

  • If you're really achy, you should definitely wait 24-48 hours before doing a strength demanding exercise. However, doing light cardio in between can help ease the pain (from my experience). You also have to be careful and to listen to your body. If you're always sore, it could be two thing: you either always push yourself…
  • I'm not sure how healthy it is to completely cut out bread, carbs are still part of a healthy diet. However, replace bread with whole wheat and limit yourself to eating it only in the morning or for lunch, never later. Potatoes, you can have them maybe once a week, but make them sweet potatoes, much healthier. And not…
  • I think you need to get into the exercise mind set: what am I hoping to achieve, how long will it take, what frequency should I exercise at, how much weight do I want to lose? Do I want to drop to a certain size? As long as you have concrete and realistic goals, this will certainly help you be more motivated. A second…
  • LOVE Greek yogurt! I usually have 0%, so no fat and full of protein! It keeps me full for hours :)
  • It depends on the day, but the key is to have a good portion of veggies and lean protein. I'll have brown bread with my meal maybe once or twice a week and if I do, i make sure not to have any for breakfast. I'll have salads twice a week, usually with tuna. Twice a week, I also have either chicken or lean steak with…
  • Dec 1: Step for 30 min Aerobics for 30 min Strength workout for 30 min Dec 3: Zumba for 60 min Strength workout for 30 min :smile:
  • I love adding lemon, garlic, onions, cayenne pepper, hot sauce and freshly grounded pepper. I do add a tiny bit of low fat mayo, but a lot more Dijon mustard to add taste and consistency. Mix that up with lettuce, tomato and cucumbers, add some low fat vinaigrette and it's DELICIOUS!!! :love:
  • I believe the key is moderation and extra workout hours. In my case, I usually make sure not to eat humongous portions during the holidays. Limiting myself to small portions will still mess up my dieting, but it won't ruin it as much. And anyway, it's only for a short period of time, what I'm dreading the most is after the…
  • I need my coffee in the morning, I feel like a zombie if I don't have it. My day cannot start without it! Regarding weight loss, as someone else had said, it's all about what you put in it. I tend to stay away from lattes and all that and stick to regular coffee with a tiny bit of skim milk. No sugar.
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