Low Calories/Exercise help.

Hey everyone. So my daily calorie intake is 1,200, as you would probably guess it's hard not to go over 1,200 calories, especially since going under is kind of unhealthy. Is there anyway i can still lose weight but go over 1,200 calories? I'm kind of confused here.

Part two of my question is exercise. Are there any simple at home exercises that i can do to burn fat? I cant afford to buy machinery or dvd's for exercise workouts, I barely make enough to pay car insurance ><

Any help would be appreciated, thank you.


  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Did you select 2 lbs a week weight loss goal? If so you have a 1,000 calorie deficit everyday built in so even if you go over every day you can still lose weight. If you're set to lose 1 lb a week you've got a 500 calorie deficit everyday. You're also supposed to be eating back intentional exercise calories to net your goal. So if you go for a walk and burn 100 calories you eat those.

    Exercise wise, walking/jogging require no special investment. Body weight workouts or Youtube videos would work too.
  • If you exercise you're suppose to eat back some calories too so you can eat more that way and still lose. My cable company has free little videos of fitness things... Maybe yours does? Or the Internet has great stuff, or I've found free apps in the app store(idk if you have an iDevice tho?)
  • Try working out in the morning so that you can add your calories burned into MFP early on in the day. This way you can spend all your calories accordingly throughout the day! With still losing weight of course :) Good Luck!
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    Jump rope, calisthenics. Pushups jumping jacks etc. Lift with different sized cans. Squats are great
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    Of course you can lose weight by eating more than 1200 calories :smile: . Every individual has their own calorie need. A small deficit will make you lose slower but you have a better chance in retaining your lean body mass. A large deficit will make you lose faster but there is a good chance you will burn more muscle than you want. The key is to lose weight but retain as much muscle as possible so that you can lower your bodyfat percentage and have a nice physique. If you lose mostly muscle while losing weight, your bodyfat percentage will go up and at your goal weight you wont be toned and have a nice stomich and all that good stuff.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Change your loss goal...and remember to eat back your exercise calories. Ans speaking of exercise...just put on some shoes and take a walk. Its great exercise!
  • Apatheticme93
    Apatheticme93 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks everyone for the suggestions :) Walking is a good idea, I'm pretty insecure so i never liked walking around the neighborhood, but I guess i should change that habit. Yes my plan was set to lose 2 Ib's a week, but even when i put it at 1 Ib a week its still 1,200. I think this is because i'm only 5'0. I just hate seeing those red numbers when i go over my limit. It makes me think i'm failing.