Dance... Would have said spank but if you didn't like it I think you could squash me haha
I am also in recovery for an eating disorder and have suffered some serious health problems as a result I strongly recommend - seeing your GP for a full body check up and regular blood tests - seeing a dietician THAT SPECIALIZES IN EATING PROBLEMS - very important it's not a regular one - seeing a counselor/ psychologist…
I've done both twice. I think I got better weightloss from 30DS but ripped in 30 really helped me tone so if that is what you're after go RI30. in terms of the program RI30 is harder, and divides the strength section into 3 moves for 30 secs each which I liked SO much more than the 30ds version because it kept things more…
If you think it will help motivate you then go... A good friend of mine and her bodybuilder boyfriend go to a lot of those things and she always complains about how it's a tonne of wannabes that don't really know what they're talking about and just pushing fad diets, supplements and equipments. In saying that though I've…
Don't be rude Don't sleep with him Don't talk about your ex Don't assault him with contact the few days after
People just do it in an extreme way... also your body kind of tries to restore equilibrium and after about 3 months or so of 'healthy lifestyle' it really battles you. Since starting on here in 2011 I've become a massive yoyo dieter. June 2011 : 58kg December 2011: 43kg June 2012: 64kg December 2012: 50kg June 2013: 55kg…
If an anorexic girl did this people would be outraged, so why is the reverse ok?
@jonesingmucho not much to go on there but the lips make me think of a skanky secretary
I try to do 6 days of strength training , two arm & abs days, two lowerbody (back, bum, legs) and abs days and two upper body (shoulders, chest, upper back) and abs days and one day off from the gym altogether. lately it's been really really weak effort but feel free to add me and hopefully I start back into it more…
I prefer a loose oversized tshirt and tight leggings. Most people at my gym seem to opt for running shorts and singlets no matter what exercise they're doing.
cardio is cathartic it's so relaxing and nice to go for a run on a treadmill! When I joined my gym I took advantage of weekly personal training sessions and learnt how the machines work and I TRY to use them when I go... but cardio is more fun and better for my wellbeing even if weights are actually more helpful in getting…
I pretty much do live off 10 items always lol 1. instant oats 2. diet coke 3. peppermint tea 4. pumpkin soup 5. tuna 6. lettuce 7. chicken 8. pumpkin 9. broccoli 10. popcorn * edit, veggies vary and apples and bananas exist in real life , chicken swapped for beef. occasional yoghurt over popcorn
What I tend to do is have the same 'meal' but have a smaller portion and have a few variations... if everyone else has rice I probably have extra veggies or something like that.
I would love to be a traditional house wife! no job! sounds perfect lol ... but I'd like a rich hubby so I could also have a maid
5"3 I've been HW: 140lbs LW: 90lbs then back up to 140lbs then down to 110 now back up to 120 (over the course of about two years lol )
@rachel repunzal
I work at a Mrs Fields cookie store and I get all the time comments about when I'm 'on a diet' how can I eat some cookies or the samples? I try to explain I need some cheats because I've tried being all or none and it isn't maintainable for me. because I have frequently lost and gained weight people ask me if I've tried…
how do you hold the scissors in your little furry paws?
I used to be guilty of this for about 5 years lol. My mindset was I am so unfit I better run whilst I still have energy! and then later as I became to spend more time in a gym and less time at home on treadmills I changed my reasoning to this is my warm up, so better push it before I start weights! I am older and wiser now…
If I do that I usually can't sleep because I'm starved. Food isn't just to provide energy it's also to replenish the body for what you have already burnt
yes but 100% to borrow your clothes ... if they didnt fit well then wed break up
I'm 23 ... 21 - 30 is probably the range but 24 - 27 is preferred lol
I'm only successful BECAUSE I allow myself to eat that kind of food sometimes... previously when I've avoided it or felt guilty because of it I've failed. You have to be looking at a healthy balance , 80% health food and 20% down right enjoyment of food.
I'm with you! low cal and high cardio has always given me fast results, but i can't maintain that. couple that with a tendency towards certain eating disorder traits and I go from 6 months getting super skinny to 6 months binging and eating all the foods my body has craved and piling on more than I started I've just…
@nikeets first reaction was goth but I'm going to lock in an indie boy
@ Cmoose run .. nope never, get so intimidated by the fit girls! I go to the gym at 4am where I can hide ... I'll leave someone else to play your one :)
false! I've never done a group exercise class before
natural greek yoghurt ew... I'll take my extra 1g sugar and extra 5 calories for something NICE cheers.
my advice would be to just eat carbs :/ better more helpful advice I suppose is to make sure you don't eliminate them completely, just be smart, complex carbs low gi etc. cutting carbs reduces energy and you might find yourself snacking more on sugary stuff for quick short term energy, if that's the case I strongly…
rest and doctors if you are not 100% sure. You are exercising for health right? sometimes you need to rest for health too... is it actual pain though or muscle soreness? I have a really weak lower back so whenever I do anything that slightly uses it, but especially things like deadlifts I get a lot longer soreness than I…