callistasky Member


  • By far the best is It allows you to adjust the meals to your tastes adn all the users leave reviews of the recipes, so you can see how they made adjustments. The only food blogger I follow is Her stuff is super healthy and very cheap.
  • I am similar to you, except I don't ever lose weight, I just gained it. I've lost over 40 lbs though. I brought out my 10 year old skinny clothes, so I still have stuff that fits me. I am super low income and don't have much money to spare for clothes. I did treat myself to a rockin thrift store dress which makes me look…
  • I'm a huge fan of bananas now. It's cheap and for me way more filling than an apple or an orange. It lasts longer too. If I have a banana as a snack, I'm usually good for a couple hours on an empty stomach. An apple? 30 min maybe 45. I use it as my go to snack food. No refrigeration needed, no packaging, cheap and I can…
  • Want to know a trick? Tape a plastic bag over your smoke detector. Be sure to cover all the corners edges. Open a window (or not) and cook. For safety, always watch your pans, never leave it unattended and always remove the bag after you are done. I learned this trick from smokers, but it works. Honestly, college is all…
  • The S stands for sodium. I generally retain for anything that has lots of sodium in it: soy sauce, fish sauce, many many condiments are incredibly high in sodium see ketchup.
  • When I first joined, I worked out for 2 months straight before I started to lose. People said something about my body realizing that this was not a fight or flight situation, but regular activity. Don't eat too little or else you get overly fatigued and hangry. Stick with it. Also, if you are having a hard time at 1200…
  • I had a higher BMI than you did when I first. Started at the beginning of the year. My BMI is now 29, under morbidly obese. I did it through exercise and getting an understanding of what are healthy foods ( whole grains, lean proteins, fruits veggies) and serving size and calories ( mostly understanding that grains even if…
  • My scale wouldnt read btw properly until I got to 193lbs. Just FYI to others.
  • I drink both hot and cold tea. For cold tea, I brew my own sun tea with whatever brand is on sale Luzianne/ Lipton whatever ( but I really like the expensive bulk tea I buy but it costs 10x as much). I drink cold tea instead of water, because I quicky become bored of water and then start hating it. Now, I drink iced tea…
  • I find bananas are more filling for longer than apples, peaches, oranges or any other fruit availible year round. I can eat those lower calorie foods, but they don't last as long. Also, I sometimes eat a banana before heading to the gym after work because I can work for longer and not be hangry afterwards before dinner…
    in Bananas Comment by callistasky June 2013
  • About 3 months. I went to the gym 6-7 days a week for 2 months before I lost a pound. It sucks, but if you hang in there, the weight really starts to drop off.
  • My mom got the sleeve, but she failed to change her eating habits or lifestyle and gained most of her weight back.
  • In the USA, corn is a "whole grain". Companies use it as a cheap additive to list their foods as whole grain. Check the label, if the first or second ingredient is corn stay away. Corn isn't terribly nutritious and while I love a good summer corn on the cob, or popped popcorn to take the edge off my hunger, there are…
  • For me, I don't not eat things that makes me crave them more! I do eat less of items. Instead of potatoes, I have cauliflower, or maybe some farro or similar grain. I found that I gradually cut back on the items by trading other things for them. I used to eat toast for breakfast, not I have eggs or yogurt because the…
  • I'm 210 and carry most of my weight in my bust ( my fiancée loves it) and I wear a size 18. I'm about to go down a size though as 18s are roomy.
  • Dont eat much in the way of carbs, I don't eat dairy (lactose intolerant) eat lots of kale, lettuce, squash and rarely eat red meat.... I'm doing all the right things. Its so frustrating.
  • Bummer. Thanks. You said where you carry your weight is basically genetic. Any hints on how much one can lose before seeing loss in an area? Any one with experience here?
  • Just a little bit about me: I am of a very healthy mind(read I love myself). I usually base my fitness on goals that are not weight based since I find that gaining weight, even a lb or two can be utterly demoralizing. It's more like when I go to Yosemite I want to hike for this amount of hours. I was 229 when I started in…
  • You can definitely see it in your face. Good luck, you look great!
  • Wow. That looks amazing and like so much work. Good for you. It's also a good example of how much weight loss looks on a shorter frame. Thanks for posting