Do you drink fruit juices but not artificial sweeteners?

Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
I understand that people often use the reason that that artificial sweeteners are not drank because what they contain gets converted to methanol and formaldehyde and that's what they use to preserve dead people with etc etc.

However, do people actually realise that a glass of juice actually contains MORE of the above than a diet soda/drink, around twice as much?

In terms of methanol and formaldehyde as you may imagine the toxicity is dose dependent, and diet drinks actually have less than a glass of juice, and even the glass of juice is not something to worry about. This is where people get things wrapped around their necks - the dosage being taken in is nothing.

Your thoughts?


  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    Drink the juice. Quantify it.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I drink fruit juice, but ones I make from fresh fruit.... so your argument is invalid on those accounts. As for the already done juices..... nope.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I like fruit juice.
    My knitting needles smell like formaldehyde.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I drink fruit juice, but ones I make from fresh fruit.... so your argument is invalid on those accounts. As for the already done juices..... nope.

    Fruits naturally contain it. More than artificial sweeteners. Your argument is invalid.
  • BrainsOnGains
    BrainsOnGains Posts: 282 Member
    I drink fruit juice, but ones I make from fresh fruit.... so your argument is invalid on those accounts. As for the already done juices..... nope.

    Fruits naturally contain it. More than artificial sweeteners. Your argument is invalid.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    i mean... y'all shouldn't really be drinking fruit juice either. :)

    EDIT: unless it's juice you make yourself. should clarify.
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    I'm not a big juice drinker, but I think that I would feel healthier drinking juice than I would something with artificial sweetener. For me, it's mental. If I'm going all out to be healthy, I feel strange about eating something that someone in a labcoat concocted someplace and would prefer something from nature. Now, I'm a total hypocrite because I don't eat 100% like this always- it kinda seems impossible....but on a good day... no artificial sweeteners.
    I'd simply like to have as much control as I can LOL. And an apple is an apple.... but I have no clue what splenda is.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    i mean... y'all shouldn't really be drinking fruit juice either. :)

    EDIT: unless it's juice you make yourself. should clarify.

    But hopefully you won't tell us that it's because of methanol and formaldehyde content ;)
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    i mean... y'all shouldn't really be drinking fruit juice either. :)

    EDIT: unless it's juice you make yourself. should clarify.

    There is more in fruit than in a can. Thats my point.

    There is nothing wrong with fruit juice either.

    Are people not grasping this?!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    i mean... y'all shouldn't really be drinking fruit juice either. :)

    EDIT: unless it's juice you make yourself. should clarify.

    There is more in fruit than in a can. Thats my point.

    There is nothing wrong with fruit juice either.

    Are people not grasping this?!

    haha nah i'm in agreement with you on this - there's plenty of unintentional hypocrisy in the MFP world. i just also think processed fruit juice is counterproductive to a lot of folks' goals because of the massive sugar content and lack of fiber.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I'm not a big juice drinker, but I think that I would feel healthier drinking juice than I would something with artificial sweetener. For me, it's mental. If I'm going all out to be healthy, I feel strange about eating something that someone in a labcoat concocted someplace and would prefer something from nature. Now, I'm a total hypocrite because I don't eat 100% like this always- it kinda seems impossible....but on a good day... no artificial sweeteners.
    I'd simply like to have as much control as I can LOL. And an apple is an apple.... but I have no clue what splenda is.

    Oh those poor people in lab coats. At some point in the past someone told somebody else that chemicals are bad for you. Scientists use chemicals. They take good hearty and nutritious food and they taint it with their evil chemicals all in an effort to make god cry.

    Then others believed this because the alternative would involve learning a bit of chemistry and that sounds like a lot of hard work. Let me tell you this. If you can't pronounce it you shouldn't ingest it is not a good guide. Let me assure you that you consume things you can't pronounce every single day. Try looking up pyridoxine hydrochloride some time. I'll just go ahead and tell you. It's vitamin B6.

    This one may shock you but we are natural. Our houses are every bit as natural as anthills. The things that we create are natural. Our scientists are not something separate from nature and neither is their work. They are working within the confines of nature at all times. We are chemical processes. Plants are chemical processes. Chemistry is the study of matter and we are made of matter. Plants are made of matter. I would really love it if we could just eliminate the stigmas associated chemicals and scientists. We benefit from the fruits of scientific endeavors every day.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Even fresh juice you squeeze from say an orange, the same applies.

    Mind you, guess you lose the fibre from the orange in the most part then. Guess i'm lucky I get a huge number of calories each day to work my way through.

    Which is beside the point I'm making here - if you are going to make statements about chemicals in soda, you need to learn what you are having in other drinks such as juice, freshly squeezed or processed, before putting soda down.
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    i mean... y'all shouldn't really be drinking fruit juice either. :)

    EDIT: unless it's juice you make yourself. should clarify.

    There is more in fruit than in a can. Thats my point.

    There is nothing wrong with fruit juice either.

    Are people not grasping this?!

    PROVE IT!! dont just STATE the info, PROVE IT!!
  • BrainsOnGains
    BrainsOnGains Posts: 282 Member
    i mean... y'all shouldn't really be drinking fruit juice either. :)

    EDIT: unless it's juice you make yourself. should clarify.

    There is more in fruit than in a can. Thats my point.

    There is nothing wrong with fruit juice either.

    Are people not grasping this?!

    PROVE IT!! dont just STATE the info, PROVE IT!!

    you are angry, go eat a steak.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    PROVE IT!! dont just STATE the info, PROVE IT!!

    Look in a text book. Look on the web. Look anywhere. It is freely available. There is nothing for me to 'prove'.
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    I don't drink artifical sweetners for the simple fact I am one of the rare people who can't digest it and it causes me migraines if I do. I do know that a glass of orange juice is equal to eating 10 oranges in one setting.

    diet cokes wouldn't be much better because of the chemicals in them. I took a nutrition course and they did a study on rats who drank nutra sweet/ the artifical stuff they ended up with bladder cancer.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I don't consume artificial sweeteners because they taste gross.
  • BrainsOnGains
    BrainsOnGains Posts: 282 Member
    I don't drink artifical sweetners for the simple fact I am one of the rare people who can't digest it and it causes me migraines if I do. I do know that a glass of orange juice is equal to eating 10 oranges in one setting.

    diet cokes wouldn't be much better because of the chemicals in them. I took a nutrition course and they did a study on rats who drank nutra sweet/ the artifical stuff they ended up with bladder cancer.

    most bladder cancer in humans is from smoking. the toxins in urine settle to the bottom of the bladder and bad stuff can happen... No I dont have a study nor will I prove it :::drinks diet dr pepper::: carry on.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    PROVE IT!! dont just STATE the info, PROVE IT!!

    Look in a text book. Look on the web. Look anywhere. It is freely available. There is nothing for me to 'prove'.

    well... except that you DID make the claim... so the burden of proof is on you - not your readers. trust me, i've fallen victim to the same thing. you posted it, it's your job.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    Honestly I don't drink either. Any of those "flavored" waters (not seltzer) that have the aspartame in them tastes nasty. Soda is really sweet -- even the diet kind -- and the diet kind tastes fake (I will on occasion have a diet soda but it's usually when it's super hot out and I'm dehydrated) I don't drink "fruit juice" because it's just way too sweet. I occasionally drink OJ but it's not something I go out and buy every week. Plus there are only a handful of fruit juices out there that are just that: fruit juice with no added crap. If I have anything with cranberry in it -- like seltzer with cranberry or a vodka soda with cranberry -- it's just s tiny splash and I can barely taste it.

    ETA: The funny thing is while I think sodas and fruit juices are too sweet and gross i can pound down cadbury cream eggs like no bodies business LOL.