Filipino college students food problem? (recipe)

Hi :) I'm a fresh college student and typically, I stay at a dormitory. Unfortunately, our dormitory don't have a refrigerator and oven. Though I have an electric stove and a frying pan and pots and a rice-cooker. I'm sick of fast foods and also carinderia foods :( I want to make my own food but having restrictions (can't cook a food that might cause smoke. The smoke detector is kind of sensitive) I am struggling with recipes, specifically Filipino recipes. Do you guys know any easy-to-make recipes (Like maybe pancakes with a little twist XD? and ministop, tindahan, palengke, accessible?)

*I'm still trying to figure out where the market is around where I stay :)) Do you guys know any palengke around UST? XD*



  • callistasky
    callistasky Posts: 26 Member
    Want to know a trick? Tape a plastic bag over your smoke detector. Be sure to cover all the corners edges. Open a window (or not) and cook. For safety, always watch your pans, never leave it unattended and always remove the bag after you are done. I learned this trick from smokers, but it works. Honestly, college is all about making things work even if its not kosher per se.