CrystalZ2012 Member


  • I am here too. Doesn’t seem like there is much support on this site for this issue.
  • The new Cool Whip frostings have 60 cals per tablespoon, so if you're needing something a bit junkier than plain cool whip, than this will work great without undoing all your hard work.
  • Google the words on the bottom of the statue and use the image section. Maybe that will tell you the location of the statue?
  • :laugh: I didn't get it either at first.
  • If my husband came in here, and I thought he was flirting and playing around, yeah I would get jealous. Thats why he has all my passwords and I have his. Never had a reason to worry though. lol Maybe put your wife on your friends list and talk to her?
  • Listen to your body and eat on the days when you are hungrier than usual. Also pay attention to the type of food you're eating as well. Eat whole grains and more protien, and less empty carb foods to fell fuller. Try to avoid eating less than 1200 calories though. If you work out, eat more. :)
  • I've been on the receving end of a lot of hurtful fat comments. I forget that the comments on being thin can be just as mean. :cry:
  • Same with mine as well. My mom gave me my grandmothers rings to wear and I loved wearing them till I got too big to wear the solitaire anymore, and than to my utter dimay, the band snapped on the bottom of the wedding band and I couldn't wear that anymore either. My husband just bought me the rings in my profile picture.…
  • I hate Voxer!! Its avalible for iPhone too, and its bascily an instant voice walkie talkie kind of deal. Only thing is, random people popped up on my list that I didn't know and I couldn't figure out how to erase my old messages. Everytime someone sent me a new message, it scrolled through all the old ones first.
  • Bleach...or possibly Nair. lol Might not have been the prettiest girl in the room ever, but at least I never had an issue with this! lol
  • I would buy an RV so we could go on road trips. I'd buy a nice house not just for me, but one for my husbands ex wife and daughter as well, so that no matter what finacial situation any of us got into, we'd never have to leave this town we live in. :)
  • I agree that if she is breaking dress code, than he has a right to fire her. The article shows he took issue with her tight clothing and she refused to change that. I don't think its necessary to wear clothes so tight that you can tell if a dime in your pocket is heads or tails. There are plenty of classy ways to dress and…
  • I'd ask him what happened and what set his dad off. If his dad was drunk, than it probably would have been a waste of breath for your SO to say anything back.
  • What?? Wow.....:noway: Putting it that way makes it sound like its her fault, and she should just stop making her brother hit her. I'm hoping that isn't what you meant. No one EVER deserves to be beaten up for any reason.
  • Maybe using Stevia and fat free whip and cream cheese, the calories could be lowered quite a bit. However, I'd just make it as is and have it as my once a month cheat treat! I ♥ peanut butter!!!
  • :noway: What??? People don't know who she is? Go rent Dreamgirls and get her CD asap!! I love her voice. It doesn't matter who says what about her. It comes down to what is right for her at the time. She wants to lose weight? Go for it! She looks amazing too!
  • The only way to eat them! :drinker:
  • Does this mean I can have cake on the 20th and no one can judge me? Don't want to die knowing I could have had that slice of cake.:laugh:
  • Bake them and than make healthy skin on homefries for breakfast. Also you can use them for soup. Cook and freeze what you can't eat right now, and you'll have potatoes for a long time!
  • Have the ranch. Just have a small amount on the side and dip your fork into it. You eat a lot less dressing that way, and there is Ranch on each forkfull of salad.