

  • If you both do it you'll be Bi-WINNING! lol!
  • I also put it under cardio. That is annoying that it doesn't have it under weight training.
  • squats, lunges and dead lifts.
    in Leg Toning Comment by britia1 April 2011
  • For biceps I like 21's. Easy curl bar 1/2 up for 7 then bring all the way up and go 1/2 way down for 7 then go all the way down and do the whole curl for 7.
  • I have the same exact problem! I take a GNC multi vitamin and fishoil every day, and that has not helped at all. I'm looking forward to see what peopel have to say.
  • I also take the generic form of diphenhydramine (otherwise known as Benedril). It works like a charm and like Sedonafan said, it is non addicting and my doctor said it is very safe to take. Good luck!
    in Insomnia! Comment by britia1 March 2011
  • Fish taco's! Saute in frying pan with diced onion and finely chopped jalopeno pepper. Sprinkle fish heavily with chipotle chilie powder and a lime squeezed over top. Cook the taco shelles dry frying pan until slightly crispy. Stufffing for the tacos: Mix the sour cream with chipotle chili poweder and chipotle tobasco…
    in Talapia Comment by britia1 March 2011
  • Same here! I'm 41 and have been working out consistantly since January. I am visibly more muscular in the arm and legs. However, my core (back and stomach) is still as fat as it was when I started. I do drink quite a bit of beer, so I'm thinking that may be my problem. Anyway, looking forward to seeing the replies. ~Brigid
  • Thanks for the info! I've had a wierd thing happening to me lately with my sleep. I like to go to bed at 10:00 and wake up at 5:30. Before I started going to the gym and exercising I used to always be tired. Sometimes I would come home from work and take a nap. Now, I am not tired, but I am waking up before my alarm at…
  • I agree with ProTfitness. I had a sore throat and felt achy, so I didn't do my 2 inbetween workouts before I saw my trainor that I meet with every Tuesday. I still didn't feel well on Tuesday, but I went ahead with working out with her, and I actually felt better when I was done!
  • Ha! My friend I sit next to at work was just telling me about that. She said they even had the machines that jiggled you.
  • I have a personal trainer and I just asked her this very question last night! her advice was to skip a day inbetween. She said ab muscles are the same as any other muscle and need a day to receover. She is the expert, but I my theory is if you aren't sore, then go for it, but then you probably aren't working them hard…
  • I lost 11.4 pounds so far and I'm still in the same size, but fitting better into my pants. I think my problem is I was wearing a 12, and they were getting really tight, but i refused to go get a bigger size. Now a 12 actually fits. I can't wait until they are too big! Good luck with your weight loss and congrats on the…
  • I have had the same fear all my life until recently! My daughter kept bugging me to get a membership at the YMCA because her friend belongs there and she likes working out with her. So I decided to get a family membership because I really need to do something to get in shape, and my appartment is too small to work out in.…
  • I will be interested to see your reply. I use a treadmill at the gym and there are all sorts of programs on there, but I am afraid to even turn one on because I am a beginner and can't do much more than walk really fast.
  • Thanks for sharing! I love reading stories like these!
  • Try eating some lean protien within 15 minutes after you excersize. Don't forget to stretch as well. Good luck!
  • Sounds reallt good! I will try! Thanks for sharing!
  • It's my birthday and a woman I work with in an icecream cake, it was left over from a party she had last night. She sent a note to everyone in the office that it was in the freezer. I'm already going out to lunch and dinner, so I'm struggling with keeping my calories below my limit, so I turned it down. It sounded really…
  • I am confused about this also. I look forward to seeing the answers to your question.
  • Make a big pot of the wieght watchers veggie soup recipe. It's only 60 calories a cup and very satisfying. Not to mention healthy! :) Good luck! Ingredients: 2/3 cup sliced carrot 1/2 cup diced onion 2 garlic cloves 3 cups broth (beef, chicken, or vegetable) 1 1/2 cup diced green cabbage 1/2 cup green beans 1 tablespoon…