

  • eelizabethk
    I usually do 50 min. of pilates with 20 minutes on the elliptical. I didn't realize how inaccurate the measuring cups were! I will try to also incorporate exercise with free weights. One more question, is the weight that i have gained fat, or water? Thanks for all the replies so far i really appreciate it! :)
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    Right now i am 5'6 and i weight 136 pounds my goal is to be around 125 - 120, but mainly to see muscle definition, whatever weight that may be.


    Would you consider a weight lifting program? Perhaps another strength training approach like a serious body weight regime? You will need to reduce body fat while maintaining your lean body mass and that occurs through a combination of resistance training and getting enough protein.

    This too. :smile: I recommend Stronglifts 5x5
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I usually do 50 min. of pilates with 20 minutes on the elliptical. I didn't realize how inaccurate the measuring cups were! I will try to also incorporate exercise with free weights. One more question, is the weight that i have gained fat, or water? Thanks for all the replies so far i really appreciate it! :)

    It's hard to tell, to be honest. It probably is a little bit of both.

    If you want good starting lifting programs, try "Starting Strength," "Strong Lifts 5 x 5," or "The New Rules of Lifting for Women."
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I usually do 50 min. of pilates with 20 minutes on the elliptical. I didn't realize how inaccurate the measuring cups were! I will try to also incorporate exercise with free weights. One more question, is the weight that i have gained fat, or water? Thanks for all the replies so far i really appreciate it! :)

    If it came on overnight and then goes down it's most likely water. If it creeps up gradually it's more likely fat. The best way to tell is to watch the trend over time.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I usually do 50 min. of pilates with 20 minutes on the elliptical. I didn't realize how inaccurate the measuring cups were! I will try to also incorporate exercise with free weights. One more question, is the weight that i have gained fat, or water? Thanks for all the replies so far i really appreciate it! :)

    It's hard to tell, to be honest. It probably is a little bit of both.

    If you want good starting lifting programs, try "Starting Strength," "Strong Lifts 5 x 5," or "The New Rules of Lifting for Women."

    All of this too.

    Be forewarned that starting a lifting program will make your muscles retain water for repairs.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    I usually do 50 min. of pilates with 20 minutes on the elliptical. I didn't realize how inaccurate the measuring cups were! I will try to also incorporate exercise with free weights. One more question, is the weight that i have gained fat, or water? Thanks for all the replies so far i really appreciate it! :)

    At this point, I'm leaning more towards the probability that you've been over-estimating your portions and it's a true gain mixed with a bit of water retention. Could be wrong though... No worries, it takes a while to find the right way of doing it that works for you. It'll get easier.
  • eelizabethk
    I will look into the strength training programs and the weight has come on gradually over the 2 months i have upped my calorie intake so it is probably fat, sadly
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I usually do 50 min. of pilates with 20 minutes on the elliptical. I didn't realize how inaccurate the measuring cups were! I will try to also incorporate exercise with free weights. One more question, is the weight that i have gained fat, or water? Thanks for all the replies so far i really appreciate it! :)

    It's hard to tell, to be honest. It probably is a little bit of both.

    If you want good starting lifting programs, try "Starting Strength," "Strong Lifts 5 x 5," or "The New Rules of Lifting for Women."

    All of this too.

    Be forewarned that starting a lifting program will make your muscles retain water for repairs.

    ^ All of this. Definitely do not get frustrated if you see some puffiness the first few weeks of lifting. It will most assuredly go away with time and you will slim down.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I will look into the strength training programs and the weight has come on gradually over the 2 months i have upped my calorie intake so it is probably fat, sadly

    I wouldn't stress it. Just follow the points above, work hard at the gym, and it will all come together.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    I will look into the strength training programs and the weight has come on gradually over the 2 months i have upped my calorie intake so it is probably fat, sadly

    You have a wonderful canvas to work with...dont are young...I wish I had started at your age.:smile:
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I usually do 50 min. of pilates with 20 minutes on the elliptical. I didn't realize how inaccurate the measuring cups were! I will try to also incorporate exercise with free weights. One more question, is the weight that i have gained fat, or water? Thanks for all the replies so far i really appreciate it! :)

    It's hard to tell, to be honest. It probably is a little bit of both.

    If you want good starting lifting programs, try "Starting Strength," "Strong Lifts 5 x 5," or "The New Rules of Lifting for Women."

    All of this too.

    Be forewarned that starting a lifting program will make your muscles retain water for repairs.

    ^ All of this. Definitely do not get frustrated if you see some puffiness the first few weeks of lifting. It will most assuredly go away with time and you will slim down.

    All of this above and I might add lifting is going to effect body composition overtime to the point the little bit of weight gain you have seen may become a mute point.. My goal when I start at 560 lbs. was to get to 230 lbs. but 11 months ago I went into maintenance ahead of my body lift surgery and have been in maintenance since at 250 lbs. because the progress I have made in the weight room has been greater than anything I could have seen on the scale... My weight has been the same the past 11 months but I went from 38 inch waist jeans to comfortably fitting in 36 in. jeans.... and I might add I only weigh in once a month when I was on the scale 2 or 3 times a week... Best of Luck