eat before workout??

i go to the gym most mornings either after doing a sleep in at work or just before going to work. is it good to eat before a workout as ive heard it makes ur matabolism 'wake up' and work after your workout.

e.g. ive had apple and yogourt for breakfast at 7.30am and ill hit the gym at 9am

advice please x


  • jasthespazz
    usually you want your body to be able to grab a hold of something in it's system before you work out. you need the energy after a good night's sleep. eat something smallthough or else you'll have to wait abou an hour to digest before gettig into exercising. an apple sounds great.

    keep up the good work!
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    thank you jas :)
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    I eat complex carbs before and protein afterward.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i don't like to eat alot before a workout, but i like to have something.

    if i'm doing personal training and need energy, i'll ususally have some museli (75g) or a boiled egg and a protein shake to get me through.

    but if i eat too much breaky it makes me feel like i want to throw up exercising on a full stomach.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    yes, it is best to eat something.

    I personally need to be done eating at least 45 minutes before serious cardio (like spin) or I will get heartburn.

    Also good to eat within 10 minutes after--maybe just 1/2 a banana or 1/2 a clif bar, but something.

  • InspoAdam
    InspoAdam Posts: 17 Member
    Nothing wrong with eating before a workout as you will need to get some energy after sleeping. The only real rule here is to make sure it is easily digestible. Basically you are after something that is mainly sugar (quick carbs). As always, avoid processed sugar and go for natural derivatives. You're doing right with fruit/yoghurt. Personally, I would recommend banana as it has a few more calories than an apple and is high in potassium (good for working out as it help with stamina). Fruit juice is also good. One approach could be to have some fruit or fruit juice before working out and then "finish" your breakfast afterwards with something more balanced to take you through the rest of the morning. This last point is actually quite important as the problem with quick carbs is that they enter your system quickly and also leave quickly which bottoms out your blood sugar level and makes you feel very hungry. To combat the hunger pangs, your post workout food should be lower in sugar and higher in complex carbs (e.g. cereal, toast etc.). If you are feeling particularly brave, increase the protein and reduce the carbs as this will give your body the correct calories to repair from the work out (protein) but deny it carbs which will force it to burn fat. Be warned though, you will never feel more hungry in your life. :o/

    As you are waiting 1.5hrs after eating before hitting the gym, you could probably get away with having a full breakfast as you may find that the effect of only having quick carbs will be gone after 1.5 hours and you will not feel any benefit from having them in the first place. An alternative approach could be to wait until 20-30 minutes prior to you work out before eating as that will synchronise the release of energy with your work out.

    Don't worry, if you get it wrong, your body will tell you by making you feel lethargic (too little energy) or by giving you stomach cramps (eaten too much or the wrong food).

    I do need to point out that I am not an nutritional expert/healthcare professional which means that the advice above is probably worth what you paid for it. :o)

    Take care
  • steve1126
    steve1126 Posts: 22
    yes, it is best to eat something.

    I personally need to be done eating at least 45 minutes before serious cardio (like spin) or I will get heartburn.

    Also good to eat within 10 minutes after--maybe just 1/2 a banana or 1/2 a clif bar, but something.


    I had always been led to believe that if you are doing a morning cardio workout, it's OK to do so on an empty stomach (for fat loss) because your glycogen stores are bottomed out when you wake up, so the body goes right for the fat stores for the energy it needs. Is this information wrong?
  • fittraier
    fittraier Posts: 138
    find a nice power bar or something. I teach at 5:30 AM and i have a detour bar 30 min before.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    yes, it is best to eat something.

    I personally need to be done eating at least 45 minutes before serious cardio (like spin) or I will get heartburn.

    Also good to eat within 10 minutes after--maybe just 1/2 a banana or 1/2 a clif bar, but something.


    I had always been led to believe that if you are doing a morning cardio workout, it's OK to do so on an empty stomach (for fat loss) because your glycogen stores are bottomed out when you wake up, so the body goes right for the fat stores for the energy it needs. Is this information wrong?

    For years I taught 530 am spin on Thurs and 600 am on Fri and I barely got out of bed in time to get there, much less eat before. I would always eat immediately afterward though. I am one who needs that 45 minutes to digest before I do spin.

    However, my classes are later now (thank God)! so I eat immediately upon waking, since I do have that luxury of time now. I do believe it is best to eat beforehand (especially carbs), but of course those early morning workouts may prevent it if you love your sleep like I do.