set for yourself...just be a bit patient, because real progress takes time. If you like my results, take it slow. Lift heavy, eat at a moderate deficit, do cardio as needed, and focus on the mirror and the tape measure, not the scale. It will happen...just not always a fast as you might like :)

    When you reach your goal, trust will not care how long it took, or how hard you had to work. It will all be worth it. :)
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I'm going to guess that you burn about 15000 calories per week including exercising a few times per week. To lose 5 lbs in 1 week, you need to have a 17500 deficit. So even if you eat nothing, you can't lose 5 lbs in one week. Did I do that math right?

    1 lb or half a lb per week is reasonable IMO.

    It took me 18 months to get to goal and about 6-7 months to get from 150 to 135
  • AmberDawn930
    AmberDawn930 Posts: 19 Member
    thats 5 lbs a week, its possible but not healthy, dont go by a number on the scale use the mirror, judging by your pictures theres no way you need to lose 25 more lbs

    thanks but im 150 lbs, i have alot of belly fat and hip fat, and even fat on my thighs and cannnot freaking stand the fat on my hips. love handles are so unatractive.
    I dont think the number is meaningless, and i do use the mirror and my clothes still dont fit any loser, i need to be like at least a size 5 and im not,

    HAha typical female answer, id have to disagree . But seriously dont worry about the number its meaningless. USe the mirror and how ur clothes are fitting.

    I agree, just go off the mirror. back in 2008 i got down to 137 and i was still a size 9. (hips and butts run large in my family) don't mind it so much, love handles make great grips for men...;-) and personally i'd rather have a butt than large breast. but if you truley want to lose 25 don't let our comments stop you by any means. work hard and you will achieve results.
  • Healthy_4_Life2
    Healthy_4_Life2 Posts: 595 Member
    I'm going to guess that you burn about 15000 calories per week including exercising a few times per week. To lose 5 lbs in 1 week, you need to have a 17500 deficit. So even if you eat nothing, you can't lose 5 lbs in one week. Did I do that math right?

    1 lb or half a lb per week is reasonable IMO.

    It took me 18 months to get to goal and about 6-7 months to get from 150 to 135

    ^^^^This is so true!! I started MFP in June 2011. By December of 2011, I loss 25-30 pounds. However, I hit a snag in 2012. All I did was kept gaining and losing the same 3-6 pounds, despite all my workout and portion control. It's only this year that the scale has started to move again. There are so many things that play a factor in weight loss. Everyone's body is different. Set realist goals for yourself and keep pushing forward. Good luck!!:flowerforyou:
  • lvtruu1
    lvtruu1 Posts: 211 Member
    I started with a goal of 220 pounds. Set a goal for my next planned trip to Vegas. (about 11 months) Needed to lose 55 pounds. Started March 7th at 275. I switched from regular soda to diet October the previous year and started some minor exercise and eating better before I officially started. Friends think I was 300+ back then.

    Reached first goal of 220 July 1st...

    Set next goal to 200 figuring that would be it.....

    Hit that October 6th....

    My Vegas trip (11 months) came at the beginning of February... 178.

    Currently same weight while continuing to raise calories. (weight fluctuates up a few pounds day to day) Stopped weighing myself daily for the most part. Mostly just once a week now.

    From March 7th to Dec 31st Average calories 1757. (excluding an unexpected vacation where I ate and drank and didn't track anything) End of year weight of 183.6.

    January 2050 calories Dropped to 178.
    February 2400 calories (excluding Vacation) (ended month at 179.4) (Majority of month was 2450+)
    Today I jumped calories to 2700 calories (today again 178 hence the increase)

    Most weeks I lift 5 times a week for an hour and do 4 30 minute session on the exercise bike.

    Oh yeah quit smoking May 24th.

    Don't give in. Ignore the hunger, the more you control it/live with it/suffer through it, the less it occurs. At least that is what I found. For me, my habits related to soda and fast food, so it was far easier for me to lose the weight. Switch out the soda and cut out most of the stops at McDonald's, exercise a lot and the weight loss happened. Oh and for the haters, I ate less than my BMR for months on end. It isn't that big of a deal and it seems that my TDEE wasn't beat down to bad if at all.
  • lvtruu1
    lvtruu1 Posts: 211 Member
    I'm going to guess that you burn about 15000 calories per week including exercising a few times per week. To lose 5 lbs in 1 week, you need to have a 17500 deficit. So even if you eat nothing, you can't lose 5 lbs in one week. Did I do that math right?

    1 lb or half a lb per week is reasonable IMO.

    It took me 18 months to get to goal and about 6-7 months to get from 150 to 135

    ^^^^This is so true!! I started MFP in June 2011. By December of 2011, I loss 25-30 pounds. However, I hit a snag in 2012. All I did was kept gaining and losing the same 3-6 pounds, despite all my workout and portion control. It's only this year that the scale has started to move again. There are so many things that play a factor in weight loss. Everyone's body is different. Set realist goals for yourself and keep pushing forward. Good luck!!:flowerforyou:

    Weight loss isn't lineal. So yes people can have weeks where they lose 5 pounds or more in a week. I had one week of 9 pounds and the weight never rebounded.
  • The healthy version of losing weight is 1lb a week, calorie intake 1200-1500/day for ladies. 5meals a day; 3meals & two snacks, 8bottles of water or more. Once you started working out, don't weigh yourself until the 4th week, and then the 8th, etc.. Otherwise the scale will drive you crazy. If you don't see any results (loosing) at the 4th week, then it could be water weight but don't get discouraged! By the 2nd month, you'll be shredding the pounds! Just make sure your body is getting all the protein, etc. and eat every 3hours to keep your body energized. And if you want a great work out, I'd suggest P90X, Insanity, or Turbo Fire! :)
  • ChristiSykes
    ChristiSykes Posts: 186 Member
    26 lbs in 8 weeks, but I'm 5'2" and started @ 227....
  • ckseevers
    ckseevers Posts: 11
    I understand both the frustration and the impatience. I started January 15th at 149. I am down to 143. That is only 6 pounds in 6 weeks. I was down to 141 but put 2 more back on. I am only 5 foot 2 so this is too much weight for me. I need to be down to AT LEAST 130 in not more. I took on the 30 day shred and keep my calorie intake to 1200 or less per day. I focus on protein and whole foods and do not eat or drink gluten....I am frustrated but also understand that I am RIGHT ON TRACK for weight loss as long as I am down to 140 by the end of March! :-)
  • it took me 7 months to loose 32 kilos, or 70.5 pounds..
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Not sure if it is realistic or not. Probably is realistic if you are a 5'4" female but if you are 6'0" female, not likely realistic. That being said, it does take time and as close as you are to your goal weight, it may take you longer than many who have further to go (as far as seeing large losses)... I have not gotten to my ultimate goal yet but I met my first real goal about a year and month later.. But it was a 120 lb loss. Early on, I'd lose 12-15 lbs per month but as I neared my goal, the drops got a lot smaller... 3-4 lbs per month.. That is ok, because the noticeable differences were still happening as I continued to lift weights and drop a pound or two.. The closer you are to your goal, the more difference each pound will make in appearance... This is because a pound of fat up next to a 20 pound fat blob is a higher percentage than that same pound of fat next to a 50 lb blob... The closer you get, the better you will be able to tell. Best wishes and keep working at it... Don't give up. The end is well worth the journey.
  • lisab0864
    lisab0864 Posts: 154
    I started my journey at 197 lbs and lost 25 pounds in 10 weeks (had a dream vacation coming up). It took me 6 1/2 months to lose the remaining 25 lbs to get to my ultimate goal weight of 145 (which was below high school weight). The best part about taking so long to get to my goal was that my new found healthy habits became my new lifestyle -- 2 years later I am still below goal..
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    about 2 months
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I have been at this for over 6.5 years...with still another 20-40 kilos ideally to lose :)
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    about 3 years to get to weight. Body composition though taken about 4.
  • Miss_Kaz80
    Miss_Kaz80 Posts: 13 Member
    It took me 14 months to reduce 30+ kilograms, slow and steady wins the race.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    7 months it took me to lose all my weight. No rest days, no cheat days & I worked my *kitten* off.
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    It's been about a year hardcore and I've lost about 30-33 lbs depending on day. I want to lose another 15-17 so estimating it'll take me until about september or october the way the weight is going off.

    It is now going back up for some reason so playing around with workouts and food to kick start it again