Do you drink fruit juices but not artificial sweeteners?



  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    ~watches, more than a little amused~
    Can't decide if I want a diet coke or a glass of OJ.
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    I'm not a big juice drinker, but I think that I would feel healthier drinking juice than I would something with artificial sweetener. For me, it's mental. If I'm going all out to be healthy, I feel strange about eating something that someone in a labcoat concocted someplace and would prefer something from nature. Now, I'm a total hypocrite because I don't eat 100% like this always- it kinda seems impossible....but on a good day... no artificial sweeteners.
    I'd simply like to have as much control as I can LOL. And an apple is an apple.... but I have no clue what splenda is.

    Oh those poor people in lab coats. At some point in the past someone told somebody else that chemicals are bad for you. Scientists use chemicals. They take good hearty and nutritious food and they taint it with their evil chemicals all in an effort to make god cry.

    Then others believed this because the alternative would involve learning a bit of chemistry and that sounds like a lot of hard work. Let me tell you this. If you can't pronounce it you shouldn't ingest it is not a good guide. Let me assure you that you consume things you can't pronounce every single day. Try looking up pyridoxine hydrochloride some time. I'll just go ahead and tell you. It's vitamin B6.

    This one may shock you but we are natural. Our houses are every bit as natural as anthills. The things that we create are natural. Our scientists are not something separate from nature and neither is their work. They are working within the confines of nature at all times. We are chemical processes. Plants are chemical processes. Chemistry is the study of matter and we are made of matter. Plants are made of matter. I would really love it if we could just eliminate the stigmas associated chemicals and scientists. We benefit from the fruits of scientific endeavors every day.

    "Woman. Wo-man..... WHOOOOOAAAA MAN!"

    Chill out. I'm just saying that I like having the control of knowing what's in the food that I eat. Chemicals.. blah blah blah.. what "chemicals" make up an apple... I don't really care about. I'm no scientist, and not to step on your little man toes but neither are you. I'm not carrying a banner that says "God hates splenda users." I'm just saying, I like the idea of eating something that I can go pick myself and I understand the logic behind others that are against artificial sweeteners.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I rarely drink either. Not because of toxins, but because I'm not fond of the taste and/or aftertaste of artificial sweeteners, and fruit juice is just another sugary drink I don't want to waste calories on. I prefer to wait until the juice is fermented before I drink it. :drinker:
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I don't drink artifical sweetners for the simple fact I am one of the rare people who can't digest it and it causes me migraines if I do. I do know that a glass of orange juice is equal to eating 10 oranges in one setting.

    diet cokes wouldn't be much better because of the chemicals in them. I took a nutrition course and they did a study on rats who drank nutra sweet/ the artifical stuff they ended up with bladder cancer.

    Have you seen the doses that cancer occurred?

    Everything under the sun is toxic. Heck aspirin is fatal at 4x the recommended dose...
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    PROVE IT!! dont just STATE the info, PROVE IT!!

    Look in a text book. Look on the web. Look anywhere. It is freely available. There is nothing for me to 'prove'.

    well... except that you DID make the claim... so the burden of proof is on you - not your readers. trust me, i've fallen victim to the same thing. you posted it, it's your job.

    EXACTLY, otherwise its just BUNK, JUNK & FUNK
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I understand that people often use the reason that that artificial sweeteners are not drank because what they contain gets converted to methanol and formaldehyde and that's what they use to preserve dead people with etc etc.

    Your thoughts?

    That's aspartame, which I don't worry about. (But it tastes awful, so I avoid it.) Splenda, which tastes yummy in drinks, has a chlorine attached to a carbon, which is an unstable bond, and potentially free radical forming. I actually avoid having more than an occasional dose of Splenda.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I'm not a big juice drinker, but I think that I would feel healthier drinking juice than I would something with artificial sweetener. For me, it's mental. If I'm going all out to be healthy, I feel strange about eating something that someone in a labcoat concocted someplace and would prefer something from nature. Now, I'm a total hypocrite because I don't eat 100% like this always- it kinda seems impossible....but on a good day... no artificial sweeteners.
    I'd simply like to have as much control as I can LOL. And an apple is an apple.... but I have no clue what splenda is.

    Oh those poor people in lab coats. At some point in the past someone told somebody else that chemicals are bad for you. Scientists use chemicals. They take good hearty and nutritious food and they taint it with their evil chemicals all in an effort to make god cry.

    Then others believed this because the alternative would involve learning a bit of chemistry and that sounds like a lot of hard work. Let me tell you this. If you can't pronounce it you shouldn't ingest it is not a good guide. Let me assure you that you consume things you can't pronounce every single day. Try looking up pyridoxine hydrochloride some time. I'll just go ahead and tell you. It's vitamin B6.

    This one may shock you but we are natural. Our houses are every bit as natural as anthills. The things that we create are natural. Our scientists are not something separate from nature and neither is their work. They are working within the confines of nature at all times. We are chemical processes. Plants are chemical processes. Chemistry is the study of matter and we are made of matter. Plants are made of matter. I would really love it if we could just eliminate the stigmas associated chemicals and scientists. We benefit from the fruits of scientific endeavors every day.

    "Woman. Wo-man..... WHOOOOOAAAA MAN!"

    Chill out. I'm just saying that I like having the control of knowing what's in the food that I eat. Chemicals.. blah blah blah.. what "chemicals" make up an apple... I don't really care about. I'm no scientist, and not to step on your little man toes but neither are you. I'm not carrying a banner that says "God hates splenda users." I'm just saying, I like the idea of eating something that I can go pick myself and I understand the logic behind others that are against artificial sweeteners.

    In a nutshell this is the chemical composition of an apple:

    Alpha-Linolenic-Acid, Asparagine, D-Categin, Isoqurctrin, Hyperoside, Ferulic-Acid, Farnesene, Neoxathin, Phosphatidyl-Choline, Reynoutrin, Sinapic-Acid, Caffeic-Acid, Chlorogenic-Acid, P-Hydroxy-Benzoic-Acid, P-Coumaric-Acid, Avicularin, Lutein, Quercitin, Rutin, Ursolic-Acid, Protocatechuic-Acid, and Silver.

    Now that is not an exhaustive list as there is a little bit more to it but for the most part this is what your apple is made of and this is the lion's share of things that actually make a difference in your diet. This list compiles much of the reason that we eat them.

    Now I have made claims about computers in the past and had someone tell me that I am not a computer tech so I am just talking off the cuff. On that day I was able to say, "Yes, I am a computer tech." Today I wish I changed my credits around a bit and got my degree in science because it would be great if I could say that I am an actual scientist. Truth be told I am just an educated layman. I have always had an interest in science and I have taken many classes but I changed my major over to IT when I realized I would have a higher earning potential.

    All that aside making fun of me and my little man toes is not going to change the actual facts. There are plenty of things that grow naturally which you can go pick yourself that will kill you. Nobody in a lab coat ever got close to it. Try eating some berries of Belladonna. You would end up with a nice mouth full of tropane alkaloids. You would lose the ability to speak and then you would die unable to call for help. They are also known as the devil berries.

    I really should dedicate myself to a more full understanding of science as should we all but even with the level of knowledge that I have I can assure you that we are all natural. I actually have a hard time wrapping my mind around the concept of anything unnatural existing. I don't exactly understand the concept.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I'm not a big juice drinker, but I think that I would feel healthier drinking juice than I would something with artificial sweetener. For me, it's mental. If I'm going all out to be healthy, I feel strange about eating something that someone in a labcoat concocted someplace and would prefer something from nature. Now, I'm a total hypocrite because I don't eat 100% like this always- it kinda seems impossible....but on a good day... no artificial sweeteners.
    I'd simply like to have as much control as I can LOL. And an apple is an apple.... but I have no clue what splenda is.

    Oh those poor people in lab coats. At some point in the past someone told somebody else that chemicals are bad for you. Scientists use chemicals. They take good hearty and nutritious food and they taint it with their evil chemicals all in an effort to make god cry.

    Then others believed this because the alternative would involve learning a bit of chemistry and that sounds like a lot of hard work. Let me tell you this. If you can't pronounce it you shouldn't ingest it is not a good guide. Let me assure you that you consume things you can't pronounce every single day. Try looking up pyridoxine hydrochloride some time. I'll just go ahead and tell you. It's vitamin B6.

    This one may shock you but we are natural. Our houses are every bit as natural as anthills. The things that we create are natural. Our scientists are not something separate from nature and neither is their work. They are working within the confines of nature at all times. We are chemical processes. Plants are chemical processes. Chemistry is the study of matter and we are made of matter. Plants are made of matter. I would really love it if we could just eliminate the stigmas associated chemicals and scientists. We benefit from the fruits of scientific endeavors every day.

    "Woman. Wo-man..... WHOOOOOAAAA MAN!"

    Chill out. I'm just saying that I like having the control of knowing what's in the food that I eat. Chemicals.. blah blah blah.. what "chemicals" make up an apple... I don't really care about. I'm no scientist, and not to step on your little man toes but neither are you. I'm not carrying a banner that says "God hates splenda users." I'm just saying, I like the idea of eating something that I can go pick myself and I understand the logic behind others that are against artificial sweeteners.

    In a nutshell this is the chemical composition of an apple:

    Alpha-Linolenic-Acid, Asparagine, D-Categin, Isoqurctrin, Hyperoside, Ferulic-Acid, Farnesene, Neoxathin, Phosphatidyl-Choline, Reynoutrin, Sinapic-Acid, Caffeic-Acid, Chlorogenic-Acid, P-Hydroxy-Benzoic-Acid, P-Coumaric-Acid, Avicularin, Lutein, Quercitin, Rutin, Ursolic-Acid, Protocatechuic-Acid, and Silver.

    Now that is not an exhaustive list as there is a little bit more to it but for the most part this is what your apple is made of and this is the lion's share of things that actually make a difference in your diet. This list compiles much of the reason that we eat them.

    Now I have made claims about computers in the past and had someone tell me that I am not a computer tech so I am just talking off the cuff. On that day I was able to say, "Yes, I am a computer tech." Today I wish I changed my credits around a bit and got my degree in science because it would be great if I could say that I am an actual scientist. Truth be told I am just an educated layman. I have always had an interest in science and I have taken many classes but I changed my major over to IT when I realized I would have a higher earning potential.

    All that aside making fun of me and my little man toes is not going to change the actual facts. There are plenty of things that grow naturally which you can go pick yourself that will kill you. Nobody in a lab coat ever got close to it. Try eating some berries of Belladonna. You would end up with a nice mouth full of tropane alkaloids. You would lose the ability to speak and then you would die unable to call for help. They are also known as the devil berries.

    I really should dedicate myself to a more full understanding of science as should we all but even with the level of knowledge that I have I can assure you that we are all natural. I actually have a hard time wrapping my mind around the concept of anything unnatural existing. I don't exactly understand the concept.

    it's pretty simple... man combining naturally found chemicals to make new chemicals that aren't found in nature. thus, "unnatural" or "synthetic"
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    EXACTLY, otherwise its just BUNK, JUNK & FUNK

    No it is basic science.

    Anyone who knows an iota about chemical compositions of fruit will be able to confirm this.

    You are one strange individual.
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    I'm not a big juice drinker, but I think that I would feel healthier drinking juice than I would something with artificial sweetener. For me, it's mental. If I'm going all out to be healthy, I feel strange about eating something that someone in a labcoat concocted someplace and would prefer something from nature. Now, I'm a total hypocrite because I don't eat 100% like this always- it kinda seems impossible....but on a good day... no artificial sweeteners.
    I'd simply like to have as much control as I can LOL. And an apple is an apple.... but I have no clue what splenda is.

    Oh those poor people in lab coats. At some point in the past someone told somebody else that chemicals are bad for you. Scientists use chemicals. They take good hearty and nutritious food and they taint it with their evil chemicals all in an effort to make god cry.

    Then others believed this because the alternative would involve learning a bit of chemistry and that sounds like a lot of hard work. Let me tell you this. If you can't pronounce it you shouldn't ingest it is not a good guide. Let me assure you that you consume things you can't pronounce every single day. Try looking up pyridoxine hydrochloride some time. I'll just go ahead and tell you. It's vitamin B6.

    This one may shock you but we are natural. Our houses are every bit as natural as anthills. The things that we create are natural. Our scientists are not something separate from nature and neither is their work. They are working within the confines of nature at all times. We are chemical processes. Plants are chemical processes. Chemistry is the study of matter and we are made of matter. Plants are made of matter. I would really love it if we could just eliminate the stigmas associated chemicals and scientists. We benefit from the fruits of scientific endeavors every day.

    "Woman. Wo-man..... WHOOOOOAAAA MAN!"

    Chill out. I'm just saying that I like having the control of knowing what's in the food that I eat. Chemicals.. blah blah blah.. what "chemicals" make up an apple... I don't really care about. I'm no scientist, and not to step on your little man toes but neither are you. I'm not carrying a banner that says "God hates splenda users." I'm just saying, I like the idea of eating something that I can go pick myself and I understand the logic behind others that are against artificial sweeteners.

    In a nutshell this is the chemical composition of an apple:

    Alpha-Linolenic-Acid, Asparagine, D-Categin, Isoqurctrin, Hyperoside, Ferulic-Acid, Farnesene, Neoxathin, Phosphatidyl-Choline, Reynoutrin, Sinapic-Acid, Caffeic-Acid, Chlorogenic-Acid, P-Hydroxy-Benzoic-Acid, P-Coumaric-Acid, Avicularin, Lutein, Quercitin, Rutin, Ursolic-Acid, Protocatechuic-Acid, and Silver.

    Now that is not an exhaustive list as there is a little bit more to it but for the most part this is what your apple is made of and this is the lion's share of things that actually make a difference in your diet. This list compiles much of the reason that we eat them.

    Now I have made claims about computers in the past and had someone tell me that I am not a computer tech so I am just talking off the cuff. On that day I was able to say, "Yes, I am a computer tech." Today I wish I changed my credits around a bit and got my degree in science because it would be great if I could say that I am an actual scientist. Truth be told I am just an educated layman. I have always had an interest in science and I have taken many classes but I changed my major over to IT when I realized I would have a higher earning potential.

    All that aside making fun of me and my little man toes is not going to change the actual facts. There are plenty of things that grow naturally which you can go pick yourself that will kill you. Nobody in a lab coat ever got close to it. Try eating some berries of Belladonna. You would end up with a nice mouth full of tropane alkaloids. You would lose the ability to speak and then you would die unable to call for help. They are also known as the devil berries.

    I really should dedicate myself to a more full understanding of science as should we all but even with the level of knowledge that I have I can assure you that we are all natural. I actually have a hard time wrapping my mind around the concept of anything unnatural existing. I don't exactly understand the concept.

    I'm not exactly making fun of you.. I'm making fun of how touchy you are being about the fact that I don't like the idea of "man made foods." All of your "facts" aren't really adding anything to what I am saying here. As said previously... I like having the control. I don't eat deadly berries. I like knowing what I am eating.. but I don't really care what "chemicals" make up foods that come from nature. Yes... I know that you are saying its all natural... it comes from somewhere... but I don't know what or where that is when someone in a lab coat is making it. I did not disagree with Matt's point... I just gave my perspective on why I would prefer fruit juice over artificial sweetened drinks.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Studies have shown that artificial sweeteners cause a spike in insulin, the same way that sugars do. I should get out my glucose meter and test it for myself.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member

    Yes... I know that you are saying its all natural... it comes from somewhere... but I don't know what or where that is when someone in a lab coat is making it. I did not disagree with Matt's point... I just gave my perspective on why I would prefer fruit juice over artificial sweetened drinks.

    The fruit juice has more vitamins, not from supplements (which, as shown in research, don't work very well), and tastes better too.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Studies have shown that artificial sweeteners cause a spike in insulin, the same way that sugars do. I should get out my glucose meter and test it for myself.

    No, they don't.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    The fruit juice has more vitamins, not from supplements (which, as shown in research, don't work very well), and tastes better too.

    Which research?
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    i rarely drink anything other than water, coffee or beer. So, not really but when i do drink juice i like Trop50
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    The fruit juice has more vitamins, not from supplements (which, as shown in research, don't work very well), and tastes better too.

    Which research?

    fortified nutrients absolutely don't have the same bioavailability as the real thing

    also... funny you're asking someone for research when you wouldn't provide your own as the OP...
  • daphne_m
    daphne_m Posts: 84
    I'm so glad I don't worry about those nasty chemicals. Thankyou, high school science. Thankyou, chem requirement. Chemicals=the new evil vapours. No clue whether the claim made by the OP is true or false and too lazy to look, but who cares? Tomorrow's Cherry Coke Zero day!
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    The fruit juice has more vitamins, not from supplements (which, as shown in research, don't work very well), and tastes better too.

    Which research?

    fortified nutrients absolutely don't have the same bioavailability as the real thing

    also... funny you're asking someone for research when you wouldn't provide your own as the OP...

    It isn't research tho - its not a study. Its chemical composition of fruit. Available everywhere.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    i rarely drink anything other than water, coffee or beer. So, not really but when i do drink juice i like Trop50

    And whiskey and iced tea and I'm right there with you.

    Edit: typo