Annaduurai Member


  • All day I have thought about cake and pie. My DH has been on a business trip for 3 days and is coming home tonight. It always helps having him here to keep my mind from going there. me: 3 Binge: 1 Binge free: 3
  • I had been doing well for a few weeks then yesterday I saw a box of cereal bars sitting in the room. They are there everyday but yesterday they were THERE. They are for my DH breakfast otw to work. I am not sure why suddenly they started calling my name, but they did. I ate one (which is 1/3 of my carb count for the day)…
  • I don't log foraged foods I eat. I would but many are not in the database. I also forget to log spices. Everything else I log.
  • I did the raw diet thing for a few months and did decent on it, then I craved meat so badly I of course went overboard and ate it indiscriminately. I was still losing weight so it was all good til the test results came back from the doc. I am trying to not feel defeated and just become more determined. We started growing…
  • I also use almond milk. Mostly because Milk has 12g of carbs per serving and Almond milk has 1 and 1 fiber as well. Net carbs are 0. It also has less calories so I can have it and it doesn't use a bunch of my caloric allowance for the day. I want to point out all fat is not equal, the fat in almond milk is good fat, while…
    in Milk? Comment by Annaduurai January 2013
  • 4 months after my 2nd child was born I was smaller than I am now but bigger than the size 5 (at 5'11") when I met my husband, I overheard my X mother in law and my X-husband talking privately. I heard her say "You deserve a skinny wife, give her an ultimatum" This woman was a licensed psychologist! I never received the…
  • I think the set amount of carbs is more a maximum than a minimum.
  • Once you go a few weeks without processed carbs you won't have the cravings anymore. Except when you blow it and eat them again restarting the process.
  • People aren't breathing in my fat, and I am not sitting on their babies. Just sayin'
  • With insurance 50 strips cost me $20. It's funny because I can go to Ebay and get them for $20 without insurance. Bleh
  • you can get a meter on ebay for $20 and the strips are about 20 there too. I sugest you get a meter asap. It will teach you soo much! I keep my carbs at 15% which is around 20 per meal and try to make half of them fiber carbs. It will be difficult at first, I actually had withdrawls from carbs when I started out. a few…
  • I have my carbs set at 15% which is around 62 per day 20 per meal. MFP automatically changes your proteins and fats when you change the carbs. It is about right now, except I have a tough time reaching my protein and staying under fats. /shrug.
  • To my knowledge the Fat is all types together.
  • Personally I am not on meds and control my blood sugar with diet. A potato with no meds to balance out my glucose spikes my blood sugar up and I physically feel ill. I am not on high fat but not on low fat. I try to eat as many low fat things as possible while keeping my carbs down. I don't typically have an issue with…
  • My Fiance' is a gamer, but so am I. I met him in a game 8 years ago. We used to play too much now we play in moderation. I am glad we share interests, I cannot imagine being separate in our winding down/relaxation time. As for sex, I think about it a lot more than he does. Ohh if only he thought about sex every 14 seconds.…
  • I have 3 kids and we took in another for 3 years. My daughter will be 21 in Feb, my son's are 19 and 18. We took in another boy who was 15 at the time and is now 19. Now they have all gone off to college with the exception of my youngest who is still in high school. He is 18 now and divides his time between his Dad's and…
  • One day, one step, one bite at a time.
  • my starting weight was 264 I have a very long road ahead of me. Feel free to add me.
  • I love my coffee! I make a latte' every morning with almond milk (and my wonderful frothier) I either add a bit of Stevia or Sugar free syrup to it. 2 cups of coffee with 1/2 cup each Almond milk is only 40 calories. and 1 carb!
  • Mmmmmm God those look good! I miss sugar /pout
  • There is a recipe section for that. You can add all of your ingredients and it gives you the nutritional value for your meal. I figured you would have been using that, i mean since your little miss perfect and all.
  • When i was a size 5 and a bit too skinny I had D's Now I wear an F I don't think they will shrink too much but it would be nice if I could wear clothes that smaller breasted women wear without looking like a slut or like your wearing a tent.
  • Feel free to add me. I have been there! He has been my X-husband for 9 years.
  • Go to your doctor and have him test you for insulin resistance or diabetes. I had the same issues and found out I was diabetic. Don't want to scare you, but don't wait go find out. At least your already on track wanting to lose weight you will need to go low carbs but you will feel so much better.
  • I make my own Latte' with unsweetened almond milk and sugar free syrup. Almond milk brings the calories down quite a bit add some fiber and lowers the carbs significantly. 2 cups end up being 46 calories with only 1g carb and 1g fiber.
  • Carbs are addictive, corn syrup carbs add a whole new level to that addiction.
  • I am a gamer. Met my Fiance' in DAoC then we played WoW together for about 6 years, SWTOR was good for about 8 months, now we are playing GW2. :)
  • Glad to see someone else gets it :)
  • My parents try to sabotage me, i think out of jealousy or guilt. They are overweight my mom hugely so and it has effected her health to the point that eating the way she does is risking her life. I think they know they should be doing better but they don't want to give up their addictions (carbs and sweets) to do it. They…