

  • Hi, I haven't had my surgery yet as I am still in the pre - op evalustion phase. My insurance mandates a 90 day wait where I have to attend classes and get clearances from other MD's I already have my PCP's blessing and a clearance from my cardiologist. I've attended the 1st of 3 scheduled counseling sessions/classes. My…
  • Hi, I'm in the same boat as well. It certainly went on much quicker than it comes off. I was actually on here before and fell off the wagon and put on another 20 lbs. Now, I've been diagnosed as diabetic (type 2) and I am thoroughly disgusted with myself! And I know it's my own fault. Hopefully, this time I'll be able to…
  • I had always been led to believe that if you are doing a morning cardio workout, it's OK to do so on an empty stomach (for fat loss) because your glycogen stores are bottomed out when you wake up, so the body goes right for the fat stores for the energy it needs. Is this information wrong?
  • Well....I try not to hate, so let's just say I like you a lot less....hahaha! Actually, although I despise the Sox (it's a requirement if you're a Yankee fan) there are guys on that team that I like....Pedroia - One tough little S.O.B. and Lester - The guy came back from cancer...nuff said.....and Papi - You gotta love…
  • steve1126 3266004_9883_thumb Joined Dec 2010 Posts: 19 Wed 06/08/11 09:00 PM Sure! All the answers would naturally come from a Sox fan!!! I'm just joking, I couldn't help it when I saw the offense! Go Yanks!!!! Edited by steve1126 on Wed 06/08/11 09:01 PM
  • Sure! All the answers would naturally come from a Sox fan!!! I'm just joking, I couldn't help it when I saw the offense! Go Yanks!!!!
  • That's me to a tee also! The only way I've found to beat it is to go to bed early, between 9-10 o'clock!
  • You look terrific !!! Stop worrying and comparing yourself to others your age! If it helps, my 25 year old son thinks you're HOT!
  • I'm 5' 61/2" and 224. I'd like to get to around 165, but I'm more concerned with getting body fat % down to 15% or so. It's a much better indicator of overall health than weight or BMI
  • Hi all :smile: I'm reporting a 3 pound loss this week!!!!
  • Went to the gym this morning to do resistance training. Had a tough back workout, but ut was worth it. I know I'm gonna be sore tomorrow!
  • Hi Tim, I haven't been here all that long, but it is a great site. Tons of really supportive people. Feel free to add me, and all of you who have posted, please add me as well :smile:
  • As far as the other expenses go, you can get pricing for Shakeology on their website. I would get the chin up bar at ****'s Sporting Goods or a Target store, they're much less expensive and require no brackets or drilling holes in your doorway. I wouldn't go all crazy on the supplements especially at first....see if you're…
  • I'm in Texas too, although I moved here from CT. so I'm a little more used to the cold weather than you are. I sometimes force myself to keep drinking water, but even if you're drinking tea, the water content counts! Try a glass of water with each meal, that should help increase your water intake.
  • If you're doing cardio, then mornings on an empty stomach are best. Why? Because you have low glycogen levels in the morning which are used up quickly.. Then, your body goes to the next available source for it's energy, which is fat! So, the result is that your body begins to burn fat sooner resulting in more fat loss in…
  • Hi, I'd like to join if I can also! My start weight was 237 and my current is 231. I like to be below 200 by the end of April for my niece's wedding!
  • 30-45 minutes a day is all you need. Especially if you're doing cardio because after that, you get into an anerobic state, which is what you don't want.
  • Feel free to add me as well. Don't stress over it, just start again. Remember, every day is another opportunity! You will get there!
  • Sounds like the weight loss is going well despite not going to a gym. I hear those Insanity workouts are tough! Good luck with it :) Send a friend request, I could always use some additional encouragement!
  • Hi, I've been on here as well, but not recently. I'm trying to get in the habit of being consistent with this site as it can only help! I'll help you stay motivated if you'll do the same for me :smile: