UKMarjie Member


  • I have two small kids so after every work out my reward is showering at the gym without someone screaming: "Moooom!" at me. In terms of long term rewards - I sign up for events that are fitness related or buy myself gear. I bought a size small leather jacket when I first lost my weight.
  • It might also be a good idea to go and see a doctor to manage your pain. I used to get terrible menstrual pain (still worked out though as it helped reduce the pain) - but luckily over time your system seems to change - (post baby, pre-menopause) so you won't be stuck with it for your whole life. Buck up and see someone…
  • I burn about 800 - 500 on the Jacobs ladder, run 2km and then I do strength training and some work on the monkey bars they have there.
  • Running and Jacob's ladder. But in the immortal words of Rhett Butler - Frankly my dear I don't give a damn! <that is not my every day motto but it is on high holidays. Which incidentally only last for ONE day. That is the key. If you do a splurge then you need to be sure it is one day and not all the days ever. Log it.…
  • The bonus of being Canadian is that you don't have the two big eating holidays right on each other. I feel sorry for Americans - if you go overboard for Thanksgiving there, you hardly have any time to readjust before Christmas and new year are upon you. We have like a month or of time to get our house in order before…
  • Last year Thanksgiving and Christmas freaked me out. This year I realized that I can always lose anything I gain back. No big. That being said, after a year of this lifestyle my choices are different and I don't do the quantity that I did last year. It won't be such a hardship because I have been through the holiday cycle…
  • First I am like: wha???! Then I was like: Oh yeah! Glass house! Now: Laughing Momma needs her baby to sleep through the night or interwebz jokes be too hard!
  • That would be nice.
  • My thing is the snoopervisor types - you know, that hover over you while you make selections or are actually eating verifying that you are 'doing it right' or 'keeping on the straight and narrow'. I have lost 38 lbs so far. Maintained for 2 months over the summer and then decided to go down a bit more after that. I've got…
  • There is nothing like motivation (gym time) and dedication (like being accountable for your calories) to help you lose weight. Other than that - everything else is a gimmick. I did the silly green coffee thing for a bit - it was a mental exercise rather than an efficient weight loss strategy - I wanted something to 'help'…
  • This makes me happy. Also, why do people have to summon the kraken? If you don't like internet trolls ignore them. Egregious harassment à la experience of Anita Sarkeesian, yes. The rest - don't be whistling for the devil.
  • Cool beans indeed. I am really proud of all of your efforts - and looking at your profile page today have to say that your motivations are inspiring and honourable! Go you! I am super impressed with how much you and Ms D have lost. Well done you! Any new and exciting habits to report?
  • I am training for a local 10KM in Edmonton - so sure. Swap stories and ideas! ;) M:flowerforyou:
  • I did mention that I love running right? Sorry I waffled on a bit there but am VERY enthusiastic about it... Not that you could tell...
  • Running strategies are often really helpful. When I first started to run I was doing the 10 and 1s system. You alternate walking and running, ( The merit of this system is that for a new runner you will be less discouraged because of being in a structure, get a…
  • Welcome to being a woman - where people feel free to comment about your body and discuss your body with you. If you are overweight they tell you about it, if you are thin they tell you about it. We are public property in general (look at celebrity gossip mags and how many lines of print are devoted to dissecting the bodies…
  • One group of people we can genuinely saying are saboteurs are parents who are feeding their kids bad quantities, low nutritional value foods and encouraging bad choices. For THOSE people I say the gloves should be off! As to the rest. Having a relationship issue is not the same as having someone sabotage you. You don't…
  • Even water - which doesn't seem stronger than rock - when it falls repeatedly on the rock's surface, will bore a hole through it. If you hear negative comments repeated constantly it will work on you. This is not a sign of weakness but an observation on the nature of things - just like seeing the hole in the rock. I agree…
  • I would like to run a half marathon and participate in a Tough Mudder. Am currently at 10KM as of yesterday (go me!!! NSV!). So only another 11 KM to go. LOL. And to the original poster: my Mum passed of Breast Cancer and I am doing a run of 5KM in her honour. There is a 1KM walk in the Walk for a Cure - bet there is a…
  • My diet was pretty simple. I had a couple of different calorie settings per day. I always intended to eat healthier and to learn about portions (something I feel is routinely under taught/learned in western countries). Being hungry is not something to fear - it is a healthy sign that you are getting ready to eat. I try not…
  • I posted twice by accident - if you find my other post I put the work out I do there. The diet is just keeping with my numbers on here. Believe it or not I was on about 1500 to 1600 so nothing too radical. Good luck chickie! I did it in 6-7 months.
  • OK. Legs. I used to actually run 30 k a week but then I got very ill (brain surgery), and had a miscarriage and a baby and gained a gazillion pounds (these are the ones I am willing to show - when I was pregnant I was literally a sphere...absurd weight gain) so I went back to running after my son was born (2 year after…
  • Thanks. I feel like a doofus - couldn't find this post so did it again above. Now I look like an attention seeker. Ooops. Seeing it on the screen is helping.
  • I am running 5KM in 30 minutes - exactly 18 less than I did last year. The big deal for me is that I injured both my feet (plantar fasciitis when I started because of my weight, because I was running just after pregnancy and because I had bad shoes) and now one of my feet is healed whilst the other seems to be improving.…
  • Some weight training. I am doing planks as well for core and if you do some upper body you will be able to do a spartan or a tough mudder some day. ;)
  • My first thought was: HOLY F(CK...LOL Now I am thinking that would knock me on my *kitten*. LOL
  • One word: children. I have two. I remember my childhood with my overweight mother - who then became my overweight and chronically ill mother. Part of her issue was the unhealthy lifestyle she led and part eventually became side effects of her medicine. My family never really rained it in - although my Dad did control his…
  • If you aren't hungry don't eat. It isn't a bad thing that your appetite is decreasing - that's what got me in trouble - a huge appetite...don't know about you...
  • You do not talk about Fight Club... Seriously, I have found that talking about diets with people who don't ask you specifically what you are doing and how they can get similar results is pointless. They just don't really want to know - or they want to hear it was super easy. In some sense it is super easy: if you are ready…