Calories Actually Burned?

I'm really underestimating my excerise burn because I just don't know how many calories I am actually burning I can't fathom that I burned 800 a class like some sights say. I got a hrm and it told me I only burned 80 calories in my RPM class when I was like dying after the class. that can't be right...right? Well I took it back and now I just work my butt off in the classes.

Does anyone have a hrm and can tell me your stats and how many calories you burned if you've taken any gym classes.

I take RPM, Body Step, and Zumba.


  • katrina1025
    katrina1025 Posts: 74 Member
    Depending on what type of Zumba you do makes a difference too. I have a HRM & BodyMedia. i use mostly the bodymedia now and the burn tends to be lower than my heart rate burn a bit. When I do Zumba toning I average between 350-400 calories and hour. With regular cardio Zumba, if I'm really working (purple-faced huffing & puffing) I burn about 500-550. I'm 30 & 169#.
  • jaycee76
    jaycee76 Posts: 325 Member
    I burn around 450 doing 60 mins of zumba. I don't know whether you realise but its based on an individuals resting heart rate, so everyone is different.
    Hope this helps
  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
    From this site I've been told Polar is a great HRM. I got a PT7 for Christmas and I love it even though I found out that i'm not burning as many calories as I thought I was on my recumbent bike, LOL!
  • I just got a sportline HRM and it seems pretty accurate (at least the Heartrate part). According to it I am burning @700 cal. in a typical 1 hr workout. I got this one at ****'s sporting for about $45, so it is a cheap one, but does seem accurate.
  • Baby_Belles
    I know they are for individual people, I was just wondering what everyones was. For my fitness pal there isn't an option for any of the cardio classes and when I enter in aerobics class it says 800 calories burned and I don't think its that much. So i wsa just curious.
  • lsiberian
    800 calories is likely for an hour long course at your weight level. I burn about 700 calories in 40 minutes of kickboxing.

    After burn is something that the HRM may not be considering either.

    The best way to determine how much you burn is to monitor weight trend. Every 3500 calories is a lb less.

    Honestly if you eat 300-400 calories more when you work out you should probably be golden. Since Cardio is excellent for reducing water retention and fat.