I have put my body thru pure helland now I'm suffering?

I feel so damnstupid. Just six months ago I had gained 7 pounds and everyone was calling me fat.My co worker
Actually sent me a message thru facebook telling me to lose weight I felt horrible.So i decided to start excersising and eat healthy
But what I thought healthy was not healthy at all. MY periods have stopped and I went to the doctor yesterday and he said I have to get a blood test and I might have a thyroid issue. Everyday I feel so depressed because I havent reached my goal weight lf 115 punds and even after losing 30 pounds i have lowerb ody stomach and thighh fat :-( I am now 121 pounds and my height is 5'6.
I feel depressed andnhave this uneasynfeeling and agitation feeling telling me to kill myself
Im guessing because I have really messed up hormones. Unfortunatly I will have to get a blood test thenday after tnnrw and wait a whole week so I have to live with these issues all week :-( I feel depressed becuz I feel like a loser and scared to eat because I dknt want tk gain alot of weight.My doctor also prescribed me paroxetine antidepressants 10 mg but im.scared to take
that too because they make you gain weight. How do.I.cope with all.this im only 18 i want to.be happynagain.


  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    ...there is so many things wrong with this post. Please, save your text and bring it to your manager/supervisor/general manager's attention. It sounds like you are being harassed at work and THAT IS NOT OK.

    Also, please go seek professional help. Call someone and tell them how you are feeling suicidal. You are 5'6 and 121lbs and you are actually in the healthy weight category for your height!
  • twistyshakes
    twistyshakes Posts: 30 Member
    You need to go see a doctor. Also, take the antidepressant he prescribed. It won't make you gain weight, trust me.

    You need to stop caring about what other people think about you. What should matter is that you're okay with yourself. It seems to me that you were perfectly fine with your weight gain until this co-worker pointed out that you need to lose weigh. If I were you, I'd take dakotababy's advice and report this to your supervisor.

    Also, talk to someone, your parents, a close friend or a helpline.
  • hstoblish
    hstoblish Posts: 234 Member
    Seeing as you're only 18, I'm hoping that this is a job you can leave. Contrary to popular opinion, walking away from crappy people (i.e. one who sends you a note saying you're fat when you clearly aren't) isn't the same as running away from your problems. There is absolutely nothing wrong with walking away from a person or people who do not treat you well. If you choose to do this (and I really think you should), delete them from your facebook and block them from your phone. Their behaviour will only get worse for a little bit when you leave and they're busy looking for someone else to abuse. Make them go find someone else. And then, years from now when they're still working at their crappy jobs, and you're off living your amazing life, you will barely even remember them and when you do, it'll be with pity.

    Aside from this, continue seeing your doctor and see if you can get a counselor referral. You'll get through this. And I guarantee that if you get yourself out of that workplace, you'll feel significantly better.

    Good luck and if you need someone to talk to, please add me as a friend and PM me. I had a pretty rough go of it when I was your age and I can tell you that it absolutely gets better.
  • hstoblish
    hstoblish Posts: 234 Member
    PS Everyone calling you "fat" is awful and abusive and ridiculous. Try to find better friends, and if this is family? Try to work on your boundaries with them and see if you can find ways to avoid those conversations.

    Ugh. This just pisses me off. You deserve better people in your life.
  • alisonmarytuck
    alisonmarytuck Posts: 68 Member
    Your weight is in a healthy range for your height. Your workmate is rude and unkind. You need to tell your doctor how you are feeling. You have told people on this site...thats a start ...now the next bit .
  • Turtlesallthewaydown
    Turtlesallthewaydown Posts: 64 Member
    I'm on 40mg of paxil and I have lost weight and made friends because I'm not so depressed I can't leave the house anymore. Please, please start taking the medicine. I feel so much better now that I'm getting help.

    People cannot call you fat at work. Go get a supervisor and let them know.

    1-800-273-8255 is a national suicide hotline - I strongly urge you to call them if you really feel like you will hurt yourself.
  • Claire_x90
    I am also in recovery for an eating disorder and have suffered some serious health problems as a result
    I strongly recommend
    - seeing your GP for a full body check up and regular blood tests
    - seeing a dietician THAT SPECIALIZES IN EATING PROBLEMS - very important it's not a regular one
    - seeing a counselor/ psychologist

    and talking to someone at work that can help prevent such negative child-like harassment happening in your work place.

    Whatever you have done to your body can be undone I promise. It does take work though and it is hard.