

  • I will look into the strength training programs and the weight has come on gradually over the 2 months i have upped my calorie intake so it is probably fat, sadly
  • I usually do 50 min. of pilates with 20 minutes on the elliptical. I didn't realize how inaccurate the measuring cups were! I will try to also incorporate exercise with free weights. One more question, is the weight that i have gained fat, or water? Thanks for all the replies so far i really appreciate it! :)
  • I used to under eat alot and realized how it was harmful to my well-being. I now try to eat back all my exercise calories but stay under what MFP says so that i can lose 1 pound a week. Ever since upping my calories i have gained back almost all the pounds i lost by eating 1200 calories or under and i do measure my…
  • Right now i am 5'6 and i weight 136 pounds my goal is to be around 125 - 120, but mainly to see muscle definition, whatever weight that may be.
  • Usually in the morning after I go to the bathroom. Could it be the sugar?
  • Pants seem tighter and scale says bigger numbers.. :(
  • I usually do level 2 elevation and level 3 resistance for 30 minutes and burn 300 calories so for 35 minutes you might burn more
  • The scooby workshop site says my TDEE is 2282.. what do i do with this information?
  • Thank you!! Very Helpful :)
  • My advice would to try to not eat so much processed food. Your much better off eating fruits and vegetables as well as lean meats and healthy fats. You will be able to eat more for less calories. Why not give clean eating a try? Good Luck!
  • haha i wish i was your kind of freak of nature!
  • large cup of tea and some sugar free pudding or jello! low calorie if i eat alot of it!
  • Thank you all!! So helpful and reassuring! For those concerned I would eventually like to up my calorie intake even more but i don't want to do so all at once! Thanks again :)
  • We have all had these moments! Don't worry about it at all :) Learn from how you feel now, in this moment and think about it when you get the feeling to binge. Allow yourself small bites of the food you like and try to have frequent meals to keep you full and help you say no to the unhealthy foods that taunt you. Don't…
  • Try working out in the morning so that you can add your calories burned into MFP early on in the day. This way you can spend all your calories accordingly throughout the day! With still losing weight of course :) Good Luck!
  • Ok will do thanks for the reply! :)