

  • I also hate it when there is only one cable machine and an entire group working out together are using it. They are going to take ages just to do their sets but then add in the conversations and their little social time and I just have to scrap the entire idea of using that equipment.
  • For your nerdy curiosity, this is how HRMs work. Male Calories Burned = (0.2017 x age in years + 0.09036 x weight in pounds + 0.6309 x average heart rate - 55.0969) x time elapsed / 4.184 Female Calories Burned = (0.074 x age in years - 0.05741 x weight in pounds + 0.4472 x average heart rate - 20.4022) x time elapsed /…
  • Your BMR is resting burn, which is your heart, lungs, brain, and other organs consuming energy. The other thing to factor in for more confusion is your HRM calculates energy burn based on cardiovascular activity. This means that your caloric burn for activities such as strength training will be different, so I am guessing…
  • The quick answer is yes, it is double counting, but the value really is trivial. What you could do to make it more close to accurate is divide your BMR by 1440 (24hours x 60minutes) which produces your BMR per minute. Then subtract your workout time times BMR per minute from your total burn calculated on the HRM. So, for…
  • I weigh in on the first of every month in the morning before I eat or drink anything. I usually weigh in barefoot in no more than undies to improve the accuracy. Your weight can fluctuate by so many factors so the more of those factors I can reduce at my weigh in the better.
  • I sought advice and I also read as much as I could find online. There were a few schools of thought. The first was that working out the weaker side harder to bring it up will work but can risk you ending up with your weaker side becoming the stronger side and then creating a vicious cycle. This can be accomplished by…
  • Hello from beautiful {insert current weather here} Melbourne. ;)
  • So you'd be looking at camping with a few day hikes? I think we are planning a Wilsons Prom camping trip as well. Camping is air mattresses and bacon and eggs in the morning. The hike is, fully everything you need on your back hike for 20km then camp overnight or 2 nights, then everything back on your back for the next…
    in Wilsons Prom Comment by danekin May 2013
  • ^^ Okay still learning how to respond in here with the quoting and all.
    in Wilsons Prom Comment by danekin May 2013
  • You probably don't want to carry that sized tent on a 20km hike. Perhaps something under 1kg would be better. If you bring your boyfriend then you can get a 2kg tent and split it up between the two of you.
    in Wilsons Prom Comment by danekin May 2013
  • You'd be bringing your boyfriend yeah? What size tent is it?
    in Wilsons Prom Comment by danekin May 2013
  • Summer or winter? Is everyone geared up for overnights?
    in Wilsons Prom Comment by danekin May 2013
  • If you're looking for a good C25K app try "Ease into 5k". If you're just looking for a great walking, jogging, running app try "Runtastic". Runtastic also links into MFP so your calorie burn gets logged as soon as your activity is completed. It calculates energy burn, distance, speed, etc.
  • My goals are 2 rides a month and become more active in our local adult riding club and trail riding club before the end of the year.
  • You can either try and buy the horse, but this will not fix the issue for future horses owned by this person. You can try and collect evidence of abuse and then report him. There are heaps of horse wellfare groups that will persue it. Or you can talk to him, find out what he is doing with the horse. You'd be surprised how…
  • Very active on MFP. I ride a Standardbred mare named Bronte. English, dressage, trail riding. Feel free to add me! :)
  • If you keep you calorie target the same then without your exercise you would naturally reduce your calorie intake so that your net calories will hit your target. Your total calories intake minus your calorie burn for the day equals your net calories. So, basically you should not change your target, keep it the same. Also,…
  • What is your total net calories?
  • DARK CHOCOLATE!!! Lindt 85% Cocoa Dark Chocolate (I believe 50g a day) will give you your daily requirement for Iron. If you are already difficient I would also take an Iron supplement. There are a number of supplements that will boost you back up quickly over a week then you can change your diet. Personally I have found…