gym pet peeves



  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I prefer to use the same machine every time when I can because they all seem to be set slightly differently (e.g., resistance level 23 on one elliptical = resistance level 25 on another one), and I can track my progress better if I eliminate the inconsistency. Sometimes this results on me getting on a machine right next to someone when the gym is relatively empty. It's not about that person.

    I put on makeup every morning. Usually some of it is still on by the time I get to the gym. I didn't apply makeup specifically *for* the gym, but I don't think it's necessary to make a point to remove all of it before I do my workout.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    Number one: people who are more busy judging people than working out.

    Sounds like there's a market for a gym for special judgey people.

    Yep. Pretty much.

    Sometimes I wonder how anyone gets any work done seeing as their environment has to be just 'perfect' in order to work out.

    Oh, and for the record. I hit on girls at the gym all the time (I tend to have more in common with them then the girls at night clubs), I choose the machine next to you because it's my favorite (get over it), I'm not staring at YOU I'm staring at the clock (get over yourself), and I don't want stuck up people at my gym anyways.

    Also, when I'm doing my 1 rep max and it's either grunt loudly or drop the weight and injure myself, I believe I'll grunt loudly. Maybe you'd understand something like that if you ever ventured away from the cardio machines and pilates classes.

  • GiddyNZ
    GiddyNZ Posts: 136 Member

    #3 DEODORANT phobic people...i swear i'm gonna take some spray-on Right Gaurd and start a ninja attacking these jack-*kitten*

    Don't forget the people who bathe in deodorant or perfume before the gym.. or the lady who has the stinkiest fabric softener ever who always insists on using the machine right next to me.. I have hay fever/allergies which can be aggravated by smells, it's hard enough working out without my airways closing up due to someone wearing too much perfume.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member

    #3 DEODORANT phobic people...i swear i'm gonna take some spray-on Right Gaurd and start a ninja attacking these jack-*kitten*

    Don't forget the people who bathe in deodorant or perfume before the gym.. or the lady who has the stinkiest fabric softener ever who always insists on using the machine right next to me.. I have hay fever/allergies which can be aggravated by smells, it's hard enough working out without my airways closing up due to someone wearing too much perfume.

    Oh great so apparently it annoys you when people smell like BO and it annoys you when people smell like deodorant.

    Here's an idea: Don't leave the house. Like . . . EVER.
  • Lysander666
    Lysander666 Posts: 275 Member
    People who throw down weights after their reps and shout "YEAH"

    People who throw down weights after their reps, shout "YEAH" and then defiantly kick them.

    People who use the rowing machine with one hand behind their back.

    People who use 3 x their own bodyweight on the tricep machine and end up effectively doing dips.

    People shouting on their mobile phone next to you when you're concentrating on a massive press-up quota.

    People who hook their ankles into the lat pulldown machine and use it to do inclined situps.

    People who stack three benches on top of each other to do inclined bench presses.

    People who use any machine as a rest area or library.

    People texting for several minutes between sets.

    People running way beyond their ability on the treadmill, pounding like a herd of cattle and thinking everyone is impressed.

    People dropping on the floor to do press-ups during a superset in the most awkward of places [normally right in front of you].

    People who bring their kids to the gym [look, this is where daddy works out], this guy promptly got ejected by the staff.

    People clearing out the entire contents of their lungs in the showers.

    People who spend 30 minutes staring in the mirror and then leave.
  • GiddyNZ
    GiddyNZ Posts: 136 Member

    #3 DEODORANT phobic people...i swear i'm gonna take some spray-on Right Gaurd and start a ninja attacking these jack-*kitten*

    Don't forget the people who bathe in deodorant or perfume before the gym.. or the lady who has the stinkiest fabric softener ever who always insists on using the machine right next to me.. I have hay fever/allergies which can be aggravated by smells, it's hard enough working out without my airways closing up due to someone wearing too much perfume.

    Oh great so apparently it annoys you when people smell like BO and it annoys you when people smell like deodorant.

    Here's an idea: Don't leave the house. Like . . . EVER.

    Please note that it is possible to wear deodorant and not be smelt from 50 paces like 99.99% of people manage to do.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    People who throw down weights after their reps and shout "YEAH"

    People who throw down weights after their reps, shout "YEAH" and then defiantly kick them.

    People who use the rowing machine with one hand behind their back.

    People who use 3 x their own bodyweight on the tricep machine and end up effectively doing dips.

    People shouting on their mobile phone next to you when you're concentrating on a massive press-up quota.

    People who hook their ankles into the lat pulldown machine and use it to do inclined situps.

    People who stack three benches on top of each other to do inclined bench presses.

    People who use any machine as a rest area or library.

    People texting for several minutes between sets.

    People running way beyond their ability on the treadmill, pounding like a herd of cattle and thinking everyone is impressed.

    People dropping on the floor to do press-ups during a superset in the most awkward of places [normally right in front of you].

    People who bring their kids to the gym [look, this is where daddy works out], this guy promptly got ejected by the staff.

    People clearing out the entire contents of their lungs in the showers.

    People who spend 30 minutes staring in the mirror and then leave.

    again - if you can notice all of this you are not concentrating enough on your own work out...
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    People who pay too much attention to what everybody else around them is doing instead of their own workout. XP

    I'd much rather be hit on at the gym when I look my worst. Plus...can't blame somebody for trying to find another fitness oriented individual to date. Where else are you going to meet so many? I met my bf of 2 years in the gym and I couldn't be happier. :P As long as they aren't coming up to you in the middle of a set while your working.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I have to throw in holding onto the treadmill bars just 'cause.... I want to get a rise out of someone...
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    When they just squat down and take a crap right in front of me.

    Disclaimer--I work out in my basement. Sometimes my cat comes down and uses the litter box while I'm down there. But really buddy--couldn't you hold it for another 20 minutes until I'm done with my lifts?
  • elizabethcarleo
    elizabethcarleo Posts: 2 Member
    haha freakin meatheads and bambis. I know exactly the kind of person you're talking about, and I hate it too. Unless you are a trainer at the gym, don't correct my form or give me dirty looks because i'm fat. If anything you should be encouraging me to keep going.
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    I'm a personal trainer so I tend to watch people's form and techniques out of habit... it's not that I'm singling you out. And yes, if I see you doing something with really really bad form.... like you're going to blow you knee out or something I will stop and ask if I can offer a tip on your form, even at the gym that I don't work at. Also, sometimes it's fun to see if you can keep up with the 7 foot gazelle on the treadmill next to you.

    My pet peeves:

    rerack your weights, unless I ask to work in or I'm waiting for the machine after you and I'm going to use the same amount of weight.

    Don't try to start a conversation with me while I'm trapped on a cardio machine.... especially if I'm clearly pushing myself, talking will be difficult at that point if I'm working that hard. If you have a quick question and I know you then fine but I'm not here to have a long winded discussion about your daughter's child's friend who just got nominated for some award or other. (this has happened at the gym that i used to work at... on the rolling staircase, clearly having trouble talking, earbuds in..... guy didn't take the hint)

    Don't treat the front desk staff like a slave... if they're working out and clearly not on the clock, don't interrupt their workout to tell them that the paper towel dispenser is out of paper towels. Go tell the person at the front desk. (true story)
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Do men really just walk up to you women and offer unsolicited instruction? I've never had anyone do that to me in my life. Must be annoying as hell.

    Yes. They will also grab weights for you like "here sweetheart, use these 5 pounds weights" and then i go grab 25's and tell them to fu** off. You know how it goes. :P

    I had some guy tell me that i need to be looking down more when i squat. I was like, dude, no. If you're going to come over here when im deep in a squat and give me "advice" atleast don't give me advice that is going to injure me. Thank god i know what i'm doing, cant even imagine how many innocent people he's corrupted.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I've done #7 and I do #8 and #10 all the time but I drink diet energy drinks.

    The only thing that I hate is when people curl in the power rack. I don't mind if someone wants to superset their press with curls or if there's at least one other rack open (my gym has three) but if you take the only open rack to do curls I will try to kill you with my brain :laugh:
  • mtnstar
    mtnstar Posts: 125 Member

    People clearing out the entire contents of their lungs in the showers.

    Just almost peed myself at this one! That is so disgusting.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Please for the Love of humanity!!!!! STOP HOLDING ON TO THE display and or bars when you are on an INCLINE on the treadmill!
    IF you CANT go up without holding on then DONT ramp the incline that high!!!! Listen to your what they can do!! DONT Eliminate half your body weight just to go some height you CANT DO!!!!!

    You are only Cheating yourself...........

    RANT OVER :devil:
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    The gnarly neanderthals in the weights room who do one rep at the heaviest possible weight, walk around the cardio room, stare at the women there, then at a mirror for 10 minutes then repeat this process.

    I'd also like to know what those grunt type noises they make mean when a non-lifter enters the weights room to lift.

    you go to the weight room?

    I have no choice..i need to do strength work to help me become a better runner. I'd petition the gym to have a separate 'non-neadertahls' only weights room, but don't think they'd buy that..
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    I just focus on not dying or falling on my *kitten*.

    Sounds like some of you need to step up your game a bit.
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    1) People

    2) People

    3) People

    4) People

    5) PEOPLE!!:mad:

    Just kidding :tongue:

    I wear headphones, block the world out, get my workout done and go!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    The gnarly neanderthals in the weights room who do one rep at the heaviest possible weight, walk around the cardio room, stare at the women there, then at a mirror for 10 minutes then repeat this process.

    I'd also like to know what those grunt type noises they make mean when a non-lifter enters the weights room to lift.

    you go to the weight room?

    I have no choice..i need to do strength work to help me become a better runner. I'd petition the gym to have a separate 'non-neadertahls' only weights room, but don't think they'd buy that..

    so people who lift heavy weights are "Neanderthals" ????

    What does that make everyone else...dwarves???

    that's kind of a broad generalization, don't you think?