gym pet peeves



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I think everyone else in this thread has already addressed my sentiments on OP's comment (ie. It's ridiculous). So instead, I'm going to digress to a only slightly related topic.

    My workouts used to be almost entirely cardio. I was moody, annoyed and exhausted almost all the time. A lot of what OP listed also annoyed me. Now that I'm training with weights, I couldn't be happier and believe the list OP has written could not be any more trivial. I feel like OP's cardio workout is having negative effects on her mental health, as it seems like most of her complaints come from that side of the gym (If you have ever gone to BB forums and seen what they complain about, their comments greatly differ).

    Maybe re-evaluate your workout? It might help with your current condition-- the one that makes you sound like a complete and utter cow.

    Hmm biting and backed up by reason ...I like your style! marry me?
  • xxDearyen
    xxDearyen Posts: 20
    I think everyone else in this thread has already addressed my sentiments on OP's comment (ie. It's ridiculous). So instead, I'm going to digress to a only slightly related topic.

    My workouts used to be almost entirely cardio. I was moody, annoyed and exhausted almost all the time. A lot of what OP listed also annoyed me. Now that I'm training with weights, I couldn't be happier and believe the list OP has written could not be any more trivial. I feel like OP's cardio workout is having negative effects on her mental health, as it seems like most of her complaints come from that side of the gym (If you have ever gone to BB forums and seen what they complain about, their comments greatly differ).

    Maybe re-evaluate your workout? It might help with your current condition-- the one that makes you sound like a complete and utter cow.

    Hmm biting and backed up by reason ...I like your style! marry me?

    : )

    Flattered, but pseudo reason-wielding, comment-biting women are a dime a dozen, online. Can't imagine how many marriage proposals you've been making ; ).
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I think everyone else in this thread has already addressed my sentiments on OP's comment (ie. It's ridiculous). So instead, I'm going to digress to a only slightly related topic.

    My workouts used to be almost entirely cardio. I was moody, annoyed and exhausted almost all the time. A lot of what OP listed also annoyed me. Now that I'm training with weights, I couldn't be happier and believe the list OP has written could not be any more trivial. I feel like OP's cardio workout is having negative effects on her mental health, as it seems like most of her complaints come from that side of the gym (If you have ever gone to BB forums and seen what they complain about, their comments greatly differ).

    Maybe re-evaluate your workout? It might help with your current condition-- the one that makes you sound like a complete and utter cow.

    Hmm biting and backed up by reason ...I like your style! marry me?

    : )

    Flattered, but pseudo reason-wielding, comment-biting women are a dime a dozen, online. Can't imagine how many marriage proposals you've been making ; ).

    Hmm well I have about 2100 posts so that would mean about 1500 proposals...I only propose about 75% of the time...
  • xxDearyen
    xxDearyen Posts: 20
    I think everyone else in this thread has already addressed my sentiments on OP's comment (ie. It's ridiculous). So instead, I'm going to digress to a only slightly related topic.

    My workouts used to be almost entirely cardio. I was moody, annoyed and exhausted almost all the time. A lot of what OP listed also annoyed me. Now that I'm training with weights, I couldn't be happier and believe the list OP has written could not be any more trivial. I feel like OP's cardio workout is having negative effects on her mental health, as it seems like most of her complaints come from that side of the gym (If you have ever gone to BB forums and seen what they complain about, their comments greatly differ).

    Maybe re-evaluate your workout? It might help with your current condition-- the one that makes you sound like a complete and utter cow.

    Hmm biting and backed up by reason ...I like your style! marry me?

    : )

    Flattered, but pseudo reason-wielding, comment-biting women are a dime a dozen, online. Can't imagine how many marriage proposals you've been making ; ).

    Hmm well I have about 2100 posts so that would mean about 1500 proposals...I only propose about 75% of the time...

    So a 0% success rate!

    : (
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I think everyone else in this thread has already addressed my sentiments on OP's comment (ie. It's ridiculous). So instead, I'm going to digress to a only slightly related topic.

    My workouts used to be almost entirely cardio. I was moody, annoyed and exhausted almost all the time. A lot of what OP listed also annoyed me. Now that I'm training with weights, I couldn't be happier and believe the list OP has written could not be any more trivial. I feel like OP's cardio workout is having negative effects on her mental health, as it seems like most of her complaints come from that side of the gym (If you have ever gone to BB forums and seen what they complain about, their comments greatly differ).

    Maybe re-evaluate your workout? It might help with your current condition-- the one that makes you sound like a complete and utter cow.

    Hmm biting and backed up by reason ...I like your style! marry me?

    : )

    Flattered, but pseudo reason-wielding, comment-biting women are a dime a dozen, online. Can't imagine how many marriage proposals you've been making ; ).

    Hmm well I have about 2100 posts so that would mean about 1500 proposals...I only propose about 75% of the time...

    So a 0% success rate!

    : (

    depends on what the meaning of "success" is...
  • melizmarie
    melizmarie Posts: 6 Member
    was meant to be a joke, mrs. serious :)
  • danekin
    danekin Posts: 21
    I also hate it when there is only one cable machine and an entire group working out together are using it. They are going to take ages just to do their sets but then add in the conversations and their little social time and I just have to scrap the entire idea of using that equipment.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Another pet peeve...people who probably break these pet peeves because they have no gym etiquette. If you aren't paying attention to your surroundings, you may be part of the problem...i.e. dude who looks at his abs after every set.

    Why is it a problem if a dude looks at his abs after every set? I wouldn't even notice, just like I've never considered whether a woman is wearing makeup at the gym or not.
  • xxDearyen
    xxDearyen Posts: 20
    depends on what the meaning of "success" is...

    Irrelevant, since I only tease : ).
  • melizmarie
    melizmarie Posts: 6 Member
    lol... the people who are posting all the negativity... it's meant to be a joke. it's funny. learn to laugh. i don't have mental problems, nor am i a cow, but thank you for calling me super judgey while being super judgey. they are things i've noticed many times after going to the gym, and thought it'd be worth a laugh or two to compile them. thank you for your concern about my results as well, i'm doing just fine thank you :) chill out. smile. jesus :tongue:
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Everyone is entitled to their peeves. I think I am one of those people that other people are peeved by. I can't be sure though, cuz I am generally pretty busy not paying attention to people.
  • suv_hater
    suv_hater Posts: 374 Member
    - Bros who walk around with the gallon water jugs. Do you really need to drink that much damn water IN the gym? Just chug some before or after and keep that **** in your car. Dudes aren't even sweating with their 5 rep sets and hoodies on with their nasty BPA plastic filtered tap water sitting by their side. I do 60 min. on the spin bike and burn 800 cals and not need a sip of water. I know how to keep my body hydrated before my workouts and I drink some afterward out of my nifty glass water bottle. Maybe if you didn't eat so much cooked food you would be pissing clear and not have to chug gratuitous amounts of supermarket shelf water so you can get down to 17% body fat to impress your instagram friends. You're such a greasy bro, man.

    - People who do full body workouts. Dude/Sis, just come to the gym more often than 1.5 times a week. Split that workload up and stop running circles around me like I'm supposed to move for you so you can do a measly set of cable rows. I'm doing like 7 sets of it every 3 days and I will get the results. You're not doing jack coming to the gym once a week for 30 min. sampling every machine in the joint.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    - Bros who walk around with the gallon water jugs. Do you really need to drink that much damn water IN the gym? Just chug some before or after and keep that **** in your car. Dudes aren't even sweating with their 5 rep sets and hoodies on with their nasty BPA plastic filtered tap water sitting by their side. I do 60 min. on the spin bike and burn 800 cals and not need a sip of water. I know how to keep my body hydrated before my workouts and I drink some afterward out of my nifty glass water bottle. Maybe if you didn't eat so much cooked food you would be pissing clear and not have to chug gratuitous amounts of supermarket shelf water so you can get down to 17% body fat to impress your instagram friends. You're such a greasy bro, man.

    - People who do full body workouts. Dude/Sis, just come to the gym more often than 1.5 times a week. Split that workload up and stop running circles around me like I'm supposed to move for you so you can do a measly set of cable rows. I'm doing like 7 sets of it every 3 days and I will get the results. You're not doing jack coming to the gym once a week for 30 min. sampling every machine in the joint.

    but i'm thirsty.

    and my water gets all warm sitting in my chevy tahoe.
  • radcliff17
    radcliff17 Posts: 22 Member
    Some people have no gym etiquette! I hate when people don't re-rack weights. I have this kid in my gym who stares, and sometimes talks to himself, in the mirror after EVERY set! Sometimes after abs, he lifts his shirt up to look at them. Bro, they haven't changed since the last set you did two minutes ago!

    I have a friend who does this....
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    so i've kept quiet long enough about these things, i just keep them in my mind and shoot hate glares, but i don't think i'm alone. i just left the gym, and these are all fresh in my mind. enjoy... comment... share.

    #1) people who choose the machine directly next to you.
    if the gym is busy, i can understand. but i was literally the only person in this cardio room, and there are at least seven treadmills. why must you hop on the treadmill right next to me? this also leads me to number two.

    #2) people who stare at you while you're working out.
    i'm over here, dripping sweat, panting while i run. do you think my peripheral vision can't pick up the fact that you are staring at me? WHY ARE YOU STARING AT ME???

    #3) people who keep checking your workout status.
    you don't need to know how many calories i've burned, how much of an incline i'm running at, how many mets (whatever they are) i've attained, etc. keep your eyes on your own machine please!

    this should really be number one. i think it's the most disgusting thing. if you hopped on the elliptical for three minutes and were like, "nah, i don't wanna work out today" and left, that's one thing. the guy over here sweating buckets needs to wipe down what he's touched after he's done. EW! and any machine that requires me to sit on it, i don't care to sit on your swamp-*kitten*. please have some common sense!

    #5) people who change the channel on the TVs in front of everyone without asking.

    #6) people who wear excessive amounts of make-up to the gym.
    really? and i love when it's the same women who hop on the treadmill for five minutes, walk super slow, then leave.

    #7) people who are too sick to even be out of the house, let alone at the gym.
    i just watched you sneeze all over that magazine you're reading. and i don't think an intense cardio workout is going to make that hacking cough any better!

    #8) people (usually men) who make beastly noises after lifting.
    first of all, you just scared the **** out of me. second of all, stop it. third of all (this only happened once), i checked out the weight you lifted after i supressed my heartbeat, and you were benching 75lbs. what?

    #9) getting hit on at the gym.
    stop it. i'm sweaty, i smell bad, i'm not wearing make-up, and i can barely even breathe because i'm running too fast. you're lucky, because if i had the breath to spare, i would have told you where i was going to shove my foot.

    #10) people who bring energy drinks/coffees onto machines with them.
    what? that cupholder is for a water bottle, or a gatorade, or anything really except for a hugely large iced coffee with one million creams in it. and it's not for your 42oz big gulp from 7-11 either. or your giant can of monster. just stop it, because i just smelled a combo of your breath plus your sweat. you stank, and you're putting all the calories you're trying to burn right back into your body with that drink.

    i don't know if people will interpret this as whining or whatever, but i felt i had to get it off my chest. anyone share these problems? :)

    That's an awfully long list. Have you thought about getting your own equipment? You seem to dislike almost everything about the gym, even the silliest things.
  • you forgot #11

    when that guy next to you lets out a fart by accident on the treadmill next to you and it was way louder than he expected because his headphones were too loud.

    sorry bout that
  • WillUAre
    WillUAre Posts: 81 Member
    I am to focus on my own workouts & did not notice people's makeup, hair, drinks, or whatever.
  • janebshaw
    janebshaw Posts: 168
    I don't really notice most of the stuff on that list, but one thing that does annoy me is when certain women run around absolutely naked in the "over 18" woman's dressing room. I don't mean someone accidentally having a towel fall off -- I mean women that make absolutely no effort to cover up any part of their anatomy when they are walking between the lockers and showers. A few days ago, I was reaching down to get something out of the bottom of my locker and when I looked up, the hairy ____ of a 60+ woman was right in my face.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Do men really just walk up to you women and offer unsolicited instruction? I've never had anyone do that to me in my life. Must be annoying as hell.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    People who get annoyed by me asking how many sets they have left.

    People who don't rerack weights

    People walking through the bar path while I'm lifting ( this one is rare, but, I'll scream at you as loud as I can)