Need some tips for motivation... Please!!

While I'm at work I have no problem being motivated, however as soon as I get home it's a different story. Obviously with kids, I do a lot of running around as well, but if I have the oppotrunity to clean, workout or relax... I relax. Which is what I'm attempting to break (and is a big attribute to the weight that has piled on) Maybe I need to get uncomfortable furniture for the livingroom and our Seriously though, if anyone has any suggestions I'm really getting desperate... my head knows what I need to do, however my body is like, " Well, maybe tomorrow..." HELP!!


  • gym straight from work the first 30 days,. then its a habit!
  • I can definitely do that 2 days a week right now, Mon and Wed are late days and my kids have practice those nights. I'm contemplating trying to do the gym in the mornings on those 2 days. I have all day on Friday's though... I need to commit and just do it!
  • practice for what? maybe you can walk laps while they practice ?
  • I think you need to get into the exercise mind set: what am I hoping to achieve, how long will it take, what frequency should I exercise at, how much weight do I want to lose? Do I want to drop to a certain size? As long as you have concrete and realistic goals, this will certainly help you be more motivated.
    A second thing I think helps a ton is what exercises you enjoy. Do you like going to classes, running, training at home with a specific video? You should try a couple of things and see what you like most, this will make it much easier for you to be motivated to exercise.
    Once you get a hang of it, it will be hard for you to stop the habit! Good luck :)
  • Oh, I know how you feel!! I am super good with my nutrition while at work, and I take stairs instead of the elevator and so on.. But once I get home, it feels like I can "let myself go" again.. I work 40 hours a week, and I have a daughter, and household work of course... And just like you, my biggest downfall is just to lay on the couch and relax. I don't want to do dishes, and most definately don't feel like working out.

    Well, the first step is that we already found that this is not very ideal to achieve our weightloss goal, so step one: Check. Step two: Take action.

    The last week, I have tried to go to bed at a reasonable time. Usually I stay up a couple of hours after I put my daughter to bed, so I can have some time to myself.. What I tried doing is go to the gym right after my daughter is in bed (my husband is home) to tire me out (plus get my workout on) and then go straight to bed. That gives me a great night-sleep and I feel rested much longer, and am not so exhausted after coming home from work.. So maybe you want to try this too!! I need to get more constant on this, but it seems to work. The hardest part for me is not being at the gym, but to get my butt of the couch and just LEAVE. Once i left, I feel great and not tired at all.

    I also drink green tea for energy boost, helps a little too. Good luck!! You will get there. :)
  • Bay has Jujitsu in Greenwood and Em has cheerleading at her school. So, I'd probably be better off just swinging by my house and doing the elliptical for 45 min.
  • yea you can burn about 550 calories on the elliptical in 45 minutes, so that is a great 45 min workout.! if you have small 1-4lb weights try using them instead of the arm pieces. great for toning.
  • Thank you ladies for all of the support, I am pretty determined this time so hopefully it'll get me motivated. I'm still dealing with the loss of my father too, so it'll really help my stress and anger levels as well :frown:
  • Lindsikin
    Lindsikin Posts: 32 Member
    Hey Lisabeth!
    First off I definitely have those days. Im definitely a bit of a cleaning addict though so if we live close I can clean AND workout with you!
    When i need motiviation i get on youtube or just google ... weight loss success stories. I like to see how other people have done it beause they are where i want to be and can offer the best advice. AND i try to find people in my situation. If they can do it I can do it.
    I do turbo fire - my SOUL workout- so I dont want to miss a day of working out. Its a cardio kickboxing kind of workout so it helps with stress. Is there a certain exercise you LOVE to do or are interested in? If someone told me I had to do yoga everyday for exercise I would never go. Look for things you love to do. And its okay to not workout on days where you are super busy. Dont beat yourself up. On days I work I dont workout- and I am okay with that. This is a lifestyle change not an all or nothing, do or die competition.

    Also, the main thing that has helped for me to stay on track is to have people keep me accountable. I love getting on here and checking in with my friends. I also try to put things in my body that give me energy and are good for me. I feel like all these chemicals and processed foods are really whats messing with our emotional and physical structure. I dont have kids but I have 2 nieces that are with me a lot of the time and I have to eat right on the days I have them just to keep up with them. Haha.

    Im so sorry about your father. Stress + anger is never a good combination. If you need a friend to talk to or someone to keep you accountable feel free to message me!
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    You have gym equipment at your house..... but you can't be bothered to work out?
  • Yes, we have an elliptical and some free weights around. Given the choice though, I would rather relax than workout, at home or the gym. Not saying it's the right choice, but when I have free time I'm in the slump of I'd rather relax than do anything else. Regardless of the ease or convenience. Basically laziness... That's what I'm trying to overcome, hence the asking for motivation and support tips. I believe that's what people use this site for @ IronSmasher.
  • That is an inspiring story, thanks for the link.
  • Thank you Lindsikin! It has been rough, but I am pulling out of this slump, as my Dad used to say "One day at a time" :0)
    I love kickboxing, I was really into that about 10 years ago when I lived in Hawaii. I worked at the gym on base and they actually paid to have Behind The Scenes Fitness come from CA to certify us as instructors. It was a week from hell, but well worth it!! My goal is to get back to those days, both mentally and physically!! Thanks again for the encouragement, I appreciate it!
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I agree with the going right after work idea, or with getting up a little early and working out before the kids gets up and your day starts. I did this for a long time, and it worked really well for me. That way I knew that my workout for the day was done, no matter what else might come up. Our schedules shifted a little bit, so now I have to workout at night, but I do miss my morning workouts.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Thank you Lindsikin! It has been rough, but I am pulling out of this slump, as my Dad used to say "One day at a time" :0)
    I love kickboxing, I was really into that about 10 years ago when I lived in Hawaii. I worked at the gym on base and they actually paid to have Behind The Scenes Fitness come from CA to certify us as instructors. It was a week from hell, but well worth it!! My goal is to get back to those days, both mentally and physically!! Thanks again for the encouragement, I appreciate it!

    You could just do that then? Join a class you love, something to make you want to be fit for?

    Also, if you're lacking in motivation, you could make a little list;

    What you would get from working out
    What you get from not working out
    How much you want either of those
    The consequence if you continue with either option
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    Lisabeth, I am sorry about the loss of your father. That is a lot to go through.

    I make it easy on myself. I'm a caregiver and work from my home, so I make sure to have everything I need/want within arm's reach. I've got my mini-bike by my desk, along with my music, table fan, soft weights, towel, and water. (I tried my local gym, but it has no changing room and no shower -- in hot Florida!)

    Exercise actually has become a meditation and an escape for me. In that hour a day (sometimes a bit more) it's just my music and me and working up a good sweat. It has become something that I want to do, not something I feel I have to do.

    The idea is to make your exercise as inviting as the urge to relax. It might mean exercising in a different way than you had in the past, to fit it into the rest of your life. But it is possible!
  • tripn404
    tripn404 Posts: 109 Member
    Best Habit to stick with is getting up in the mornings and getting your workout over with so when you get home from work you caaaaan relax:) which is what i love to's better also to wake up the same time everyday to keep up the habit.

    To me things always come up in the afternoons and ill be more likely to skip a workout ...Nothing ever comes up in the mornings
  • what i do for motivation is i google people that look the way i want to look. then look at myself. that usually helps to put my mind in a better place. i also youtube some videos of people working out. and great music. remember that work will work when nothing else will work. you will be extremely proud of yourself when you achieve your goals. i know i was. for the longest time i would get on and fall off the wagon until i finally decided to make a great month out of november you should do the same for this month. After being consistent for a while it starts to get easier. i promise.