

  • Thank you. I have been weight lifting a lot I just hate being stuck at a certain weight haha but my legs have slimmed up soooo much!
  • Oh I know and I normally hit 1200 and sometimes go over with the exercise calories I just haven't been lately. I'm def. going to try and eat more throughout the day starting today, all healthy of course.
  • Thanks everyone! I def. don't want an injury of some sort. I wouldn't even know what to do with that seeing how I've never been injured because I've hardly ever been super active. Hahah. I've been thrown from horses a few times but thats about it. My knee is killing me just sitting on the couch so I decided to skip todays…
  • I normally do one banana, 1/4 cup raspberries, a table spoon of peanut butter or a scoop of whey protein (chocolate or vanilla) because I'm a vegetarian and I work out so much I need more protein than I can get my hands on. I also use rice milk and they have all sorts of different types and kinds you can use. Chocolate,…
  • I know they are for individual people, I was just wondering what everyones was. For my fitness pal there isn't an option for any of the cardio classes and when I enter in aerobics class it says 800 calories burned and I don't think its that much. So i wsa just curious.
  • Awesome! Can't wait to check it out! :) Hahah and we have the same layout so that is ten points for us just being awesome. :) Thanks!
  • I tend to do this too, what I've realized is I eat small incredibley healthy portions all day (example: plain oatmeal for breakfast, kiwi and walnuts for lunch, yogurt for snack, large salad for dinner) then I get home and vola everyone else is eating popcorn and reeses and who knows what else and I could just eat and eat.…
  • Awwww! Do not give up please! It just takes time, such a long hard wait, thats why its so hard and so few accomplish it. Well not so few plenty do, just not more. Exercise is key key KEY to losing weight and plus its not just the weight loss it does so many other important things for your health. I urge you to stick to it…
  • Glad people are joining up! I am so thankful for this site it's so easy to use, also very easy to access from your phone which is helpful. I hope you enjoy your time here and let me know if you ever need anything, I know I had lots of questions at first.
  • FOr me there is a difference between obsessing and just making it like a daily thought and a cautiousness's thought. Once it becomes a normal daily routine like brushing your teeth or showering then it should be better, hopefully. Just don't think of it negatively and obsessing think of it as you being thoughtful towards…
  • I love my Zumba classes! They are so much fun and such a workout! Congrats for getting back on the wagon :} and good luck to you!
  • This is so amazing and crazy to see a year gone by. Congrats on all your hard work and keep on working lady! You've done an amazing job! :}
  • I am hoping to get a HRM then, that will tell me the exact calories and such right. Sorry I'm very new to the fitness thing, love health and healthy food just new to the whole workout scene.
  • To answer your questions :) I clocked in that I did an RPM class for an hour and a yoga class for an hour equalling 817 and normally my limit on calories before work out is 1200 with todays work out my total should be 2017 which seems like quite a lot for me. I only ate a banana before the work out and took vitamin c…
  • YES! Thank you! Totally felt like patting myself on the back! Did an hour or RPM (spinning class) The instructor was AMAZING and so funny and helpful! She gave everyone vitamin C afterward. Then I did an hour of yoga which wasn't my best yoga-ing because I was exhausted after the other class but it was relaxing. LOVED IT!…
  • Yeah it'd be helpful if it was. We did a bit of yoga at the begining and the end so I just put 10 mins of yoga and an hour of dancing quickly or whatever that option is. It equals out to be about 550.
  • I did enjoy Zumba, pretty sure I didn't figure out any of the dance moves but the instructor was awesome and really energetic. I was of course the largest in the class but thats okay. It won't be that way forever. Ha. I didn't think it was to hard of a workout while doing it and now that I'm home relaxing I can feel my…
  • Oh what a yummy idea thank you! I have always just sauteed mine but that seems delicious too! And I'm excited to try the squash recipe as well! I am always looking for new ideas to eat healthy! I just made lentil soup with veggis and that was delicious, don't know how healthy it was but still delicious. :)
  • Yes if it was just my living on my own I'd have no problem having little to no temptation in the house but I live with my in laws and the family and they are terrrrrrible eaters. Like awful. They bake and cook the worst meals all the time and I know that is in large part the reason I haven't lost my baby weight as I…
  • Wow! Thanks so much everyone for all the fast feedback! I'm really excited and amped to go now, haha. Can someone tell me the difference between just a regular spinning class and an RPM class?