why do people run on treadmills as soon as they get on them?



  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    no warmup or nothing
    makes me cringe
    not to be a snob but thats not the proper way to run
    dont be that person who walks into the gym with hoody still on
    gets on the treadmill and without a warmup much less a stretch
    cranks it up and start pounding away on it

    Oh, and...you're doing it wrong.
  • berriboobear
    berriboobear Posts: 524 Member
    Before my date with the treadmill, I usually have a date with Shaun T. or something/someone else. Yes I'm a busy girl. If I'm going on cold, I will go slightly slower for a few minutes before going all out. I work it and feel fine.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    Who runs on the treadmill anyway? Go run outside and stop worrying about everyone else.

    I don't 'warm up' either. It's been between 80 and 93 degrees for the last week on my runs. Pretty sure my muscles were warm enough at the start and blazing hot at the end.
  • Cutting4life
    Cutting4life Posts: 505 Member
  • Claire_x90
    Claire_x90 Posts: 94
    I used to be guilty of this for about 5 years lol. My mindset was I am so unfit I better run whilst I still have energy! and then later as I became to spend more time in a gym and less time at home on treadmills I changed my reasoning to this is my warm up, so better push it before I start weights!

    I am older and wiser now and I walk usually around 5 minutes before running.... or I do 10 minutes on the bike as a pre warm up, then hit the treadmill ... as a result I go longer and it doesn't hurt as much - ha! who knew?

    ... basically no one had ever explained it to me and I had never asked anyone - just ignorant about why easing into it is better
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
  • stephaniethomas80
    stephaniethomas80 Posts: 190 Member
    Running IS a warm up all by itself. Stretching before your muscles and body are warmed up is bad! And walking... Boooooring!
  • Claire_x90
    Claire_x90 Posts: 94
    I run with scissors in my hand.

    No warm up either.

    how do you hold the scissors in your little furry paws?
  • MsDrJuris
    MsDrJuris Posts: 41
    I also don't see the need to walk before I run. I've been walking all damn day. When I get on that treadmill (which isn't that often, because I prefer to run outside), I want to run. I work my way up, but not everyone's body is the same. Why do you care?
  • PhattiPhat
    PhattiPhat Posts: 349 Member
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    just dont wanna see folks injure themselves on something embarassing like a treadmill
    warm those muscles up first folks then crank it up

    Thanks random Internet dude for your bizarre concern and baseless advice.
  • myhealthjournal
    myhealthjournal Posts: 26 Member
    i totally agree.
    i run to warm up!
    Do you even run?

    I don't stretch, especially when not warmed up. My warmup is the first mile or two of my run. You don't need to walk to warm up.
    I also walk out the door of my house and run too.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I run with scissors in my hand.

    No warm up either.

    It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye...:wink:
  • crandos
    crandos Posts: 377 Member
    Running don't want to lose my gainzzzzz lol jokes .srs nah
  • pikanchi
    pikanchi Posts: 72 Member
    just dont wanna see folks injure themselves on something embarassing like a treadmill
    warm those muscles up first folks then crank it up

    Thanks for the concern, mate, but your ~stretches~ are going to give me an injury faster than warming up via a run will do. A steady first mile, outside or on the treadmill, is going to warm be up just fine -- and that's discounting the fact that I spend all day on my feet at work walking around, and that I walk or cycle to the gym.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I run with scissors in my hand.

    No warm up either.

    You rebel you. :wink:
  • lesspaul
    lesspaul Posts: 190 Member
    Jack LaLanne:

    "Now, you listen to some of these so-called sports-medicine experts today--****! It's just shtick. It's just something else to sell. Warming up," he scoffed, adjusting a red ascot fitted neatly into his jumpsuit, "warming up is the biggest bunch of horse**** I've ever heard in my life. Fifteen minutes to warm up! Does a lion warm up when he's hungry? 'Uh-oh, here comes an antelope. Better warm up.' No! He just goes out and eats the sucker. You gotta get the blood circulating, but ****, does the lion cool down? No, he eats the sucker and goes to sleep. And that," he concluded, folding his arms into a variation of the pose, "is the truth."
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Best way yet to end up with a muscle tear is to start stretching cold muscles. You warm up before lifting by doing a bit of cardio, like run on the treadmill. The guy running on the treadmill in his hoodie is probably writing into a forum right now about the guy that comes in and starts stretching cold!
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,630 Member
    no warmup or nothing
    makes me cringe
    not to be a snob but thats not the proper way to run
    dont be that person who walks into the gym with hoody still on
    gets on the treadmill and without a warmup much less a stretch
    cranks it up and start pounding away on it

    How would you know what they are doing is wrong?

    Do they start sprinting off at a speed that would rival Bolt or do they just start jogging and keep jogging until the end of their run? If they were to start off sprinting then yes, warming up would be a grand idea, but if they just start off jogging, then precisely how would they warm up? Jogging is used as a warm-up by athletes.

    Don't tell me about stretching either, stretching cold muscles is as bad as sprinting without a warm-up.
  • F1TCH1K
    F1TCH1K Posts: 72 Member
    I must be doing something wrong at the gym because I don't notice what anyone else is doing.